Aktuelle Publikationen

Auf dieser Seite finden Sie die chronologisch geordneten Veröffentlichungen unserer Wissenschaftler*innen aus den vergangenen Jahren.

Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

  • Artikel
  • Buch
  • Dissertation
  • Studien- / Abschlussarbeit
  • Tagungsbericht
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20 / 4358
  • Bauer, Michael W.; Knill, Christoph; Eckhard, Steffen (Hrsg.) (2017): International Bureaucracy : Challenges and Lessons for Public Administration Research

    International Bureaucracy : Challenges and Lessons for Public Administration Research


    This book applies established analytical concepts such as influence, authority, administrative styles, autonomy, budgeting and multilevel administration to the study of international bureaucracies and their political environment. It reflects on the commonalities and differences between national and international administrations and carefully constructs the impact of international administrative tools on policy making. The book shows how the study of international bureaucracies can fertilize interdisciplinary discourse, in particular between International Relations, Comparative Government and Public Administration. The book makes a forceful argument for Public Administration to take on the challenge of internationalization.

  • Rozenas, Arturas; Schutte, Sebastian; Zhukov, Yuri (2017): The Political Legacy of Violence : The Long-Term Impact of Stalin's Repression in Ukraine Journal of Politics. 2017, 79(4), pp. 1147-1161. ISSN 0022-3816. eISSN 1468-2508. Available under: doi: 10.1086/692964

    The Political Legacy of Violence : The Long-Term Impact of Stalin's Repression in Ukraine


    Political scientists have long been interested in how indiscriminate violence affects the behavior of its victims, yet most research has focused on short-term military consequences rather than long-term political effects. We argue that large-scale violence can have an intergenerational impact on political preferences. Communities more exposed to indiscriminate violence in the past will—in the future—oppose political forces they associate with the perpetrators of that violence. We document evidence for this claim with archival data on Soviet state violence in western Ukraine, where Stalin’s security services suppressed a nationalist insurgency by deporting over 250,000 people to Siberia. Using two causal identification strategies, we show that communities subjected to a greater intensity of deportation in the 1940s are now significantly less likely to vote for “pro-Russian” parties. These findings show that indiscriminate violence systematically reduces long-term political support for the perpetrator.

  • Rudolph, Lukas (2017): Die Münchner Ergebnisse im Bundes- und Landesvergleich : Ein Ude-Effekt in München? KLIMA, André, ed., Helmut KÜCHENHOFF, ed., Mirjam SELZER, ed., Paul W. THURNER, ed.. Exit Polls und Hybrid-Modelle : Ein neuer Ansatz zur Modellierung von Wählerwanderungen. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2017, pp. 21-35. ISBN 978-3-658-15673-2. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-15674-9_2

    Die Münchner Ergebnisse im Bundes- und Landesvergleich : Ein Ude-Effekt in München?


    Kapitel 2 ordnet die Wahlergebnisse in München zu den Bundes- und Landtagswahlen seit 1994 in den deutschland- bzw. bayernweiten Trend ein. Es zeigt sich, dass durchschnittliche Wahlbeteiligung und Stimmenanteile von SPD und CSU in München sehr eng den durchschnittlichen Ergebnissen im Bund bzw. in Bayern folgen. Daraus lässt sich die Hypothese ableiten, dass Wählerwanderungen in München vergleichbar auch in anderen Wahlorten der Bundesrepublik, zumindest aber Bayerns, beobachtbar sein sollten. Abweichungen vom bayernweiten Trend sind durch spezielle Dynamiken des Wahlkampfes erklärbar. Mittels eines Difference-in-Differences-Designs wird gezeigt, dass 2013 bei der Landtagswahl in München ein Kandidateneffekt des ehemaligen Münchner Oberbürgermeisters und SPD-Spitzenkandidaten Christian Ude vorliegt: Dieser Kandidateneffekt wirkt sich spezifisch auf den SPD-Zweitstimmenanteil aus, der dadurch 5 Prozentpunkte über dem allgemeinen SPD-Trend liegt. Der „Ude-Effekt“ geht vermutlich v.a. auf Grünen-Wähler zurück, die ihre Stimme zugunsten Christian Udes gesplittet haben. Theoretisch lässt sich dies als Spill-Over eines Amtsinhaberbonus erklären. Dieses aus den Aggregatdaten gewonnene Ergebnis deckt sich mit der Wählerwanderungsanalyse der Exit Poll-Studie zu Wechselwahlverhalten und -gründen auf Individualebene.

  • Kroll, Daniela A. (2017): Book Review: Independence and Legitimacy in the Institutional System of the European Union, edited by D. Ritleng Journal of Common Market Studies. 2017, 55(6), pp. 1454-1455. ISSN 0021-9886. eISSN 1468-5965. Available under: doi: 10.1111/jcms.12670

    Book Review: Independence and Legitimacy in the Institutional System of the European Union, edited by D. Ritleng



  • Rathgeb, Philip; Wolkenstein, Fabio (2017): Third-way à la française : What do Macron's reforms involve and how likely are they to succeed? The London School of Economics and Political Science : LSE

    Third-way à la française : What do Macron's reforms involve and how likely are they to succeed?



    dc.contributor.author: Wolkenstein, Fabio

  • Sager, Fritz; Thomann, Eva (2017): Multiple streams in member state implementation : politics, problem construction and policy paths in Swiss asylum policy Journal of Public Policy. Cambridge University Press. 2017, 37(3), pp. 287-314. ISSN 0143-814X. eISSN 1469-7815. Available under: doi: 10.1017/S0143814X1600009X

    Multiple streams in member state implementation : politics, problem construction and policy paths in Swiss asylum policy


    This article applies the multiple streams approach to a multilevel implementation setting to analyse why Swiss member states enabled the labour market integration of asylum seekers between 2000 and 2003. It argues for integrating the social construction of target groups into the problem stream, and complementing the policy stream with inherited policy paths. A fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis reveals that institutionalised policy paths trump politics in explaining the enabling of labour market integration of asylum seekers. Conversely, a weak political left combined with negative problem constructions aces out policy paths in explaining restrictions of labour market integration. The results illustrate how social constructions influence problem framing. Historical institutionalism theory helps us understand how inherited policy logics feed back with actors’ problem perceptions. Because of the parallels in their multilevel systems, political contexts and problem pressures, this historical case offers salient lessons for the refugee crisis in the European Union today.

  • Proksik, Joschka J. (2017): The European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo : a capsized flagship? VAN DUYNE, Petrus C., ed., Jackie HARVEY, ed., Georgios A. ANTONOPOULOS, ed., Klaus VON LAMPE, ed.. The many Faces of Crime for Profit and Ways of Tackling it. Oisterwijk: Wolf Legal Publishers, 2017, pp. 425-455. ISBN 978-94-6240-436-6

    The European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo : a capsized flagship?



  • Rudolph, Lukas; Kuhn, Patrick M. (2017): Natural Disasters and Political Participation : Evidence from the 2002 and 2013 Floods in Germany German Politics. Routledge. 2017, 27(1), pp. 1-24. ISSN 0964-4008. eISSN 1743-8993. Available under: doi: 10.1080/09644008.2017.1287900

    Natural Disasters and Political Participation : Evidence from the 2002 and 2013 Floods in Germany


    How do natural disasters affect electoral participation? The existing social science literature offers contradictory predictions. A considerable body of research in sociology and psychology suggests that traumatic events can inspire pro-social behaviour, which might increase turnout. Yet, political science has long held that even minor changes to participation costs of low benefit activities can lead to considerable drops in civic engagement. Consequently, natural disasters should reduce electoral participation. We show how these distinct views can be jointly analysed within the Riker–Ordeshook model of voting. This paper then reports results on the impact of the 2002 and 2013 floods in Germany on turnout in federal and state elections in Saxony and Bavaria, conducted few weeks after the floods. Analysing community level turnout data, and drawing on a difference-in-differences framework, we find that flood exposure has a consistent negative effect on turnout. This indicates that the increase in the costs of voting outweighed any increase in political engagement in our case and stands in contrast to findings from developing contexts, where flood management was convincingly linked to electoral participation.

  • Engst, Benjamin G. (2017): Die vierte Gesetzeslesung : Verfassungsgerichte des deutsch-österreichischen Modells als Vetospieler FRICK, Verena, ed., Oliver W. LEMCKE, ed., Roland LHOTTA, ed.. Politik und Recht : Umrisse eines politikwissenschaftlichen Forschungsfeldes. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2017, pp. 281-302. ISBN 978-3-8487-3682-9. Available under: doi: 10.5771/9783845280349-281

    Die vierte Gesetzeslesung : Verfassungsgerichte des deutsch-österreichischen Modells als Vetospieler



  • Niemann, Friederike-Sophie; Person, Christian; Zabler, Steffen (2017): Beratung ist gut, Kontrolle ist besser? AKP - Fachzeitschrift für Alternative Kommunalpolitik. 2017, 38(4), pp. 45-47. ISSN 0722-5474

    Beratung ist gut, Kontrolle ist besser?


    Die kommunale Finanzaufsicht soll verhindern, dass Gemeindehaushalte in Schieflage geraten. Trotzdem rutschen viele Orte in die Schuldenfalle. Wo die Probleme liegen, hat die Bertelsmann Stiftung in einem Forschungsprojekt untersucht.

  • Schwemmer, Carsten; Saalfeld, Thomas; Fitsilis, Fotios (2017): Content Reconstruction of Parliamentary Questions MOKRYS, Michael, ed., Stefan BADURA, ed.. Proceedings of The 5th International Virtual Conference on Advanced Scientific Results (SCIECONF-2017). Zilina, Slovak Republic: EDIS - Publishing Institution of the University of Zilina, 2017, pp. 107-112. Volume 5. Issue 1. ISSN 1339-3561. eISSN 1339-9071. ISBN 9788055413372. Available under: doi: 10.18638/scieconf.2017.5.1.448

    Content Reconstruction of Parliamentary Questions


    The Hellenic Parliament stores parliamentary questions using a combination of metadata extracted manually from the original text as well as the scanned document as an image file. Consequently, broad access and study of the parliamentary questions are limited as there is no principal access to the original content. A combined process was designed in order to fully reconstruct the original content of the parliamentary questions using the available metadata, which were extracted during the archivation phase, and a modified mass Optical Character Recognition (OCR) process. Post-correction of OCR results and quality controls of extracted text are paramount to ensure that the text output matches the one from the original document. The results from the OCR process are joined with the metadata and allow the full description of the original document. Other information

  • Koos, Sebastian (2017): Crises and Consumption KELLER, Margit, ed., Bente HALKIER, ed., Terhi-Anna WILSKA, ed., Monica TRUNINGER, ed.. Routledge Handbook on Consumption. London: Routledge, 2017, pp. 106-116. ISBN 978-1-138-93938-7. Available under: doi: 10.4324/9781315675015-11

    Crises and Consumption



  • Jungherr, Andreas (2017): Das Internet in der politischen Kommunikation : Forschungsstand und Perspektiven Politische Vierteljahresschrift. 2017, 58(2), pp. 284-315. ISSN 0032-3470. eISSN 1862-2860. Available under: doi: 10.5771/0032-3470-2017-2-284

    Das Internet in der politischen Kommunikation : Forschungsstand und Perspektiven


    Das Internet ist zentrales Element moderner politischer Kommunikation. Trotz seiner Bedeutung wurde dieses Phänomen jedoch in den zentralen Debatten der Politikwissenschaft bisher nur oberflächlich thematisiert. Der vorliegende Literaturüberblick skizziert den sozialwissenschaftlichen Diskurs zur Nutzung des Internets in der politischen Kommunikation. Inhaltlich konzentriert sich der Artikel auf die Darstellung verfügbarer Literatur zur Ideengeschichte politischer Erwartungen an das Internet, die Nutzung des Internets durch politische Eliten und Organisationen sowie die Nutzung des Internets durch die Bevölkerung und damit verbundene Effekte. Der Artikel schließt mit der Darstellung systematischer Probleme in der thematisch relevanten Literatur und mit einem kurzen Ausblick auf mögliche Forschungsperspektiven.

  • Schneider, Gerald (2017): Matches and misfits : Divided societies and the adoption of power sharing ANSORG, Nadine, ed., Sabine KURTENBACH, ed.. Institutional Reforms and Peace Building : Change, Path-Dependency and Societal Divisions in Post-War Communities. Abingdon: Routledge, 2017, pp. 46-61. ISBN 978-1-138-68230-6

    Matches and misfits : Divided societies and the adoption of power sharing



  • Mergel, Ines (2017): Social Media Communication Modes in Government CHEN, Yu-Che, ed., Michael J. AHN, ed.. Routledge handbook on information technology in government. New York: Routledge, 2017, pp. 168-179. ISBN 978-1-138-92567-0. Available under: doi: 10.4324/9781315683645.ch11

    Social Media Communication Modes in Government


    Social media technologies are an important communication channel that many government organizations have added to their public affairs toolkit. Social technologies, including weblogs such as WordPress, microblogging services such as Twitter, instant messengers such as Yammer, photosharing sites such as Instagram, or social networking sites such as Facebook, are used for intra- as well as extra-organizational purposes. What these tools have in common is usually a networking component: Users can create their own profile page with individual information about themselves, follow each other’s updates, or create a newsfeed with their own updates. Boyd and Ellison define social media tools as " " web-based services that allow individuals to (1) construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, (2) articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and (3) view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system. (2007:210) Many of the previously mentioned sites allow organizations, such as government agencies, to create pages that indicate their organizational status, geographic location, opening hours, and advanced analytic capabilities beyond those functionalities provided to individual users. An important characteristic of social networking sites and other social media tools is the publicness character of the updates: users can follow public updates, without visiting the organizations’ oftentimes relatively static (e-government) websites.

  • Soleymani, Mohammad; Garcia, David; Jou, Brendan; Schuller, Björn; Chang, Shih-Fu; Pantic, Maja (2017): A survey of multimodal sentiment analysis Image and Vision Computing. Elsevier. 2017, 65, pp. 3-14. ISSN 0262-8856. eISSN 1872-8138. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.imavis.2017.08.003

    A survey of multimodal sentiment analysis


    Sentiment analysis aims to automatically uncover the underlying attitude that we hold towards an entity. The aggregation of these sentiment over a population represents opinion polling and has numerous applications. Current text-based sentiment analysis rely on the construction of dictionaries and machine learning models that learn sentiment from large text corpora. Sentiment analysis from text is currently widely used for customer satisfaction assessment and brand perception analysis, among others. With the proliferation of social media, multimodal sentiment analysis is set to bring new opportunities with the arrival of complementary data streams for improving and going beyond text-based sentiment analysis. Since sentiment can be detected through affective traces it leaves, such as facial and vocal displays, multimodal sentiment analysis offers promising avenues for analyzing facial and vocal expressions in addition to the transcript or textual content. These approaches leverage emotion recognition and context inference to determine the underlying polarity and scope of an individual's sentiment. In this survey, we define sentiment and the problem of multimodal sentiment analysis and review recent developments in multimodal sentiment analysis in different domains, including spoken reviews, images, video blogs, human–machine and human–human interactions. Challenges and opportunities of this emerging field are also discussed leading to our thesis that multimodal sentiment analysis holds a significant untapped potential.

  • Mader, Matthias; Schoen, Harald (2017): Ideological Voting in Context : The Case of Germany during the Merkel Era SCHOEN, Harald, ed. and others. Voters and Voting in Context : Multiple Contexts and the Heterogeneous German Electorate. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017, pp. 209-229. ISBN 978-0-19-879213-0. Available under: doi: 10.1093/oso/9780198792130.003.0011

    Ideological Voting in Context : The Case of Germany during the Merkel Era


    The chapter addresses whether the extent of ideological voting undertaken by German citizens varied in different media contexts in the period 2009 and 2015. Ideological voting is understood here as the choice of a political party on the basis of one’s ideological identity. We argue that in times of low ideological conflict, these identities may or may not become psychologically salient—and thus enter the calculus of voting—depending on the presence of relevant cues in the public discourse. This hypothesis is tested using thirty GLES Online Tracking surveys and the complementary GLES Long-Term Media Agenda Analysis. Our analysis shows considerable variation in the extent of ideological voting, both among the politically involved and among the politically uninvolved. In contrast to theoretical expectations, however, ideological voting did not increase with the salience of retirement and health issues among the issue public of the elderly.

  • Aragón, Pablo; Gómez, Vicenç; Garcia, David; Kaltenbrunner, Andreas (2017): Generative models of online discussion threads : state of the art and research challenges Journal of Internet Services and Applications. Springer. 2017, 8, 15. ISSN 1867-4828. eISSN 1869-0238. Available under: doi: 10.1186/s13174-017-0066-z

    Generative models of online discussion threads : state of the art and research challenges


    Online discussion in form of written comments is a core component of many social media platforms. It has attracted increasing attention from academia, mainly because theories from social sciences can be explored at an unprecedented scale. This interest has led to the development of statistical models which are able to characterize the dynamics of threaded online conversations.

    In this paper, we review research on statistical modeling of online discussions, in particular, we describe current generative models of the structure and growth of discussion threads. These are parametrized network formation models that are able to generate synthetic discussion threads that reproduce certain features of the real discussions present in different online platforms. We aim to provide a clear overview of the state of the art and to motivate future work in this relevant research field.

  • Public opinion and social investment : How political-institutional context shapes support and opposition towards expanding childcare



  • Schneider, Gerald (2017): Theorien kommen und gehen : wider die Debattennostalgie Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen. 2017, 24(1), pp. 160-169. ISSN 0946-7165. Available under: doi: 10.5771/0946-7165-2017-1-160

    Theorien kommen und gehen : wider die Debattennostalgie


    Die Auseinandersetzung zum Stellenwert des kommunikativen Handelns in den Internationalen

    Beziehungen (IB) hat die deutschsprachige Politikwissenschaft nachhaltig

    professionalisiert. Doch angesichts der Abwendung von metatheoretischen

    Diskursen kann die Debatte heute kaum mehr Akzente setzen. Der Beitrag stellt

    summarisch dar, wie sich die rationalistische Theorie in den letzten zwei Dekaden

    entwickelt hat und welche Herausforderungen sich der Disziplin angesichts des

    grassierenden Empirizismus in den Sozialwissenschaften stellen. Abschließend setzt

    sich der Autor kritisch mit den nach innen gewandten Sonderdiskursen der deutschsprachigen

    IB und den damit verknüpften protektionistischen Bemühungen auseinander,

    an Konferenzen und in Journalen wie der zib die untergegangene Wissenschaftssprache

    Deutsch am Leben zu erhalten.

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