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Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

  • Artikel
  • Buch
  • Dissertation
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20 / 4358
  • Dobbins, Michael (2017): Teacher Unionism in France : Making Fundamental Reform an Impossible Quest? MOE, Terry, ed., Susanne WIBORG, ed.. The Comparative Politics of Education : Teachers Unions and Education Systems around the World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017, pp. 87-113. ISBN 978-1-316-61976-6. Available under: doi: 10.1017/9781316717653.004

    Teacher Unionism in France : Making Fundamental Reform an Impossible Quest?


    This chapter examines teacher unionism in France. Contrary to most other cases highlighted in this book, France stands out with its highly centralized education system (Cole 2001) and longstanding (but never fully realized) attachment to the principle of educational egalitarianism (Baudelot and Establet 2009; Dobbins and Martens 2012). By exploring the structural foundations of French teacher unions and their strategies vis-à-vis the state, this chapter shows how teacher unionism has stymied government reform proposals time and time again. Through concerted action and the exploitation of their internal differences, teachers unions have played a crucial role in upholding central pillars of French secondary education such as low institutional autonomy, centralization, and high expenditure. Thus, French teacher unionism presents a fascinating case for analysts of interest group power. I first discuss the historical rise of teacher unionism in France, before addressing the striking diversity of the teacher union landscape. The bulk of the analysis focuses on how teachers unions interact not only with the state bureaucracy, but also with each other, labour unions and other educational stakeholders. I also elaborate on the strategies of French teachers unions in public sector strikes, which have served to frustrate government reform efforts for decades. As shown below, French teachers unions have applied inward pressure, i.e. through educational “co-management” within the ministerial bureaucracy; and outward pressure, i.e. through concerted strikes, to assert their vested interests. Altogether, the analysis shows that educational policy-making distinguishes itself substantially from other policy areas in France, in which policy-making tends to be of a more hierarchical nature.

  • Niemann, Dennis; Dobbins, Michael; Martens, Kerstin (2017): Zentralisierung und Dezentralisierung der Hochschulpolitik in Deutschland und der Schweiz SCHMID, Josef, ed. and others. Governance und Interdependenz von Bildung : Internationale Studien und Vergleiche. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2017, pp. 197-226. Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik. 17. ISBN 978-3-8487-3810-6. Available under: doi: 10.5771/9783845281087-197

    Zentralisierung und Dezentralisierung der Hochschulpolitik in Deutschland und der Schweiz



    dc.contributor.author: Niemann, Dennis; Martens, Kerstin

  • Rathgeb, Philip (2017): Relying on weak governments : Austrian trade unions and the politics of smoothed dualization OZP : Austrian Journal of Political Science. 2017, 45(3), pp. 45-55. ISSN 1615-5548. eISSN 2313-5433. Available under: doi: 10.15203/ozp.1371.vol45iss3

    Relying on weak governments : Austrian trade unions and the politics of smoothed dualization


    Austrian political actors have improved the protection of outsiders by expanding the coverage of labour rights, social security , and active labour market policy spending in the past two decades. The article attributes these 'solidaristic' traits of Austrian labour market policy change to the persistent reliance of weak governments on trade union support in the mobilisation of a durable consensus. When governments are internally divided and prone to reform deadlocks, they face a powerful incentive to share policy-making authority with the social partners. Despite a significant decline in power resources, the Austrian trade union confederation has therefore remained influential enough to compensate outsiders for growing economic uncertainty on a volatile labour market. To substantiate this claim empirically, the article draws on primary and secondary sources as well as interview evidence with policy-making elites.

  • Busemeyer, Marius R. (2017): Education and skills for inclusive growth DEEMING, Christopher, ed., Paul SMYTH, ed. and others. Reframing Global Social Policy : Social Investment for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth. Bristol, UK: Policy Press, 2017, pp. 189-212. ISBN 978-1-4473-3249-7. Available under: doi: 10.46692/9781447332503.009

    Education and skills for inclusive growth


    Policies about education and skill formation occupy a central place in the social investment paradigm (Morel et al, 2012: 2). Policymakers and scholars alike emphasise the potential of education to contribute to a more egalitarian society by supporting the labour market integration of young people as well as to boost the productive potential of the labour force in service-oriented knowledge economies (see, for example, Bonoli, 2013; Hemerijck, 2013; Morel et al, 2012; Vandenbroucke and Vleminckx, 2011). In many ways, the social investment model of the welfare state can be regarded as the renewal of the old social democratic promise of wedding the economic power of free market capitalism with some form of redistribution via the welfare state. However, as has been extensively described elsewhere (Hemerijck, 2012; Morel et al, 2012), the social investment model is also …

  • Law in the twilight : international courts and tribunals, the security council, and the internationalisation of peace agreements between state and non-state parties


    Peace Agreements between State and Non-State Parties: a Research Endeavour According to the United Nations Peacemaker Peace Agreements Database, more than six hundred peace agreements have been negotiated to settle intra-state conflicts since 1989. Consequently, contemporary post-Cold War peace agreements became objects of political science research focused inter alia on the causes and consequences of intra- state conflicts, the ripeness of conflict parties and constellations for entering into negotiated peace processes, the determinants of the success or failure of peace agreements and peace processes, and the role of external actors in negotiating and implementing peace agreements. International legal scholarship, in contrast, has only hesitantly dealt with the challenges of internationalised and legalised practices of post- Cold War peace agreements. Initially, individual works on peace agreements did not refer to, or enter into dialogue with, each other. Instead of seeking to unpack shared legalised features of peace agreements or find common ground for their legal analysis from a comparative perspective, most authors stressed the singularity of the respective conflict and agreement/s

  • Government Ideology, Economic Pressure, and Risk Privatization : How Economic Worldviews Shape Social Policy Choices in Times of Crisis


    From the 1980s on, a privatization of labor market-related risks has occurred in the OECD. Governments have cut the generosity of social programs and tightened eligibility rules, particularly for the unemployed. Government Ideology, Economic Pressure, and Risk Privatization: How Economic Worldviews Shape Social Policy Choices in Times of Crisis analyses these curtailments for eighteen countries over the course of four decades and provides an encompassing comparative assessment of the interactive impact of government ideology and economic pressure. It demonstrates that the economic worldviews of governments are the most important factor in explaining why cuts are implemented or not. While ideas of non-intervention in the market underlie cuts in generosity, ideas of equality and fairness are at the heart of stricter eligibility criteria. This book also shows that the impact of the economic pressures often held responsible for the marginalization of politics and government ideology is in fact conditional on the specific ideological configuration.

  • Knill, Christoph; Enkler, Jan; Schmidt, Sylvia; Eckhard, Steffen; Grohs, Stephan (2017): Administrative Styles of International Organizations : Can We Find Them, Do They Matter? BAUER, Michael W., ed., Christoph KNILL, ed., Steffen ECKHARD, ed.. International Bureaucracy. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, pp. 43-71. Public Sector Organizations. ISBN 978-1-349-94976-2. Available under: doi: 10.1057/978-1-349-94977-9_3

    Administrative Styles of International Organizations : Can We Find Them, Do They Matter?


    It is widely acknowledged that International Public Administrations (IPA) are of growing relevance for global public policy-making. Yet, the sources of organizational variation in global public policy-making have scarcely been explored. To overcome this gap, this chapter systematically develops an indicator-based, three phase-concept of ‘Administrative Styles’ as a dependent variable. By drawing on insights from the organizational theory and administrative science, we then define four ideal types—policy entrepreneur, institutional and policy entrepreneur, institutional entrepreneur, and servant—and identify determinants that can account for their variation. Drawing on expert interviews with IPA staff, we empirically illustrate our concept by presenting empirical evidence on the Bank for International Settlement, International Monetary Fund, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

  • Rölle, Daniel (2017): What Makes Citizens Satisfied? : The Influence of Perceived Responsiveness of Local Administration on Satisfaction with Public Administration Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences. KSP Journals. 2017, 4(1), pp. 1-13. eISSN 2149-0406. Available under: doi: 10.1453/jsas.v4i1.1219

    What Makes Citizens Satisfied? : The Influence of Perceived Responsiveness of Local Administration on Satisfaction with Public Administration


    There is no other institution that people regularly have so much direct contact with as public administration, although people have different experiences with public administration. Some citizens feel comfortable when making contact with bureaucracy; some have rather negative feelings. Besides the factors ‘trust’ and ‘satisfaction’ with public administration, there might be one other relevant factor: ‘responsiveness’. Based on representative population surveys, this paper can show that the perception of administration as responsive is directly related to the user’s satisfaction with it, and that the main factor explaining perceived satisfaction with public administration is the reputation of the local public administration.

  • Identity constructing, trusting and virtual peer monitoring to bridge the boundaries in hybrid virtual teams



  • Mader, Matthias (2017): Citizens' Perceptions of Policy Objectives and Support for Military Action : Looking for Prudence in Germany Journal of Conflict Resolution. Sage. 2017, 61(6), pp. 1290-1314. ISSN 0022-0027. eISSN 1552-8766. Available under: doi: 10.1177/0022002715603099

    Citizens' Perceptions of Policy Objectives and Support for Military Action : Looking for Prudence in Germany


    This article is concerned with the role of perceived policy objectives in German citizens’ attitude formation toward military action in Afghanistan. While some scholars have claimed that public opinion is prudent because citizens assess the effectiveness of a mission on the basis of these perceptions, micro-level tests of this kind of prudence remain scare. Drawing on two cross-sectional surveys of the German population conducted in 2008 and 2009, we use responses to open-ended questions about the German government’s policy goals in Afghanistan to analyze whether such perceptions influenced support and whether any such influence was mediated via the perceived effectiveness of the mission. The results indicate that, irrespective of the level of political awareness, it was virtually irrelevant what German citizens perceived the military mission’s objectives to be. In contrast, value-based attitude formation emerges as more important, with the foreign policy predispositions antimilitarism and Atlanticism exhibiting especially large effects.

  • Laborde, Cécile; Bardon, Aurélia (2017): Introduction LABORDE, Cécile, ed., Aurélia BARDON, ed.. Religion in liberal political philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017, pp. 1-11. ISBN 978-0-19-879439-4. Available under: doi: 10.1093/oso/9780198794394.003.0001



    There is already an important literature on religion and political philosophy, focusing especially on controversies about religious symbols, freedom of speech, or secular education. The introduction explains the distinctive approach of the volume. Instead of focusing on specific political controversies, the book explores the conceptual, structural architecture of liberal political philosophy itself. The authors distinguish four different themes: the special status of religion in the law; state sovereignty, non-establishment, and neutrality; accommodation and religious freedom; and toleration, conscience, and identity. The chapter explains the particular questions raised in each of these four themes, and briefly presents the twenty-two contributions gathered in the volume.

  • Bauer, Michael W.; Eckhard, Steffen; Ege, Jörn; Knill, Christoph (2017): A Public Administration Perspective on International Organizations BAUER, Michael W., ed., Christoph KNILL, ed., Steffen ECKHARD, ed.. International Bureaucracy : Challenges and Lessons for Public Administration Research. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, pp. 1-12. ISBN 978-1-349-94976-2. Available under: doi: 10.1057/978-1-349-94977-9_1

    A Public Administration Perspective on International Organizations


    This is a book on international public administration (IPA). The introductory chapter sets the stage by defining international bureaucracy as an object of scientific inquiry. It is explained why it matters, what questions preceding studies on the phenomenon have been raised, and why there is a research gap both from the perspective of Public Administration (PA) and International Relations research. The chapter further introduces the contours of a PA perspective on international organizations as pursued by this book and briefly summarizes the central conceptual perspectives on IPAs as outlined by the volume’s contributions.

  • Kulshrestha, Juhi; Zafar, Muhammad Bilal; Noboa, Lisette Espin; Gummadi, Krishna P.; Ghosh, Saptarshi (2017): Characterizing Information Diets of Social Media Users QUERCIA, Daniele, ed.. Proceedings of the Ninth International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media. Palo Alto, California: AAAI Press, 2017, pp. 218-227. ISBN 978-1-57735-733-9

    Characterizing Information Diets of Social Media Users


    With the widespread adoption of social media sites like Twitter and Facebook, there has been a shift in the way information is produced and consumed. Earlier, the only producers of information were traditional news organizations, which broadcast the same carefully-edited information to all consumers over mass media channels. Whereas, now, in online social media, any user can be a producer of information, and every user selects which other users she connects to, thereby choosing the information she consumes. Moreover, the personalized recommendations that most social media sites provide also contribute towards the information consumed by individual users. In this work, we define a concept of information diet – which is the topical distribution of a given set of information items (e.g., tweets) – to characterize the information produced and consumed by various types of users in the popular Twitter social media. At a high level, we find that (i) popular users mostly produce very specialized diets focusing on only a few topics; in fact, news organizations (e.g., NYTimes) produce much more focused diets on social media as compared to their mass media diets, (ii) most users’ consumption diets are primarily focused towards one or two topics of their interest, and (iii) the personalized recommendations provided by Twitter help to mitigate some of the topical imbalances in the users’ consumption diets, by adding information on diverse topics apart from the users’ primary topics of interest.

  • Haer, Roos (2017): Trafficking in persons : the use of children in armed conflict HEIL, Erin C., ed., Andrea J. NICHOLS, ed.. Broadening the scope of human trafficking research : a reader. Durham, North Carolina: Carolina Academic Press, 2017, pp. 59-73. ISBN 978-1-61163-765-6

    Trafficking in persons : the use of children in armed conflict



  • Die kommunale Finanzaufsicht : Strukturen, Rationalitäten und Umsetzung im Ländervergleich



    dc.contributor.author: Geißler, René

  • Öffentliche Meinung zu Auslandseinsätzen der Bundeswehr : zwischen Antimilitarismus und transatlantischer Orientierung


    Matthias Mader zeigt, dass die Zustimmung der Deutschen zu spezifischen Auslandseinsätzen der Bundeswehr in starkem Maße davon abhängt, ob eine grundlegende Bereitschaft zur Kooperation innerhalb des transatlantischen Bündnisses und zum Einsatz militärischer Gewalt vorliegt. Der Autor legt dar, dass die relative Bedeutung dieser Grundhaltungen für die Einstellungsbildung in gewissem Maße davon abhängig ist, wie präsent diese Aspekte im öffentlichen Diskurs sind. Insgesamt zeigt sich jedoch ein von Einsatzspezifika und Elitendiskurs weitgehend unabhängiges Primat antimilitaristischer Grundhaltungen bei der Einstellungsbildung. Die Erkenntnisse werden auf Grundlage zahlreicher standardisierter, repräsentativer Bevölkerungsbefragungen unter Verwendung neuester statistischer Verfahren gewonnen. Die Befunde bieten wichtige Implikationen für unser Verständnis der politischen Einstellungsbildung, Kommunikation und Repräsentation.

  • Schenoni, Luis (2017): Subsystemic Unipolarities? : Power Distribution and State Behaviour in South America and Southern Africa Strategic Analysis. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 2017, 41(1), pp. 74-86. ISSN 0970-0161. eISSN 1754-0054. Available under: doi: 10.1080/09700161.2016.1249179

    Subsystemic Unipolarities? : Power Distribution and State Behaviour in South America and Southern Africa


    This article explores the possibility of conceiving South America and Southern Africa as subsystemic unipolarities under Brazilian and South African primacy, respectively. It argues that this concept, when applied to these regions, sheds light not only on the long-term strategies behind the Brazilian and South African foreign policies towards their neighbourhood, but also on the behaviour of secondary regional powers and small states. This hypothesis questions the maxim that considerations related to polarity affect great powers only. After examining the Brazilian and South African cases, the author undertakes a comparative analysis of 17 countries in these regions, showing that the behaviour of politically stable countries in these regions is as predicted by theories of unipolarity.

  • Busemeyer, Marius R. (2017): Education : continuing struggle for equitable education for all Social policy in the EU : reform barometer 2016 ; social inclusion monitor Europe. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2017, pp. 64-84

    Education : continuing struggle for equitable education for all



  • Rölle, Daniel (2017): Nummer, Kunde oder Bürger? : Der Beitrag der wahrgenommenen Responsivität der öffentlichen Verwaltung zur Erklärung von Verwaltungszufriedenheit Zeitschrift für Politik. Nomos. 2017, 64(2), pp. 143-166. ISSN 0044-3360. Available under: doi: 10.5771/0044-3360-2017-2-143

    Nummer, Kunde oder Bürger? : Der Beitrag der wahrgenommenen Responsivität der öffentlichen Verwaltung zur Erklärung von Verwaltungszufriedenheit


    Obwohl die Menschen zu keiner anderen Institution des politischen Systems so regelmäßig direkten Kontakt wie zur Verwaltung, sind die Orientierungen der Bürger gegenüber der öffentlichen Verwaltung verhältnismäßig wenig untersucht worden. Eine spezifische Form dieser Einstellung stellt die Responsivität, die im Mittelpunkt des vorliegenden Beitrags steht. Auf der Basis von repräsentativen Bevölkerungsbefragungen in Erfurt konnten die Analysen zeigen, dass die Responsivität mit der Zufriedenheit mit der Verwaltung zusammenhängt. Allerdings stellt Responsivität im multivariaten Analysemodell keinen signifikanten Erklärungsfaktor für Verwaltungszufriedenheit dar. Stattdessen besitzt das persönliche Ansehen der Verwaltung den höchsten Erklärungsbeitrag für die Zufriedenheit mit der Verwaltung. Am Ende werden die Ergebnisse diskutiert und aufgezeigt, welche Schlüsse daraus für die politikwissenschaftliche Verwaltungsforschung, aber auch für eine moderne responsive Bürgerverwaltung gezogen werden können.

  • Junk, Julian; Mancini, Francesco; Seibel, Wolfgang; Blume, Till (Hrsg.) (2017): The Management of UN Peacekeeping : Coordination, Learning, and Leadership in Peace Operations

    The Management of UN Peacekeeping : Coordination, Learning, and Leadership in Peace Operations



    dc.contributor.editor: Mancini, Francesco; Blume, Till

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