Aktuelle Publikationen

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Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

  • Artikel
  • Buch
  • Dissertation
  • Studien- / Abschlussarbeit
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20 / 4358
  • Sieberer, Ulrich (2016): Lehren aus Weimar? : die erste Geschäftsordnung des Deutschen Bundestages von 1951 zwischen Kontinuität und Wandel Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen. 2016, 47(1), pp. 3-25. ISSN 0340-1758. eISSN 1862-2534. Available under: doi: 10.5771/0340-1758-2016-1-3

    Lehren aus Weimar? : die erste Geschäftsordnung des Deutschen Bundestages von 1951 zwischen Kontinuität und Wandel



  • Weidmann, Nils B. (2016): A Closer Look at Reporting Bias in Conflict Event Data American Journal of Political Science. 2016, 60(1), pp. 206-218. ISSN 0092-5853. eISSN 1540-5907. Available under: doi: 10.1111/ajps.12196

    A Closer Look at Reporting Bias in Conflict Event Data


    Recent data collections about political violence are frequently based on media reports, which can lead to reporting bias. This is an issue in particular for the emergent literature on communication technology and conflict, since this technology may not only affect violence, but also the reporting about it. Using the effect of cellphones on violence as an example, this article presents a quantitative assessment of reporting bias in a micro-level analysis. Comparing media-based event reports and those from military sources, the results show that the purported violence-increasing effect of cellphone coverage is partly due to higher reporting rates of violence in cellphone-covered areas. A simple diagnostic procedure for this problem is implemented. Applied to the analysis of cellphones and violence in Africa, it produces a pattern that is consistent with reporting bias driving much of the effect found in the Pierskalla and Hollenbach (2013) study about this topic.

  • Vliegenthart, Rens; Walgrave, Stefaan; Baumgartner, Frank R.; Bevan, Shaun; Breunig, Christian; Brouard, Sylvain; Chaques Bonafont, Laura; Grossman, Emiliano; Jennings, Will; Tresch, Anke (2016): Do the media set the parliamentary agenda? : a comparative study in seven countries European Journal of Political Research. 2016, 55(2), pp. 283-301. ISSN 0304-4130. eISSN 1475-6765. Available under: doi: 10.1111/1475-6765.12134

    Do the media set the parliamentary agenda? : a comparative study in seven countries


    A growing body of work has examined the relationship between media and politics from an agenda-setting perspective: Is attention for issues initiated by political elites with the media following suit, or is the reverse relation stronger? A long series of single-country studies has suggested a number of general agenda-setting patterns but these have never been confirmed in a comparative approach. In a comparative, longitudinal design including comparable media and politics evidence for seven European countries (Belgium, Denmark, France, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom), this study highlights a number of generic patterns. Additionally, it shows how the political system matters. Overall, the media are a stronger inspirer of political action in countries with single-party governments compared to those with multiple-party governments for opposition parties. But, government parties are more reactive to media under multiparty governments.

  • Satoh, Keiichi; Broadbent, Jeffrey (2016): Japan in the international context : Climate change policy process HASEGAWA, Koichi, ed., Tomomi SHINADA, ed.. Sociology on Climate Change Policy : Can Japan Change?. Kyoto: Showado, 2016, pp. 1-25. ISBN 978-4-8122-1553-1

    Japan in the international context : Climate change policy process



    dc.contributor.author: Broadbent, Jeffrey

  • Khanna, Arpita Asha (2016): Nationalisation versus Privatisation - A Discourse Network Analysis of Coal Ownership in India Economic and Political Weekly. 2016, 51(50), pp. 76-83. ISSN 0012-9976. eISSN 2349-8846

    Nationalisation versus Privatisation - A Discourse Network Analysis of Coal Ownership in India


    Coal production in India has not been commensurate with the growing energy demand. As a result, import dependence has increased, which has exposed the economy to higher prices and geopolitical risks. Coal India Limited, the monopoly public sector producer, is saddled with the problems of low productivity. Private sector participation in the sector is limited and restricted to captive mining. The aim of this article is to use a tool called “Discourse Network Analysis” and structurally analyse the configuration of debate on privatisation versus nationalisation from 1997 to 2013.

  • Rattinger, Hans; Schoen, Harald; Endres, Fabian; Jungkunz, Sebastian; Mader, Matthias; Pötzschke, Jana (2016): Old friends in troubled waters : policy principles, elites, and U.S.-German relations at the citizen level after the Cold War

    Old friends in troubled waters : policy principles, elites, and U.S.-German relations at the citizen level after the Cold War



    dc.contributor.author: Rattinger, Hans; Schoen, Harald; Endres, Fabian; Jungkunz, Sebastian; Pötzschke, Jana

  • Tillmann, Sebastian; Boerner, Sabine (2016): Diversity as Antecedent of Shared Leadership : The Mediating Role of Transactive Memory Systems 2016 Annual meeting proceedings. 2016, 11871. ISSN 1543-8643. Available under: doi: 10.5465/AMBPP.2016.11871abstract

    Diversity as Antecedent of Shared Leadership : The Mediating Role of Transactive Memory Systems


    Addressing gaps in the extant literature, this paper examines the relationship between diversity (i.e., demographic and functional) and shared leadership by proposing transactive memory systems as a mediator of this relationship. Drawing on power-dependency theory, we suggest that highly developed transactive memory systems within a team lead to shifting of leadership from one team member to another based on relevant team member expertise, resulting in shared leadership. Additionally, we propose three moderators. First, perceived diversity moderates the relationship between diversity (both functional and demographic) and transactive memory systems. Second, information sharing moderates the relationship between diversity (both functional and demographic) and transactive memory systems. Third, empowering leadership by the formally designated leader moderates the relationship between transactive memory systems and shared leadership. The discussed mediators and moderators are systematically integrated into a comprehensive framework and propositions for empirical testing are derived.

  • Thomann, Eva; Manatschal, Anita (2016): Identifying context and cause in small-N settings : a comparative multilevel analysis Policy Sciences. Springer. 2016, 49(3), pp. 335-348. ISSN 0032-2687. eISSN 1573-0891. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s11077-015-9233-x

    Identifying context and cause in small-N settings : a comparative multilevel analysis


    Qualitative small-N comparisons face the challenge to detect context-bound causality under conditions of limited empirical diversity. Rather than treating context as a causal factor, we test the usefulness of the novel method of comparative multilevel analysis (CMA) to identify and understand the role of context as a contingent necessary condition that enables a causal relationship to unfold. Combining CMA with pairwise comparisons, we assess how organ donation policies in Switzerland and Spain affect relatives’ refusal rates in a small-N setting exhibiting multiple contextual levels. To tackle limited diversity systematically, we suggest to refine the CMA methodology by accounting for several contexts and referring to higher-order constructs. Applying CMA with these refinements, we find voluntary information measures only affect refusal rates in contexts of a credible state explicitly supporting organ donation. The fact that CMA can easily be combined with other analytical and conceptual approaches makes it an effective technique to identify contextual effects in small-N research.

  • Kontinuität und Wandel der Sozialdemokratie : Programmatische und organisatorische Reformen sozialdemokratischer Parteien in Westeuropa


    Wohl kaum eine andere Parteienfamilie war in den zurückliegenden zwei Jahrzehnten derart gravierenden Umbrüchen ausgesetzt wie die westeuropäische Sozialdemokratie. In der vorliegenden Arbeit soll der Wandel sozialdemokratischer Parteien in Westeuropa als Folge und als Antwort auf diese Umwälzungsprozesse untersucht werden. Anders als in vielen anderen Studien zu dieser Thematik soll der Fokus dabei nicht ausschließlich auf programmatische, sondern auch auf organisatorische Reformen gerichtet sein. Zudem sollen in Abgrenzung zu vielen anderen bisherigen Untersuchungen, die sich vornehmlich mit der sozialdemokratischen Regierungspolitik im Zeitalter des Dritten Weges befassen, programmatische und organisatorische Entwicklungen bis in die Gegenwart hinein ergründet werden. Somit finden auch Zeiten der Opposition Eingang in diese Arbeit. Die Klärung der Frage, wie sich der programmatische und organisatorische Wandel sozialdemokratischer Parteien in Westeuropa erklären lässt, ist für die Party Change-Forschung keineswegs unerheblich, kann doch gerade durch eine Erklärung von programmatischen und organisatorischen Wandlungsprozessen politischer Parteien ein wichtiger Beitrag für ein genaueres Verständnis des nicht nur in der Parteienforschung als black box beklagten Akteurs Partei geleistet werden. Um innerparteiliche Willensbildungs- und Entscheidungsprozesse nachzeichnen und kausal rekonstruieren zu können, bietet sich eine qualitative Vorgehensweise an. Schwerpunkt dieser Untersuchung werden deshalb drei Fallstudien zur britischen Labour Party, zur deutschen SPD und zum französischen Parti Socialiste sein. Aufbauend auf einem theoretischen Modell, was einerseits programmatische und organisatorische Reformen sowie andererseits den zwischen- und innerparteilichen Wettbewerb berücksichtigt, konnten mit Hilfe von Experten- und Eliteninterviews eine Vielzahl von für eine möglichst präzise Prozessanalyse relevante Erkenntnisse gewonnen werden. Schließlich zeigt die vorliegende Arbeit auch, wie fruchtbar kontextualisierte Vergleiche für die vergleichende Politikwissenschaft oder ganz speziell für die Parteienforschung sein können. So konnte aus den drei Fallstudien herausgearbeitet werden, dass sich durch den Verlust zentraler sozialdemokratischer Machtressourcen – Wählerstimmen, Regierungsmacht und Mitglieder – für die einzelnen Parteien ganz ähnliche Handlungsbedarfe ergaben, diese aber durch politisch-institutionelle und kulturelle Kontextbedingungen zu recht unterschiedlichen programmatischen und organisatorischen Reformprozessen führten.

  • Beiser, Janina (2016): International Information Flows, Government Response and the Contagion of Ethnic Conflict WILSON, Alan, ed.. Global dynamics : approaches from complexity science. Chichester: Wiley, 2016, pp. 214-230. ISBN 978-1-118-92228-6. Available under: doi: 10.1002/9781118937464.ch13

    International Information Flows, Government Response and the Contagion of Ethnic Conflict


    This chapter shows research on the effect of increased global information flows via mass media on armed civil conflict and government repression. It discusses that increasing global information interdependence can have effects on security-related issues within countries. There may be many ways in which information from elsewhere can affect the likelihood of civil conflict. One way in which news from foreign countries may affect the security situation for a state's citizens is via a phenomenon that is conflict contagion. The chapter compares armed civil conflict with a disease that can infect subsequent states. A way in which information about foreign events might affect governments' likelihood of repression may be as a result of their fear of conflict contagion. It is possible that governments fear that domestic groups start rebelling as a result of information about foreign conflicts and repress them in order to pre-empt this altogether.

  • Musch, Elisabeth (2016): Staat-Islam-Beziehungen in Deutschland und den Niederlanden im Vergleich HUNGER, Uwe, ed., Nils Johann SCHRÖDER, ed.. Staat und Islam : Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2016, pp. 283-311. ISBN 978-3-658-07202-5. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-07202-5_11

    Staat-Islam-Beziehungen in Deutschland und den Niederlanden im Vergleich


    Europäische Regierungen sehen sich infolge der Zuwanderung von Muslimen mit Fragen der Integration des Islam konfrontiert. Das betrifft etwa den Umgang mit kulturellen und religiösen Symbolen und Traditionen wie die Verschleierung von Frauen, das Tragen des Kopftuches in öffentlichen Bildungseinrichtungen oder die Teilnahme muslimischer Schülerinnen am koedukativen Schwimmunterricht. Weitere Bereiche, in denen es um Fragen der Integration des Islam als Religion geht, sind die Erteilung islamischen Religionsunterrichts, die Imamausbildung, die Seelsorge für Muslime in Krankenhäusern, Heimen, Gefängnissen, bei der Polizei und beim Militär sowie Riten und Traditionen, wie das rituelle Schächten von Tieren oder die sarglose islamische Bestattung.

  • Rezension von Andreas Bergh: Sweden and the Revival of the Capitalist Welfare State



  • Kunze, Florian; Goecke, Theresa (2016): Altersdiversität als Organisationskompetenz : Chancen und Herausforderungen GENKOVA, Petia, ed., Tobias RINGEISEN, ed.. Handbuch Diversity Kompetenz : Gegenstandsbereiche. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien, 2016, pp. 1-14. ISBN 978-3-658-08932-0. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-08932-0_12-1

    Altersdiversität als Organisationskompetenz : Chancen und Herausforderungen


    Der demographische Wandel bedingt für Organisationen, dass sie sich mit zunehmend altersdiversen Belegschaftsstrukturen konfrontiert sehen. Der folgende Beitrag setzt sich damit auseinander, welche Chancen und Herausforderungen sich aus dieser Entwicklung ergeben. Auf Basis von aktuellen Ergebnissen aus der Organisations-, Management- und psychologischen Forschung werden zunächst potenzielle Auswirkungen von Altersdiversität auf die teambezogene und organisationale Leistungsfähigkeit beleuchtet. Darauf aufbauend werden konkrete Ansätze für Entscheidungsträger in Managementpositionen entwickelt, um den Herausforderungen steigender Altersdiversität in Organisationen erfolgreich zu begegnen.

  • Dark Sides of Anti-Corruption Law : a Typology and Recent Developments in German Anti-Bribery Legislation


    This Article takes a preliminary look at some distinct, unintended effects of anti-bribery law. In an exemplary and exploratory way, it intends to examine structural socio-legal problems and dilemmas of designing and implementing legislation against corruption. Firstly, it outlines four ideal types of legal norms that are meant to combat corruption but display significant negative features. Secondly, the typology is briefly applied to selected recent developments in German federal anti-bribery legislation. The Article concludes, inter alia, that the design, implementation, and interpretation of anti-corruption law is full of functional, legal, political, and moral pitfalls.

  • Grabowicz, Przemyslaw A.; Babaei, Mahmoudreza; Kulshrestha, Juhi; Weber, Ingmar (2016): The Road to Popularity : The Dilution of Growing Audience on Twitter GUMMADI, Krishna P., ed. and others. Proceedings of the Tenth International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media. Palo Alto, California: AAAI Press, 2016, pp. 567-570

    The Road to Popularity : The Dilution of Growing Audience on Twitter


    On social media platforms, like Twitter, users are often interested in gaining more influence and popularity by growing their set of followers, aka their audience. Several studies have described the properties of users on Twitter based on static snapshots of their follower network. Other studies have analyzed the general process of link formation. Here, rather than investigating the dynamics of this process itself, we study how the characteristics of the audience and follower links change as the audience of a user grows in size on the road to user’s popularity. To begin with, we find that the early followers tend to be more elite users than the late followers, i.e., they are more likely to have verified and expert accounts. Moreover, the early followers are significantly more similar to the person that they follow than the late followers. Namely, they are more likely to share time zone, language, and topics of interests with the followed user. To some extent, these phenomena are related with the growth of Twitter itself, wherein the early followers tend to be the early adopters of Twitter, while the late followers are late adopters. We isolate, however, the effect of the growth of audiences consisting of followers from the growth of Twitter’s user base itself. Finally, we measure the engagement of such audiences with the content of the followed user, by measuring the probability that an early or late follower becomes a retweeter.

  • Dobbins, Michael; Bieber, Tonia (2016): Bildungspolitik in den USA LAMMERT, Christian, ed., Markus B. SIEWERT, ed., Boris VORMANN, ed.. Handbuch Politik USA. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2016, pp. 381-401. ISBN 978-3-658-02641-7. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-02642-4_24

    Bildungspolitik in den USA


    Seit Jahrzehnten wird das Bildungssystem der USA von zwei Herausforderungen gekennzeichnet, einerseits als zentraler Wirtschafts- und Wohlstandsfaktor zu fungieren und andererseits die Chancengleichheit, soziale Integration und gleichen Bildungszugang zu gewährleisten. Die US-Bildungspolitik der letzten Jahrzehnte ist nicht zuletzt deshalb von starkem politischem Aktionismus geprägt, der jedoch – wie von diversen Leistungsvergleichen belegt – nur selten seine Ziele erreichte. Dieser Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über die Strukturen, Institutionen und Steuerungsformen des Bildungssystems, seines hohen Dezentralisierungs- und Autonomiegrades und marktorientierten Charakters, sowie die historische Entwicklung von sozialer Segregation zu Integration.

  • Busemeyer, Marius R.; Vossiek, Janis (2016): Global Convergence or Path Dependency? : Skill Formation Regimes in the Globalized Economy MUNDY, Karen, ed., Andy GREEN, ed., Bob LINGARD, ed., Antoni VERGER, ed.. The Handbook of Global Education Policy. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, 2016, pp. 145-161. ISBN 978-1-118-46805-0. Available under: doi: 10.1002/9781118468005.ch8

    Global Convergence or Path Dependency? : Skill Formation Regimes in the Globalized Economy


    This chapter argues that existing institutions and historical legacies are strong forces that prevent a full-scale global convergence of skill formation regimes, in particular in the field of vocational education and training. One mechanism that slows down convergence is positive feedback in the form of economic benefits created by different types of skill formation regimes. The chapter introduces the core ideas and concepts behind two influential schools of thought: historical institutionalism and the varieties of capitalism paradigm. We discuss how these concepts can be used to derive a typology of skill formation regimes in advanced industrial democracies and apply this typology to the study of two concrete exemplary cases: Germany and the UK. Overall, we find a mixed pattern of institutional change and stability, indicating that, if anything, globalization might contribute to the rise of institutional hybrids rather than full-scale convergence.

  • Ingold, Karin; Leifeld, Philip (2016): Structural and Institutional Determinants of Influence Reputation : A Comparison of Collaborative and Adversarial Policy Networks in Decision Making and Implementation Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. 2016, 26(1), pp. 1-18. ISSN 1053-1858. eISSN 1477-9803. Available under: doi: 10.1093/jopart/muu043

    Structural and Institutional Determinants of Influence Reputation : A Comparison of Collaborative and Adversarial Policy Networks in Decision Making and Implementation


    The central assumption in the literature on collaborative networks and policy networks is that political outcomes are affected by a variety of state and nonstate actors. Some of these actors are more powerful than others and can therefore have a considerable effect on decision making. In this article, we seek to provide a structural and institutional explanation for these power differentials in policy networks and support the explanation with empirical evidence. We use a dyadic measure of influence reputation as a proxy for power, and posit that influence reputation over the political outcome is related to vertical integration into the political system by means of formal decision-making authority, and to horizontal integration by means of being well embedded into the policy network. Hence, we argue that actors are perceived as influential because of two complementary factors: (a) their institutional roles and (b) their structural positions in the policy network. Based on temporal and cross-sectional exponential random graph models, we compare five cases about climate, telecommunications, flood prevention, and toxic chemicals politics in Switzerland and Germany. The five networks cover national and local networks at different stages of the policy cycle. The results confirm that institutional and structural drivers seem to have a crucial impact on how an actor is perceived in decision making and implementation and, therefore, their ability to significantly shape outputs and service delivery.

  • Schenoni, Luis; Escudé, Carlos (2016): Peripheral Realism Revisited Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional. Instituto Brasileiro de Relações Internacionais. 2016, 59(1), e002. ISSN 0034-7329. eISSN 1983-3121. Available under: doi: 10.1590/0034-7329201600102

    Peripheral Realism Revisited


    In this article we summarize the precepts of Peripheral Realism, its place in the intellectual history of International Relations Theory, its contributions to interpreting Latin American international politics and its insights for the future. After revising the intellectual merits and tenets of the theory in the four initial sections, we show how it predicted the behavior of Latin American states under unipolarity. Finally, we review its implications for a world where China may hold economic primacy.

  • Polarisierung im politischen Diskurs : eine Netzwerkanalyse zum Konflikt um "Stuttgart 21"



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