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Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

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20 / 4358
  • Bayer, Marius J.; El-Assady, Mennatallah (2015): Dialogue or Monologues : The Effect of Topic Divergence on Negotiation Results European Consortium for Political Research General Conference 2015. 2015

    Dialogue or Monologues : The Effect of Topic Divergence on Negotiation Results


    Deliberation is described as an exchange and mutual evaluation of validity claims to bring about a common solution to a problem or a conflict. Thus, according to one crucial aspect of deliberation negotiation partners argue about the same topics, rather than each addressing their own agendas. To our knowledge, no attempts have been made to investigate, whether refraining to do so affects the negotiation outcome in a deliberative setting. To this end, we exploit the potential of text analysis methods. In a laboratory setting, we ask students to extensively negotiate a randomly assigned conflict before making a decision. By using a new hierarchical topic model on this real language corpus, we identify the topics addressed by the actors and calculate the topic divergence (i.e. the extent to which actors talk about different topics). We then estimate the effect of topic divergence on negotiation outcomes.

  • Explaining differentiated integration at the EU member state level : an empirical comparison of three European integration theories



  • Schutte, Sebastian (2015): Geography, Outcome, and Casualties : A Unified Model of Insurgency Journal of Conflict Resolution. 2015, 59(6), pp. 1101-1128. ISSN 0022-0027. eISSN 1552-8766. Available under: doi: 10.1177/0022002713520534

    Geography, Outcome, and Casualties : A Unified Model of Insurgency


    This study introduces a theoretical model of how insurgency develops as a function of reactive mobilization. The theory extends a classic distance-decay model by incorporating Kalyvas’ typology of violence. It implies that geographic conditions crucially determine the accuracy of applied violence and thereby its public perception, which in turn determines the actors’ ability to mobilize. As a first test of these effects, I propose a new geographic indicator that expresses the spatial accessibility of a country’s population for both central governments and peripheral insurgent movements. Two empirical implications of the theory are tested with a large-N data set on outcomes and casualties in insurgencies. The new indicator is significantly associated with both military outcomes and the number of casualties in insurgencies since 1970 and strengthens statistical predictions.

  • Behnke, Nathalie; Eppler, Annegret (2015): German environmental federalism in the multilevel system of the European Union ROBBINS, Kalyani, ed.. The Law and Policy of Environmental Federalism : A Comparative Analysis. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2015, pp. 304-326. ISBN 978-1-78347-362-5. Available under: doi: 10.4337/9781783473625.00023

    German environmental federalism in the multilevel system of the European Union


    The workings of environmental federalism in Germany are strongly shaped by the multi-level character of the polity. The complex architecture of German federalism assigns different competencies to the federal and the Länder levels and provides for intense coordination across those levels. This setting is further complicated by interaction with European Union actors, institutions, processes and regulations. Furthermore, environmental policy-making cross-cuts different ‘traditional’ policy fields and requires different instruments. In our contribution we analyze this complex policy-making network of actors, institutions and processes along the phases of the policy cycle. The analysis reveals, first, that the Europeanization of environmental policy led to relevant changes and adaptations in the institutional structure in Germany; and second, that in spite of numerous potential veto points and opportunities for deadlock due to interactions of non-state and state actors from all levels of government, environmental decision-making in the German system is surprisingly effective.

  • Steinert, Janina Isabel; Grimm, Sonja (2015): Too good to be true? : United Nations peacebuilding and the democratization of war-torn states Conflict Management and Peace Science. 2015, 32(5), pp. 513-535. ISSN 0738-8942. eISSN 1549-9219. Available under: doi: 10.1177/0738894214559671

    Too good to be true? : United Nations peacebuilding and the democratization of war-torn states


    This article examines the effectiveness of UN peacebuilding missions in democratizing war-torn states, emphasizing those missions that include democracy promotion components in their mandates. Based on a multinominal logistic regression, we reveal that democratization is significantly more likely if a UN peacebuilding mission is deployed. Furthermore, regimes categorized as more liberal at the outset have an increased risk of revealing antidemocratization trends over the post-war period. Oil wealth impedes democratization and clear victory of one conflict party makes regime transitions more likely, yet in both directions. Descriptive statistics suggest that an increase in the mission’s capacities may be conducive to democratization.

  • Busemeyer, Marius R.; Tober, Tobias (2015): European integration and the political economy of inequality European Union Politics. 2015, 16(4), pp. 536-557. ISSN 1465-1165. eISSN 1741-2757. Available under: doi: 10.1177/1465116515591832

    European integration and the political economy of inequality


    This study examines the role of European integration as a potential source of income inequality in countries of the European Union. We distinguish between both economic and political integration and identify theoretical mechanisms that link the two to rising levels of inequality. The empirical analysis draws on time-series-cross-section data covering 14 European Union member states for the time period 1999–2010. In particular, we make use of a newly available dataset that measures individual degrees of integration across different dimensions. Our main finding is a positive association between political integration and inequality on the one hand as well as a nonassociation between economic integration and inequality on the other hand. This suggests that the recent trend toward inequality at the European Union national level is at least partly related to deepening political integration at the supranational level.

  • Holzinger, Katharina; Schmidt, Susanne K. (2015): From the Positive to the Regulatory State : A Transformation in the Machinery of Governance? LEIBFRIED, Stephan, ed. and others. The Oxford Handbook of Transformations of the State. 1. ed.. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015, pp. 499-515. ISBN 978-0-19-969158-6. Available under: doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199691586.013.26

    From the Positive to the Regulatory State : A Transformation in the Machinery of Governance?


    The change from “the positive to the regulatory state” describes a transformation from a state that itself provides many public social services and utilities to its citizens to a state that simply provides the regulatory framework for such services that are rendered by private actors. By “bringing the market back in,” the regulatory state is closely connected to increasing competitive pressures, globalization, and state failure. After a summary of the relevant theories, we give an overview of the development of the regulatory state in the OECD world and look at cross-national and cross-sectoral variation in the trajectories towards the regulatory state, focusing on processes of liberalization, privatization, and re-regulation. The keywords for the normative challenges of this transformation of the state are welfare, equity, and accountability. Increasingly, regulation at the international level is required.

  • Michaelis, Björn; Kunze, Florian; Bruch, Heike (2015): New insights on CEO charisma attribution in companies of different sizes and ownership structure : the role of prior company performance Journal of Business Economics. 2015, 85(7), pp. 793-815. ISSN 0044-2372. eISSN 1861-8928. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s11573-014-0753-1

    New insights on CEO charisma attribution in companies of different sizes and ownership structure : the role of prior company performance


    We extend theories on charismatic leadership by investigating the influence of prior company performance on subordinates’ attributions of chief executive officer (CEO) charisma within companies of different sizes and ownership structure. First, we use an experimental design to examine the effects of prior company performance on attributions of CEO charisma. Second, in a field study with 69 companies we replicate the experimental finding and show that this relationship is moderated by the size of the company such that the relationship between prior company performance and attributions of CEO charisma is significant only in large companies. We find no evidence, however, that the ownership structure of a company could strengthen or weaken this relationship.

  • Kontrovers, aber erfolgreich!? : eine Zwischenbilanz grün-roter Bildungsreformen in Baden-Württemberg ; Ergebnisse einer qualitativen Studie mit Erkenntnissen aus Expert_innen-Interviews und Fokusgruppen


    Die grün-rote Landesregierung hat nach ihrem Amtsantritt im Jahr 2011 ein umfassendes bildungspolitisches Reformprogramm umgesetzt. Ziel war, sowohl die Bildungsgerechtigkeit als auch die Qualität der Bildung insgesamt zu verbessern. Die Einführung der Gemeinschaftsschule als neuer Schultypus war dabei zentral und wurde politisch kontrovers diskutiert. Darüber hinaus verabschiedete die Landesregierung aber auch Reformen zur Ausweitung der Ganztagsbildungsangebote an Schulen, zur Umsetzung des Inklusionsprinzips, zur regionalen Schulentwicklung, zur Neuregelung der ehemals verbindlichen Grundschulempfehlung und zum Ausbau der Kinderbetreuung für unter Dreijährige.
    Die vorliegende Studie untersucht die Auswirkungen und die Bewertungen dieser Reformen in Teil A aus dem Blickwinkel zentraler politischer Akteur_innen und in Teil B im Rahmen von Fokusgruppen-Interviews an Gemeinschaftsschulen. Mit dieser Untersuchung soll die Frage (vorläufig) beantwortet werden, inwiefern die Reformen dazu beigetragen haben, die von der Landesregierung verfolgten Ziele zu erreichen.

  • Munzert, Simon; Rubba, Christian; Meißner, Peter; Nyhuis, Dominic (2015): Statistical Text Processing MUNZERT, Simon, Christian RUBBA, Peter MEISSNER, Dominic NYHUIS. Automated data collection with R : a practical guide to web scraping and text mining. Chichester: Wiley, 2015, pp. 295-321. ISBN 978-1-118-83481-7. Available under: doi: 10.1002/9781118834732.ch10

    Statistical Text Processing



  • Häusermann, Silja; Kurer, Thomas; Schwander, Hanna (2015): High-skilled outsiders? : Labor market vulnerability, education and welfare state preferences Socio-Economic Review. Oxford University Press. 2015, 13(2), pp. 235-258. ISSN 1475-1461. eISSN 1475-147X. Available under: doi: 10.1093/ser/mwu026

    High-skilled outsiders? : Labor market vulnerability, education and welfare state preferences


    Recent research has established that employment risk shapes social policy preferences. However, risk is often conceptualized as an alternative measure of the socio-economic status. We show that employment risk and socio-economic status are distinct, crosscutting determinants of social policy preferences. More specifically, we analyze the policy preferences of high-skilled labor market outsiders as a cross-pressured group. We first establish that labor market vulnerability has spread well into the more highly educated segments of the population. We then show that the effect of labor market vulnerability on social policy preferences even increases with higher educational attainment. We conclude that that labor market risk and educational status are not interchangeable and that the high skilled are particularly sensitive to the experience of labor market risk. Thereby, our findings point to a potential cross-class alliance between more highly and lower skilled vulnerable individuals in support of a redistributive and activating welfare state. Thus, they have far-reaching implications for our understanding of both the politicization of insider/outsider divides and the politics of welfare support.

  • Rational Mobilization of Ideological Group Members in Elections : Theory and Evidence


    We re-examine the link between group membership and turnout. While recent theoretical work in the rational choice tradition emphasizes the importance of groups, such as political parties and informal social networks, for turnout, it has paid little attention to formal economic groups like labor unions. We argue that this has hampered scholars' ability to make sense of unions' electoral impact. Theoretically, we show that rational mobilization implies that the link between union membership and turnout varies by individual ideology and electoral competitiveness. This suggests that the common empirical approach of estimating the average union vote premium can lead to misleading inferences. Analyzing American national election surveys combined with state-level data between 1964 and 2008, we find strong evidence consistent with rational mobilization by unions. Competitiveness increases turnout among left-leaning union members rather than all members, and left-leaning but non-unionized individuals are less affected by competitiveness.

  • Malamud, Andres; Schenoni, Luis (2015): Neoliberal Institutionalism and Neofunctionalism in Latin American Security Studies MARES, David R., ed., Arie M. KACOWICZ, ed.. Routledge handbook of Latin American security. London: Routledge, 2015, pp. 44-55. ISBN 978-0-415-71869-1. Available under: doi: 10.4324/9781315867908.ch3

    Neoliberal Institutionalism and Neofunctionalism in Latin American Security Studies


    Unlike realism–which posits survival and power as drivers and balance as mechanism–and constructivism–which posits ideas and identities as drivers and human interaction as mechanism–neoliberal institutionalism and neofunctionalism are two subsets of liberalism that focus on interests as drivers and institutions as mechanisms in determining preference formation and decision-making. In so doing, they offer a better explanation of international cooperation, integration processes, and institutional development than their theoretical alternatives. However, both theories differ in terms of level of analysis, key actors, and the causal mechanisms through which institutions are expected to condition policy outcomes.

  • Busemeyer, Marius R. (2015): Social investment, skills and inequality : hard choices in education and welfare state policies MARIN, Bernd, ed.. The future of welfare in a global Europe. Farnham: Ashgate, 2015, pp. 241-266. ISBN 978-1-4724-6308-1

    Social investment, skills and inequality : hard choices in education and welfare state policies

  • Tanase, Dorian; Garcia, David; Garas, Antonios; Schweitzer, Frank (2015): Emotions and Activity Profiles of Influential Users in Product Reviews Communities Frontiers in Physics. Frontiers Media. 2015, 3, 87. eISSN 2296-424X. Available under: doi: 10.3389/fphy.2015.00087

    Emotions and Activity Profiles of Influential Users in Product Reviews Communities


    Viral marketing seeks to maximize the spread of a campaign through an online social network, often targeting influential nodes with high centrality. In this article, we analyze behavioral aspects of influential users in trust-based product reviews communities, quantifying emotional expression, helpfulness, and user activity level. We focus on two independent product review communities, Dooyoo and Epinions, in which users can write product reviews and define trust links to filter product recommendations. Following the patterns of social contagion processes, we measure user social influence by means of the k-shell decomposition of trust networks. For each of these users, we apply sentiment analysis to extract their extent of positive, negative, and neutral emotional expression. In addition, we quantify the level of feedback they received in their reviews, the length of their contributions, and their level of activity over their lifetime in the community. We find that users of both communities exhibit a large heterogeneity of social influence, and that helpfulness votes and age are significantly better predictors of the influence of an individual than sentiment. The most active of the analyzed communities shows a particular structure, in which the inner core of users is qualitatively different from its periphery in terms of a stronger positive and negative emotional expression. These results suggest that both objective and subjective aspects of reviews are relevant to the communication of subjective experience.

  • Witting, Antje (2015): Measuring the Use of Knowledge in Policy Development Central European Journal of Public Policy : CEJPP. 2015, 9(2), pp. 54-71. eISSN 1802-4866

    Measuring the Use of Knowledge in Policy Development


    Public hearings are frequently used on all levels of government to systematically collect and analyze information in the early stages of legislative policymaking. The methods currently employed measure knowledge utilization in this context by means of citation analysis of edited articles and/or reports that summarize the information shared at these meetings. By combining citation analysis and social network analysis, this article develops a methodology that can be used to capture citations in transcripts of public hearings that precede these reports. In order to demonstrate its strengths and weaknesses, the method is utilized to analyze the 2009 hearings that informed the 2010 House of Commons Transport Committee report on developing the capacity of major roads in the United Kingdom to meet the country’s strategic transport needs. The research shows a good degree of consistency between two independent coders who employed this method to distinguish citations from non-citations and classify the data. It is concluded that the method can be utilized to reliably measure knowledge utilization at public hearings, and that it can be employed in conjunction with research that focuses on measuring citations in memos, briefings, articles or reports integrating some of the evidence given at these meetings.

  • Einführung in die Policy-Analyse


    Inhalte, Entstehung, Implementierung und Bewertung von Politiken sind das zentrale Thema der Policy-Forschung. Wie können Akteure und Institutionen Politikergebnisse beeinflussen? Wann ist Politik erfolgversprechend? Wie analysiert man Politikgestaltungsprozesse? Dieser Band erläutert und hinterfragt grundlegende Theorien und Forschungsmethoden. Besonderes Augenmerk liegt dabei auf den internationalen Einflussgrößen, deren Bedeutung ständig wächst.

  • Eckhard, Steffen (2015): Zwischen Sicherheits- und Außenpolitik : deutsche Polizeikräfte im internationalen Kriseneinsatz Vereinte Nationen : Zeitschrift für die Vereinten Nationen und ihre Sonderorganisationen. 2015, 2015(2), pp. 59-64. ISSN 0042-384X. eISSN 2366-6773

    Zwischen Sicherheits- und Außenpolitik : deutsche Polizeikräfte im internationalen Kriseneinsatz


    Häufig ist bei internationalen Krisen, Konflikten und Friedenseinsätzen die Erfahrung zu machen, dass für die Bevölkerung vor Ort die eigene Sicherheit an erster Stelle steht. Ohne sie kann es keine wirtschaftliche Betätigung und langfristige Entwicklung geben, regieren Unsicherheit und Angst. Deshalb setzen die Vereinten Nationen und andere internationale Organisationen schon seit den sechziger Jahren auch Polizeikräfte in ihren Friedensmis-sionen ein. Nach einem anfänglich guten Engagement ist die Beteiligung aus Deutschland dabei seit dem Jahr 2000 rückläufig. Der Beitrag untersucht die Gründe für die deutsche Zurückhaltung bei internationalen Polizeimissionen und welche bürokratischen und ideologischen Hindernisse überwunden werden müssten, um dem eigenen Anspruch nach mehr außenpolitischer Verantwortung gerecht zu werden.

  • Hizb ut-Tahrir in the press II : exploring differences between academic discourses and editorial choices in Europe and Central Asia


    This article analyzes academic discourses on Hizb u-Tahrir ai -Islami (after this HT) in various disciplines, provides an overview of media frames applied to HT in German, British and Kyrgyz quality newspapers, and examines the differences between the conclusions of scholars and mass media representations of HT. The introductory section of the paper briefly presents a group of selected authors and texts, illustrates the importance of drawing parallels between academic and journalistic discourses on HT, and explains the choice of the countries used in the study. The methodological section specifies the questions, sources and methods of research. Finally, there is a detailed presentation and discussion of the findings, followed by a summary of the conclusions.

  • Mergel, Ines (2015): Social Media in the Public Sector BERMAN, Evan, ed., Domonic A. BEARFIELD, ed., Melvin J. DUBNICK, ed.. Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy. 3rd Edition. New York: Routledge, 2015, pp. 3018-3021. ISBN 9781466569096. Available under: doi: 10.1081/e-epap3-120051204

    Social Media in the Public Sector


    Social media applications are extending the one-directional static e-government paradigm beyond information presentation and service delivery. They allow for bidirectional exchanges with citizens and across levels of government. Social media applications include social sharing, content creation, content curation, and open innovation platforms. In the public sector, social media tools are used to increase citizen participation, transparency of government processes, and decision making as well as collaboration with stakeholders and other government organizations.

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