Aktuelle Publikationen

Auf dieser Seite finden Sie die chronologisch geordneten Veröffentlichungen unserer Wissenschaftler*innen aus den vergangenen Jahren.

Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

  • Artikel
  • Buch
  • Dissertation
  • Studien- / Abschlussarbeit
  • Tagungsbericht
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20 / 4358
  • Interrelated Issues and Overlapping Policy Sectors : Swiss Water Politics



    dc.contributor.author: Schläpfer, Isabelle; Fischer, Manuel

  • Bächtiger, André; Shikano, Susumu; Linhart, Eric (Hrsg.) (2015): Deliberation und Aggregation

    Deliberation und Aggregation


    Deliberation ist nicht nur zu einem zentralen Referenzpunkt in der politischen Philosophie geworden, die Idee verständigungsorientierter Argumentation hat mittlerweile auch Eingang in die empirische Forschung gefunden. Das Jahrbuch bietet neue Perspektiven auf das Konzept der Deliberation: es beleuchtet die komplexe Beziehung von Deliberation zu bargaining und Verhandlungen, fragt nach dem Verhältnis von Deliberation, Abstimmen und Wahrheit, stellt neue methodische Herangehensweisen an strategische kommunikative Prozesse vor und präsentiert eine empirische Umsetzung des Deliberationskonzepts im Kontext des europäischen Parlaments.

  • How popular is education really?



  • Keller, Andreas; Dobbins, Michael (2015): Das Ringen um autonome und wettbewerbsfähige Hochschulen : Der Einfluss von Parteipolitik, fiskalpolitischem Problemdruck und historischen Vermächtnissen auf die Hochschulpolitik der Bundesländer Beiträge zur Hochschulforschung. Bayerisches Staatsinstitut für Hochschulforschung und Hochschulplanung. 2015, 37(2), pp. 28-55. ISSN 0171-645X. eISSN 2567-8841

    Das Ringen um autonome und wettbewerbsfähige Hochschulen : Der Einfluss von Parteipolitik, fiskalpolitischem Problemdruck und historischen Vermächtnissen auf die Hochschulpolitik der Bundesländer


    Die Zielsetzung dieses Beitrags besteht darin, anhand dreier politikwissenschaftlicher Theoriestränge das Ausmaß der Hinwendung zum wettbewerbsorientierten Steuerungsparadigma in vier deutschen Bundesländern zu erklären. Inwieweit unterscheiden sich die Hochschulsteuerungsmodelle der deutschen Bundesländer und wodurch lassen sich die unterschiedlichen hochschulpolitischen Entwicklungen erklären? Im Rahmen eines qualitativen Vergleichs befassen sich die Autoren mit den Entwicklungspfaden von vier Bundesländern: Hessen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Sachsen und Thüringen. Dabei wird untersucht, ob und inwieweit parteipolitische Konstellationen, historische Vermächtnisse und fiskalpolitischer Problemdruck das Ausmaß der Einführung wettbewerbsorientierter hochschulpolitischer Steuerungsmechanismen und der Stärkung der universitären Autonomie beeinflussen.

  • Wolf, Sebastian (2015): Different Approaches, Different Results in Small State Studies : Complementary Views on the Monarchy and Traditional Governance in Liechtenstein Swiss Political Science Review. 2015, 21(2), pp. 350-361. ISSN 1424-7755. eISSN 1662-6370. Available under: doi: 10.1111/spsr.12151

    Different Approaches, Different Results in Small State Studies : Complementary Views on the Monarchy and Traditional Governance in Liechtenstein


    The research note comments on W. Veenendaal's article “A Big Prince in a Tiny Realm: Smallness, Monarchy, and Political Legitimacy in the Principality of Liechtenstein”. It is argued, inter alia, that the phenomenon of “princely self-restraint” should not be underestimated in Liechtenstein's constitutional reality. The character of the microstate's actual political system strongly depends on the individual personality of the Reigning Prince. A strong monarch who acts as a political actor with his own agenda should not be conceptualized as a neutral traditional leader. From the perspective of many citizens of Liechtenstein, the principality's political system is legitimate since it combines traditional authority and legal-rational authority in a unique way. Largely due to the powerful role of the government, the microstate is characterized by consensus-oriented hierarchical governance. Elite surveys can be seen as a useful instrument to overcome some of the methodological pitfalls of the elite interview approach.

  • Munzert, Simon; Rubba, Christian; Meißner, Peter; Nyhuis, Dominic (2015): Gathering Data on Mobile Phones MUNZERT, Simon, Christian RUBBA, Peter MEISSNER, Dominic NYHUIS. Automated data collection with R : a practical guide to web scraping and text mining. Chichester: Wiley, 2015, pp. 396-415. ISBN 978-1-118-83481-7. Available under: doi: 10.1002/9781118834732.ch16

    Gathering Data on Mobile Phones



  • Henningen, Bernd; Jochem, Sven; Frech, Siegfried (2015): Einführung : das politische Skandinavien HENNINGSEN, Bernd, ed., Sven JOCHEM, ed. and others. Das politische Skandinavien : Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft, Politik & Kultur. Schwalbach/Ts.: Wochenschau-Verl., 2015, pp. 5-16. ISBN 978-3-7344-0050-6

    Einführung : das politische Skandinavien



    dc.contributor.author: Henningen, Bernd; Frech, Siegfried

  • Lehmbruch, Gerhard (2015): Der Entwicklungspfad des deutschen Bundesstaats : Weichenstellungen und Krisen AMBROSIUS, Gerold, ed. and others. Föderalismus in historisch vergleichender Perspektive, Bd.2: Föderale Systeme: Kaiserreich - Donaumonarchie - Europäische Union. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag, 2015, pp. 327-370. ISBN 978-3-8487-2146-7

    Der Entwicklungspfad des deutschen Bundesstaats : Weichenstellungen und Krisen


    Die Entwicklung des deutschen Bundesstaates läßt sich als eine Sequenz von Weichenstellungen im Verlauf des Staatsbildungsprozesses analysieren, die aneinander anschließen und schrittweise zu komplexeren institutionellen Konfigurationen führen. Dabei muß man also in der Periode des Deutschen Bundes (1815-1866) einsetzen, in der sich die moderne Staatlichkeit in seinen Einzelstaaten (also aus heutiger Perspektive auf der Länderebene) ausgebildet und verfestigt hat. Diese Phase der subnationalen Staatsbildung hat den Entwicklungspfad des deutschen Föderalismus in vielfältiger Weise präjudiziert. Die subnationalen Staatsbildungen wurden vom „Zentralstaat“ in Form eines „Mehrebenensystems“ überlagert, und das wurde durch die eigentümliche institutionelle Föderalismuskonstruktion ermöglicht, die ich als Verbindung von „Exekutivföderalismus“ und „Verhandlungsföderalismus“ beschreiben werde

  • Dobbins, Michael; Knill, Christoph (2015): Higher-education governance reforms in Europe : concepts, measurement and empirical findings LAWN, Martin, ed., Romuald NORMAND, ed.. Shaping of European education : interdisciplinary perspectives. London: Routledge, 2015, pp. 170-200. ISBN 978-0-415-74834-6

    Higher-education governance reforms in Europe : concepts, measurement and empirical findings



  • Miriam Hartlapp, Julia Metz, Christian Rauh: Which policy for Europe? : power and conflict inside the European Commission



  • Weidmann, Nils B.; Rød, Espen Geelmuyden (2015): Making uncertainty explicit : separating reports and events in the coding of violence and contention Journal of Peace Research. 2015, 52(1), pp. 125-128. ISSN 0022-3433. eISSN 1460-3578. Available under: doi: 10.1177/0022343314523807

    Making uncertainty explicit : separating reports and events in the coding of violence and contention


    When coding events from media sources – as the majority of data projects do – different reports may oftentimes contain contradictory information. What do coders make of this? It is up to them to aggregate different reports into one coded event, and to supplement missing information based on other sources or their own background information. If not addressed properly, this may lead to a lack of replicability and to low reliability of the final data product. In this short article, we present an approach for separating (i) event reports and the information contained in them, and (ii) events, which are based on aggregate information from the reports and constitute the final data product. Our procedure preserves uncertainty arising from multiple reports and gives the user control over how missing and conflicting information should be dealt with. We illustrate our procedure with data from a current coding project, the Mass Mobilization in Autocracies Database (MMAD).

  • Keh, Julia F. (2015): The Centralisation of Parliamentary Policy Statements in Western European Parliaments West European Politics. 2015, 38(5), pp. 1086-1105. ISSN 0140-2382. eISSN 1743-9655. Available under: doi: 10.1080/01402382.2015.1045318

    The Centralisation of Parliamentary Policy Statements in Western European Parliaments


    Parliamentarians and their party groups can employ many different instruments to communicate policy statements to their electorate (debates in plenary, presentations of committee reports, oral questions, written questions, and interpellations). Therefore, the design of these instruments should be analysed in one common framework. This paper seeks to provide a first step towards this goal by mapping and explaining the centralisation of parliamentary policy statements in all western European countries with a parliamentary system. It is argued that, on a theoretical level, there are two different causes for a stronger or weaker centralisation of the instruments of parliamentary policy statements: the electoral connection and efficiency. Empirically, it is shown that there are striking differences in centralisation both within and between countries which are worth exploring further. Moreover, the results of the statistical models suggest that the electoral connection is the driving factor behind the centralisation of the instruments of parliamentary policy statements.

  • Wagner, Claudia; Garcia, David; Jadidi, Mohsen; Strohmaier, Markus (2015): It's a Man's Wikipedia? : Assessing Gender Inequality in an Online Encyclopedia Proceedings of the 9th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media. Palo Alto, CA, USA: AAAI Press, 2015, pp. 454-463. ISSN 2162-3449. eISSN 2334-0770. ISBN 978-1-57735-733-9. Available under: doi: 10.1609/icwsm.v9i1.14628

    It's a Man's Wikipedia? : Assessing Gender Inequality in an Online Encyclopedia


    Wikipedia is a community-created encyclopedia that contains information about notable people from different countries, epochs and disciplines and aims to document the world's knowledge from a neutral point of view. However, the narrow diversity of the Wikipedia editor community has the potential to introduce systemic biases such as gender biases into the content of Wikipedia. In this paper we aim to tackle a sub problem of this larger challenge by presenting and applying a computational method for assessing gender bias on Wikipedia along multiple dimensions. We find that while women on Wikipedia are covered and featured well in many Wikipedia language editions, the way women are portrayed starkly differs from the way men are portrayed. We hope our work contributes to increasing awareness about gender biases online, and in particular to raising attention to the different levels in which gender biases can manifest themselves on the web.

  • Mader, Matthias (2015): Grundhaltungen zur Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik in Deutschland BIEHL, Heiko, ed., Harald SCHOEN, ed.. Sicherheitspolitik und Streitkräfte im Urteil der Bürger : Theorien, Methoden, Befunde. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2015, pp. 69-96. Schriftenreihe des Zentrums für Militärgeschichte und Sozialwissenschaften der Bundeswehr. 15. ISBN 978-3-658-08607-7. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-08608-4_3

    Grundhaltungen zur Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik in Deutschland


    In der Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik müssen Entscheidungen mit weitreichenden Konsequenzen getroffen werden. Für die Bevölkerung sind diese Themen jedoch oft schwer zu erfassen, da sie weit von ihrer Alltagswelt entfernt liegen. Ob die Bundeswehr aus Afghanistan abgezogen wird oder die Mitgliedsstaaten der Europäischen Union eine gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik (GASP) etablieren, für die wenigsten Bürgerinnen und Bürger werden die Konsequenzen dieser Maßnahmen direkt erfahrbar, etwa bei einem Blick auf den Gehaltszettel oder einem Spaziergang durch die Nachbarschaft.

  • Ethnic politics, regime support and conflict in Central and Eastern Europe


    Ethnicity and ethnic parties have often been portrayed as threats to political stability. Against a backdrop of recurring ethnic mobilization and conflict during the post-communist era, this study conducts a systematic analysis of ethnic politics in Central and Eastern Europe. It challenges the notion that the organization of politics in heterogeneous societies should necessarily aim at overcoming ethnicity, rather arguing that the descriptive representation of ethnic minority groups has the potential to increase regime support and reduce conflict. Examining up to 130 ethnic groups and their parties in Central and Eastern European democracies, the book defines the key concepts of ethnic identity and partisan-descriptive ethnic minority representation. The author considers which factors influence the electoral entry and success of ethnic minority parties and the levels of groups' partisan-descriptive representation in parliament, and how these in turn impact on individual levels of satisfaction with democracy and the protest behaviour of minority groups. Applying a consistent analytical lens on party competition, voter behaviour, political attitudes and group conflict, this study demystifies ethnic politics and offers a more unified theory of ethnic minority representation via ethnic parties.

  • Contributions to the Measurement of Public Opinion in Subpopulations



  • Behnke, Nathalie (2015): Bedarfe im deutschen Länderfinanzausgleich JUNKERNHEINRICH, Martin, ed., Joachim LANGE, ed.. Die Reform der Föderalen Finanzen : Wie geht es weiter?. Rehburg-Loccum: Evangelische Akademie Loccum, 2015, pp. 85-98. Loccumer Protokolle / Wirtschaft - Soziales. 13/15. ISSN 0177-1132. ISBN 978-3-8172-1315-3

    Bedarfe im deutschen Länderfinanzausgleich



  • Schneider, Volker; Eberlein, Burkard (2015): Complex Democracy : An Introduction SCHNEIDER, Volker, ed., Burkard EBERLEIN, ed.. Complex democracy : varieties, crises, and transformations. Cham [u.a.]: Springer, 2015, pp. 1-8. ISBN 978-3-319-15849-5. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-15850-1_1

    Complex Democracy : An Introduction


    This chapter introduces the present volume, which originated at a Berlin symposium in 2013, on the occasion of Gerhard Lehmbruch’s 85th birthday. The chapter presents Gerhard Lehmbruch as an early pioneer of complexity thinking in the context of democratic theory. Such a complexity perspective suggests that democratic political systems cannot be reduced to purely electoral systems; rather, they are vertically and horizontally differentiated communication systems in which different organizational levels (intermediary organizations) and different forms of interest intermediations interact. Besides the electoral channel of territorial interest intermediation there are multiple channels of functional intermediation in which organized actors and other private interests are incorporated into policy-making. This understanding of ‘complex democracy’ permeates the present volume in which 17 original contributions focus on one of the three key aspects of the study of complex democracy: 1. the structural and institutional variety of existing democratic systems; 2. the ways in which democratic systems are affected by and respond to contemporary economic and financial crisis; 3. the long-term transformations of democratic systems, both in institutional terms as well as regarding its implications for policy.

  • Weidmann, Nils B. (2015): Communication, technology, and political conflict : Introduction to the special issue Journal of Peace Research. 2015, 52(3), pp. 263-268. ISSN 0022-3433. eISSN 1460-3578. Available under: doi: 10.1177/0022343314559081

    Communication, technology, and political conflict : Introduction to the special issue


    Modern communication technology is emerging rapidly, with tremendous social implications. The key innovations introduced by this technology include the increased pervasiveness and the rich nature of digitally transmitted information, and a new type of network structure over which it is disseminated. The articles in this special issue present theoretical and empirical research on the relationship between communication technology and political conflict and violence. There are different pathways through which this can happen: technology can facilitate collective action, but at the same time give governments the opportunity to censor content and gather intelligence about dissidents. Also, audience effects can be introduced by the rich and instant transmission of information from conflict regions. The contributions to this special issue can be divided into three groups. A first group of articles looks at the effects of ‘old’ communication technologies with state-of-the-art methods, which is necessary to see if the effects of modern technology really differ. A second category of articles focuses on ‘new’ communication technologies, and try to assess their effect on conflict both theoretically and empirically. The third and last category reverses this question, and looks at the reflection of war and violence in (traditional and new) media channels.

  • Busemeyer, Marius R. (2015): Introduction [Skills and inequality : partisan politics and the political economy of education reforms in Western welfare states] BUSEMEYER, Marius R.. Skills and inequality : partisan politics and the political economy of education reforms in Western welfare states. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015, pp. 1-25. ISBN 978-1-107-06293-1. Available under: doi: 10.1017/CBO9781107477650.002

    Introduction [Skills and inequality : partisan politics and the political economy of education reforms in Western welfare states]



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