Aktuelle Publikationen

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Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

  • Artikel
  • Buch
  • Dissertation
  • Studien- / Abschlussarbeit
  • Tagungsbericht
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20 / 4358
  • Kunze, Florian; Garten, Daniela (2015): Organizational Climates and Age PACHANA, Nancy A., ed.. Encyclopedia of Geropsychology. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2015. ISBN 978-981-287-080-3. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-981-287-080-3_226-1

    Organizational Climates and Age



    dc.contributor.author: Garten, Daniela

  • De Jong, Simon B.; Kunze, Florian (2015): "Asymmetrical task dependence and organizational performance : Should, and can, HR intervene?" Academy of Management Proceedings. 2015(1), 10871. ISSN 0065-0668. eISSN 2151-6561. Available under: doi: 10.5465/AMBPP.2015.10871abstract

    "Asymmetrical task dependence and organizational performance : Should, and can, HR intervene?"


    Recent studies have indicated that asymmetrical task dependence among organizational members can affect dyadic work relationships, individual job satisfaction, and team learning and team performance. This study aims to go to the next level and investigates if – and how – asymmetries affect organizational performance. However, the key underlying theories (i.e. interdependence and power-dependence theory) are conflicted if this relationship would be positive or negative. Therefore new insights are necessary and to do so we draw from the literature on organizational trust climate to hypothesize it is a key mediator. To test the boundaries of our model, we then connect to the strategic Human Resource Management (HRM) literature and hypothesize that commitment-based HR practices act as a first- stage moderator. This study advances knowledge by a) showing that asymmetrical task dependence does matter at the organizational level and affects organizational performance, b) revealing that trust climate is a key underlying mechanism, and c) connecting recent discoveries within organizational behavior to the strategic HRM literature. Practically, this study is the first to provide clear organizational-level interventions. Our moderated- mediation model was tested, and fully supported, in a multi-source dataset of 67 small- and medium-sized organizations containing responses of 8390 organizational members.

  • Proksik, Joschka J. (2015): Kriminelle Weltreise WeltTrends. 2015(100), pp. 132-134. ISSN 0944-8101

    Kriminelle Weltreise



  • Fischer, Manuel; Leifeld, Philip (2015): Policy forums : Why do they exist and what are they used for? Policy Sciences. 2015, 48(3), pp. 363-382. ISSN 0032-2687. eISSN 1573-0891. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s11077-015-9224-y

    Policy forums : Why do they exist and what are they used for?


    Policy forums are issue-based intermediary organizations where diverse types of political and societal actors repeatedly interact. Policy forums are important elements of modern governance systems as they allow actors to learn, negotiate, or build trust. They can vary in composition, size, membership logic, and other distinct features. This article lays the foundation of a theory of policy forums based on three interrelated elements: First, it discusses conditions for the formation of a forum and describes the logic of these organizations as one of an asymmetric multipartite exchange. Second, it enumerates the potential set of goals and motivations of participating actors that are fed into this exchange. Third, it proposes eight different dimensions on which policy forums differ and which affect the exchange mechanisms among actors. We claim that empirical work on policy forums should systematically take these elements into account and propose elements of a research agenda.

  • Governance und Finanzierung kooperativer Berufsbildung : die Rolle von privaten Akteuren und Verbänden stärken


    In dieser Studie geht es um zentrale Merkmale und Ansätze der Steuerung und Finanzierung beruflicher Bildung zwischen Staat und Markt in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit.
    Die besondere Herausforderung liegt im Aufbau und in der Weiterentwicklung kooperativer Berufsbildungsansätze, die im internationalen Rahmen besonders nachgefragt sind und nachhaltig erscheinen. Zentrale Elemente sind dabei die Entwicklung und Organisation kollektiver Interessenverbände, die konsensuale Erarbeitung von Curricula und die Finanzierung privater Akteure in der beruflichen Bildung.
    In kooperativen Berufsbildungsstrukturen arbeiten staatlich und privatwirtschaftlich agierende Akteure und Institutionen zum Zwecke der Planung, Durchführung und Überprüfung beruflicher Bildung zusammen. Privatwirtschaftliche Gestaltungsfreiheit und die Orientierung an lokalen Berufsbildungsbedarfen wird mit einer öffentlich-rechtlich motivierten Standardisierung verbunden. Die Ansätze kooperativer Berufsbildung liegen im Schnittfeld wirtschafts-, sozial- und bildungspolitischer Zielstellungen. Sie sind daher gesamtgesellschaftlich besonders nachhaltig sowie gewinnbringend und können zugleich gesellschaftlich stabilisierend wirken. Staatliche oder marktwirtschaftliche Modelle der Berufsausbildung hingegen gewähren keine ausreichende Balance zwischen den verschiedenen Politikzielen. Der Geltungsbereich kooperativer Berufsbildungsstrukturen umfasst verschiedene Formen der beruflichen Erstausbildung, des beruflichen und betrieblichen Weiterbildungsbereichs und mittlerweile auch der Hochschulbildung. In dieser Studie wird schwerpunktmäßig die Erstausbildung in den Blick genommen.
    Ziel dieser Studie ist es, Handlungsmöglichkeiten für die berufliche Bildung in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit aufzuzeigen und zu begründen. Es ist evident, dass der Transfer traditionell gewachsener Berufsbildungssysteme von einem Land auf andere Länder nicht ohne weiteres möglich ist. Deshalb werden wichtige Elemente bewährter Strukturen verdeutlicht und Hinweise gegeben, wie der Aufbau und die Weiterentwicklung dieser Elemente unter Berücksichtigung divergenter kultureller, politischer und ökonomischer Bedingungen gelingen kann.

  • Transformational Leadership at the CEO-TMT-Interface : The Mediating Influence of Behavioral Integration


    The paper addresses transformational leadership and its dispersion in top management teams (TMT). Drawing on different theories of individual action in social context and combining them into an integrated model of individual behavior, it is argued that transformational leadership exhibited by the chief executive officer (CEO) spurs TMT members’ transformational leadership. It is supposed that a significant part of this positive effect is mediated by TMT behavioral integration, and that both CEO and TMT transformational leadership relate positively to organizational innovation. The proposed model was tested relying on quantitative data from a large-scale study with 31,594 participants from 215 German small to medium-sized enterprises. Structural equation modeling provided support for all hypothesized relationships, to such an extent that CEO transformational leadership was positively related to TMT transformational leadership both directly and indirectly (via TMT behavioral integration). Likewise, empirical evidence for a positive impact of TMT transformational leadership on organizational innovation and for a complete mediation of the respective influence of CEO transformational leadership (via TMT transformational leadership) was found. With its theoretical argumentation and empirical findings, the study makes valuable contributions to research on antecedents and effects of transformational leadership, leadership dispersion, individual behavior in social context, and upper echelons theory. Additionally, results hold important practical implications for effective leadership in organizations.

  • Soziotechnische Innovation im Gesundheitswesen : eine Fallstudie zur Einführung der elektronischen Gesundheitskarte



  • Schneider, Volker (2015): Relationalism in Political Theory and Research : The Challenge of Networked Politics and Policy-Making Przegląd Politologiczny = Political Science Review. 2015(4), pp. 191-206. ISSN 1233-9547. eISSN 1426-8876. Available under: doi: 10.14746/pp.2015.20.4.14

    Relationalism in Political Theory and Research : The Challenge of Networked Politics and Policy-Making


    Political theory and research approaches are in most cases not explicit in all respects, but are usually shaped by implicit background theories and scientific worldviews, e.g. presuppositions and paradigms. Examples are idealism, materialism or institutionalism. A fairly new perspective in this regard is relationalism. This way of thinking, in its ontological orientation, conceives the world only in terms of relations. Research programmes with a relationalist orientation put this idea into practice with methods of social network analysis which are more and more used also in political science. Several variants of this new -ism and type of network thinking are presented in this paper in a critical perspective. Relationalism is ultimately seen as fruitful perspective, but is seen as limited in its explanatory power, though. It should therefore always be combined with other approaches and perspectives.

  • Becher, Michael; Christiansen, Flemming Juul (2015): Dissolution Threats and Legislative Bargaining American Journal of Political Science. 2015, 59(3), pp. 641-655. ISSN 0092-5853. eISSN 1540-5907. Available under: doi: 10.1111/ajps.12146

    Dissolution Threats and Legislative Bargaining


    Chief executives in many parliamentary democracies have the power to dissolve the legislature. Despite a well-developed literature on the endogenous timing of parliamentary elections, political scientists know remarkably little about the strategic use of dissolution power to influence policymaking. To address this gap, we propose and empirically evaluate a theoretical model of legislative bargaining in the shadow of executive dissolution power. The model implies that the chief executive's public support and legislative strength, as well as the time until the next constitutionally mandated election, are important determinants of the use and effectiveness of dissolution threats in policymaking. Analyzing an original times-series data set from a multiparty parliamentary democracy, we find evidence in line with key empirical implications of the model.

  • Seibel, Wolfgang (2015): Politisierung internationaler Organisationen: Eine theoretische Einordnung am Beispiel der Vereinten Nationen und des Prinzips der Schutzverantwortung CONCEIÇÃO-HELDT, Eugénia da, ed. and others. Internationale Organisationen : Autonomie, Politisierung, interorganisationale Beziehungen und Wandel. 1. Aufl.. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2015, pp. 239-265. Politische Vierteljahresschrift / Sonderheft. 49. ISBN 978-3-8487-0484-2

    Politisierung internationaler Organisationen: Eine theoretische Einordnung am Beispiel der Vereinten Nationen und des Prinzips der Schutzverantwortung



  • Jochem, Sven (2015): Mehrtens, Philip: Staatsschulden und Staatstätigkeit : zur Transformation der politischen Ökonomie Schwedens Politische Vierteljahresschrift : PVS. 2015, 56(2), pp. 378-380. ISSN 0032-3470. eISSN 1862-2860. Available under: doi: 10.5771/0032-3470-2015-2-378

    Mehrtens, Philip: Staatsschulden und Staatstätigkeit : zur Transformation der politischen Ökonomie Schwedens



  • Mader, Matthias; Fiebig, Rüdiger (2015): Determinanten der Bevölkerungseinstellungen zum Afghanistaneinsatz : Prädispositionen, Erfolgswahrnehmungen und die moderierende Wirkung individueller Mediennutzung BIEHL, Heiko, ed., Harald SCHOEN, ed.. Sicherheitspolitik und Streitkräfte im Urteil der Bürger : Theorien, Methoden, Befunde. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2015, pp. 97-121. Schriftenreihe des Zentrums für Militärgeschichte und Sozialwissenschaften der Bundeswehr. 15. ISBN 978-3-658-08607-7. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-08608-4_4

    Determinanten der Bevölkerungseinstellungen zum Afghanistaneinsatz : Prädispositionen, Erfolgswahrnehmungen und die moderierende Wirkung individueller Mediennutzung


    Seit 1990 beteiligt sich Deutschland in zunehmendem Maße an Militäreinsätzen unter Führung der Vereinten Nationen und der NATO, bei denen Bundeswehrsoldaten jenseits der Landesgrenzen eingesetzt werden. In Anbetracht des komplexen Verhältnisses von Militär und Bevölkerung, das sich in der Bundesrepublik deutlich vom zivil-militärischen Verhältnis in anderen westlichen Staaten unterscheidet (Biehl et al. 2011; Rattinger 1985), ist die Frage nach den Determinanten der Unterstützung von Auslandseinsätzen im Allgemeinen und des Afghanistaneinsatzes im Speziellen von besonderer Bedeutung.

  • Osei, Anja (2015): Elites and democracy in Ghana : A social network approach African Affairs. 2015, 114(457), pp. 529-554. ISSN 0001-9909. eISSN 1468-2621. Available under: doi: 10.1093/afraf/adv036

    Elites and democracy in Ghana : A social network approach


    This article presents new theoretical and empirical insights into democratization in Africa, using the typology developed by John Higley and Michael Burton to understand elite interaction in Ghana. Social network analysis (SNA) is used to test the main proposition of the Higley/Burton theory, namely that a ‘liberal democracy is impossible without a consensually united elite’. Empirical evidence is provided from a unique data set that maps the interaction patterns between Members of Parliament elected to the Ghanaian legislature in 2012. The article shows that MPs in Ghana form a dense and strongly interconnected network bridging ethnic and party cleavages, and that MPs from different parties have developed a measure of trust in one another. These findings not only support Higley and Burton's claim that elite integration is conducive to stable democracy, but also point to new directions in African Studies by demonstrating the capacity of actor-centric approaches to explain processes of democratization in countries that lack the classic structural preconditions for consolidation.

  • Geißler, René; Ebinger, Falk (2015): Die Kommunalaufsicht im Spannungsfeld der Erwartungen Innovative Verwaltung. 2015, 2015(10), pp. 14-17. ISSN 1618-9876

    Die Kommunalaufsicht im Spannungsfeld der Erwartungen


    Das kommunale Haushaltsrecht spricht im Grundsatz eine klare Sprache: Permanente Haushaltsdefizite sind nicht zulässig. Es ist Aufgabe der Kommunalaufsicht, diese Regel durchzusetzen. Offensichtlich stößt sie dabei an Grenzen. Warum die Aufsicht welche Entscheidungen trifft, wie sie denkt und funktioniert, darüber ist kaum etwas bekannt.

  • Behnke, Nathalie (2015): Stand und Perspektiven der Föderalismusforschung Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ). 2015, 65(28-30), pp. 9-16. ISSN 0479-611X. eISSN 2194-3621

    Stand und Perspektiven der Föderalismusforschung



  • Szöcsik, Edina; Zuber, Christina Isabel (2015): EPAC : a new dataset on ethnonationalism in party competition in 22 European democracies Party Politics. 2015, 21(1), pp. 153-160. ISSN 1354-0688. eISSN 1460-3683. Available under: doi: 10.1177/1354068812462927

    EPAC : a new dataset on ethnonationalism in party competition in 22 European democracies


    Datasets in the field of ethnic politics still tend to treat ethnonational groups as unitary actors and do not differentiate between the positions of the organizations representing these groups. Datasets in the field of party politics differentiate between the positions of political parties, yet fail convincingly to conceptualize an ethnonational dimension of competition. This Research Note presents EPAC, a new dataset on Ethnonationalism in Party Competition that seeks to fill this gap. Based on an expert survey, EPAC provides cross-sectional data on the ethnonational positions of 210 political parties in 22 multinational European democracies. The conceptualization of an ethnonational dimension of competition underlying the dataset is introduced and a series of validity and reliability tests performed. Test results show that EPAC provides valid and reliable measures of party positions on an ethnonational dimension that can serve as an empirical base for study of the causes and effects of the mobilization of ethnicity in party competition.

  • Mergel, Ines (2015): Breaking the Silos of Silence : The Importance of New Forms of Knowledge Incubation for Policy Informatics JOHNSTON, Erik W., ed.. Governance in the information era : theory and practice of policy informatics. New York: Routledge, 2015, pp. 319-332. ISBN 978-1-138-83207-7

    Breaking the Silos of Silence : The Importance of New Forms of Knowledge Incubation for Policy Informatics



  • Rød, Espen Geelmuyden; Weidmann, Nils B. (2015): Empowering activists or autocrats? : The Internet in authoritarian regimes Journal of Peace Research. 2015, 52(3), pp. 338-351. ISSN 0022-3433. eISSN 1460-3578. Available under: doi: 10.1177/0022343314555782

    Empowering activists or autocrats? : The Internet in authoritarian regimes


    The reported role of social media in recent popular uprisings against Arab autocrats has fueled the notion of ‘liberation technology’, namely that information and communication technology (ICT) facilitates organization of antigovernment movements in autocracies. Less optimistic observers, on the other hand, contend that ICT is a tool of repression in the hands of autocrats, imposing further restrictions on political and social liberties. We investigate whether the liberation- or the repression-technology perspective can better explain empirically observed patterns. To this end, we analyze two outcomes. First, we look at which autocracies are more likely to adopt and expand the Internet. In line with the repression technology expectation, we find that regimes aiming to prevent any independent public sphere are more likely to introduce the Internet. Second, we study the effects of the Internet on changes towards democracy. This analysis reveals no effect of the Internet on political institutions. These findings provide moderate support for the ‘repression technology’ perspective, and suggest that the Internet has not – at least in its first two decades of existence – contributed to a global shift towards democracy.

  • Shikano, Susumu (2015): Bayesian estimation of regression models BEST, Henning, ed. and others. The SAGE Handbook of Regression Analysis and Causal Inference. Los Angeles, Calif. [u.a.]: Sage Reference, 2015, pp. 31-54. ISBN 978-1-4462-5244-4

    Bayesian estimation of regression models



  • Seibel, Wolfgang (2015): Welfare Mixes and Hybridity : Analytical and Managerial Implications ; ‘Welfare Mix’ and Hybridity ; Divergent but Compatible Concepts Voluntas : International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations. 2015, 26(5), pp. 1759-1768. ISSN 0957-8765. eISSN 1573-7888. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s11266-015-9617-8

    Welfare Mixes and Hybridity : Analytical and Managerial Implications ; ‘Welfare Mix’ and Hybridity ; Divergent but Compatible Concepts


    The notion of a “welfare mix” has two different points of reference. One is the variety of institutional arrangements of modern welfare states in, basically, capitalist democracies. This is primarily connected to a cross-country comparative perspective, very much influenced by classic pieces of research on the varieties of welfare states in general and related typologies (above all Esping-Andersen, The three worlds of welfare capitalism, 1990; see also Arts and Gelissen J Eur Soc Policy 12:137–158, 2002; Castles et al., The Oxford handbook of the welfare state, 2011). We believe to know, for instance, that Scandinavian welfare states are much more state-centered and, accordingly, third sector organizations much less important than in, say, conservative or corporatist welfare states such as Germany or Austria or in liberal welfare states such as the United States (cf. Salamon and Anheier, Defining the nonprofit sector: a cross-national analysis, 1997). A second point of reference of the “mix” of welfare state arrangements is the combination of sector-specific institutions in the provision of welfare-related services in a given country. It is here where the notion of hybridity is particularly relevant since it is typically the arrangement of overlapping sectoral segments that characterize the “mix” in question (cf. Evers Int J Public Adm 28:736–748, 2005 for an overview). Examples are tax exempted foundations in the field of education or science, private voluntary associations providing public goods such as social services of various kinds or private goods such as housing provided by public enterprises or cooperatives.

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