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Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

  • Artikel
  • Buch
  • Dissertation
  • Studien- / Abschlussarbeit
  • Tagungsbericht
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20 / 4358
  • Bauer, Michael W.; da Conceição-Heldt, Eugénia; Ege, Jörn (2015): Autonomiekonzeptionen internationaler Organisationen im Vergleich Politische Vierteljahresschrift (PVS) = German Political Science Quarterly. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. 2015(Sonderheft PVS), pp. 33-58. ISSN 0720-7182. eISSN 1862-2860. Available under: doi: 10.5771/9783845248516-33

    Autonomiekonzeptionen internationaler Organisationen im Vergleich



    dc.contributor.author: da Conceição-Heldt, Eugénia

  • Sternberg, Sebastian; Gschwend, Thomas; Wittig, Caroline; Engst, Benjamin G. (2015): Zum Einfluss der öffentlichen Meinung auf Entscheidungen des Bundesverfassungsgerichts : Eine Analyse von abstrakten Normenkontrollen sowie Bund-Länder-Streitigkeiten 1974 - 2010 Politische Vierteljahresschrift (PVS). Nomos. 2015, 56(4), pp. 570-598. ISSN 0720-7182. eISSN 1862-2860. Available under: doi: 10.5771/0032-3470-2015-4-570

    Zum Einfluss der öffentlichen Meinung auf Entscheidungen des Bundesverfassungsgerichts : Eine Analyse von abstrakten Normenkontrollen sowie Bund-Länder-Streitigkeiten 1974 - 2010


    Ist das Bundesverfassungsgericht, wie oft behauptet, ein weitestgehend unabhängiger Akteur im Regierungssystem der Bundesrepublik? Wir zeigen erstmals, in welchem Ausmaß die öffentliche Meinung einen systematischen Einfluss auf Entscheidungen des Gerichts ausübt. Unsere Evidenz basiert auf der Analyse abstrakter Normenkontrollen und Bund-Länder-Streitigkeiten von 1974 bis 2010. Je stärker die Antragsinhalte der Opposition durch die öffentliche Meinung unterstützt werden, desto eher entscheidet das Bundesverfassungsgericht im Sinne der Opposition. Zwei Mechanismen, die diese Korrelation vermitteln könnten, werden abschließend diskutiert. Obwohl das Gericht nicht blind dem Mehrheitswillen der Öffentlichkeit folgt, berücksichtigt es zu seiner Legitimation die Akzeptanz seiner Entscheidungen.

  • Niven, Karen; Garcia, David; van der Löwe, Ilmo; Holman, David; Mansell, Warren (2015): Becoming popular : interpersonal emotion regulation predicts relationship formation in real life social networks Frontiers in Psychology. Frontiers Research Foundation. 2015, 6, 1452. eISSN 1664-1078. Available under: doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01452

    Becoming popular : interpersonal emotion regulation predicts relationship formation in real life social networks


    Building relationships is crucial for satisfaction and success, especially when entering new social contexts. In the present paper, we investigate whether attempting to improve others’ feelings helps people to make connections in new networks. In Study 1, a social network study following new networks of people for a 12-week period indicated that use of interpersonal emotion regulation (IER) strategies predicted growth in popularity, as indicated by other network members’ reports of spending time with the person, in work and non-work interactions. In Study 2, linguistic analysis of the tweets from over 8000 Twitter users from formation of their accounts revealed that use of IER predicted greater popularity in terms of the number of followers gained. However, not all types of IER had positive effects. Behavioral IER strategies (which use behavior to reassure or comfort in order to regulate affect) were associated with greater popularity, while cognitive strategies (which change a person’s thoughts about his or her situation or feelings in order to regulate affect) were negatively associated with popularity. Our findings have implications for our understanding of how new relationships are formed, highlighting the important the role played by intentional emotion regulatory processes.

  • Schaeffner, Mélanie; Hüttermann, Hendrik; Gebert, Diether; Boerner, Sabine; Kearney, Eric; Song, Lynda Jiwen (2015): Swim or Sink Together : The Potential of Collective Team Identification and Team Member Alignment for Separating Task and Relationship Conflicts Group & Organization Management. 2015, 40(4), pp. 467-499. ISSN 1059-6011. eISSN 1552-3993. Available under: doi: 10.1177/1059601114561059

    Swim or Sink Together : The Potential of Collective Team Identification and Team Member Alignment for Separating Task and Relationship Conflicts


    This article investigates collective team identification and team member alignment (i.e., the existence of short- and long-term team goals and teambased reward structures) as moderators of the association between task and relationship conflicts. Being indicators of cooperative goal interdependence in teams, both moderators are hypothesized to mitigate the positive association between the two conflict types. Findings from 88 development teams confirm the moderating effect for collective team identification, but not for team member alignment. Moreover, the moderating role of collective team identification is found to be dependent on the level of task conflict: It is more effective in decoupling task and relationship conflicts at medium as compared with high or low levels of task conflict.

  • Jobst, Johanna; Boerner, Sabine (2015): The impact of primary service and servicescape on customer satisfaction in a leisure service setting : an empirical investigation among theatregoers International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing. 2015, 20(3), pp. 238-255. ISSN 1465-4520. eISSN 1479-103X. Available under: doi: 10.1002/nvsm.1522

    The impact of primary service and servicescape on customer satisfaction in a leisure service setting : an empirical investigation among theatregoers


    This paper investigates the effects of perceived primary service and perceived servicescape on customer satisfaction in theatres. According to a questionnaire study, among n=2897 theatregoers in 12 German-speaking theatres, factors pertaining to the perceived primary service are most influential on customer satisfaction (in particular, the perceived artistic quality, followed by visitors’ emotional and cognitive response to the performance). Contrariwise, factors pertaining to the perceived servicescape (i.e. seating and view; other customers’ behaviour) are only of minor relevance for customer satisfaction. Furthermore, the influence of both perceived primary service quality and perceived servicescape quality on customer satisfaction is subject to moderating individual factors, such as visitors’ theatrical competence and their motivation for attending a theatre performance.

  • Jochem, Sven (2015): Reformpolitik im schwedischen Sozialstaat : Formen, Gründe und Konsequenzen der Austeritätspolitik Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter. 2015(3). ISSN 1605-8704. eISSN 0043-6291

    Reformpolitik im schwedischen Sozialstaat : Formen, Gründe und Konsequenzen der Austeritätspolitik


    Der Beitrag skizziert die Reformpolitik im schwedischen Sozialstaat und analysiert die Gründe, Formen und Konsequenzen der Austeritätspolitik. Die Privatisierung des Sozialstaates schreitet in Schweden weiter voran und geht einher mit einer Entstaatlichung der Fiskal- und Schuldenpolitik. Diese Politik des privatisierten Keynesianismus impliziert eine zunehmende gesellschaftliche Ungleichheit. Damit bestätigen die schwedischen Erfahrungen die Wirksamkeit eines Trilemmas der Dienstleistungsökonomie nach Iversen und Wren.

  • Analyzing Political Communication with Digital Trace Data : The Role of Twitter Messages in Social Science Research


    This book offers a framework for the analysis of political communication in election campaigns based on digital trace data that documents political behavior, interests and opinions. The author investigates the data-generating processes leading users to interact with digital services in politically relevant contexts. These interactions produce digital traces, which in turn can be analyzed to draw inferences on political events or the phenomena that give rise to them. Various factors mediate the image of political reality emerging from digital trace data, such as the users of digital services’ political interests, attitudes or attention to politics. In order to arrive at valid inferences about the political reality on the basis of digital trace data, these mediating factors have to be accounted for. The author presents this interpretative framework in a detailed analysis of Twitter messages referring to politics in the context of the 2009 federal elections in Germany. This book will appeal to scholars interested in the field of political communication, as well as practitioners active in the political arena.

  • Schneider, Volker (2015): Towards Post-Democracy or Complex Power Sharing? : Environmental Policy Networks in Germany SCHNEIDER, Volker, ed. and others. Complex democracy : varieties, crises, and transformations. Cham [u.a.]: Springer, 2015, pp. 263-279. ISBN 978-3-319-15849-5. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-15850-1_17

    Towards Post-Democracy or Complex Power Sharing? : Environmental Policy Networks in Germany


    This article rejuvenates the power structure perspective in the analysis of policy networks. At the theoretical level it links policy analysis to the debate on post-democracies and power-sharing. Whereas the latter perspective emphasizes a great variety of democratic political systems and corresponding structures of power sharing, the former makes the assertion that the current political-economic development would lead to an erosion of democratic structures. Both frameworks are used to check the post-democracy hypothesis within the German policy-making context. The paper proceeds in three steps. After a short outline of the debate on post-democracy it compares empirical analyses of policy networks in Germany in the early 1980s and in the 2010s. The results of this empirical analysis then is interpreted in a power structure and power-sharing perspective. It concludes that the policy actor system in current environmental and energy policy-making in Germany is hardly reducible to the post-democratic power dyad consisting of only the business elite and the governmental executive, but is much more differentiated and pluralistic.

  • Zieba, Aleksandra (2015): Counterterrorism Systems of Spain and Poland : Comparative Studies Przeglad Politologiczny. 2015, 3, pp. 65-78. ISSN 1233-9547. eISSN 1426-8876. Available under: doi: 10.14746/pp.2015.20.3.5

    Counterterrorism Systems of Spain and Poland : Comparative Studies


    This paper analyses the counter-terrorism systems in Spain and Poland. This comparative study looks at legal, institutional, and conceptual solutions. In particular, criminal legal regulationsand various institutions fighting terrorism are analysed, as are the main goals and tasks of these bodies.The paper shows the scale of terrorist incidents and evolution of terrorist threats in both countries.

  • De Juan, Alexander (2015): Long-term environmental change and geographical patterns of violence in Darfur, 2003-2005 Political Geography. 2015, 45, pp. 22-33. ISSN 0962-6298. eISSN 1873-5096. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.polgeo.2014.09.001

    Long-term environmental change and geographical patterns of violence in Darfur, 2003-2005


    This paper investigates spatial associations between environmental change and violence in Darfur. Long-term variations in the geographical distribution of water and vegetative resources can foster migration from areas with decreasing levels of resource availability to areas with increasing levels. Rising ethnic diversity and resource competition can, in turn, escalate the risk of violence in areas of high in-migration. This paper employs a multimethod approach to investigate this hypothesis. Qualitative evidence is used to demonstrate the plausibility of the argument for the case of Darfur. The quantitative analysis is based on information retrieved from satellite imagery on long-term vegetation change and the spatial distribution of attacks on villages in the early phase of the civil war (2003–2005). The findings indicate that violence has been more likely and intense in areas that experienced increasing availability of water and vegetative resources during the 20 years prior to the civil war.

  • Sieberer, Ulrich (2015): Hire or Fire? : The Link between Cabinet Investiture and Removal in Parliamentary Democracies RASCH, Bjørn Erik, ed., Shane MARTIN, ed., José Antonio CHEIBUB, ed.. Parliaments and Government Formation : Unpacking Investiture Rules. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015, pp. 309-330. ISBN 978-0-19-874701-7. Available under: doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198747017.003.0018

    Hire or Fire? : The Link between Cabinet Investiture and Removal in Parliamentary Democracies


    Cabinet investiture and cabinet removal are conceptually distinct mechanisms linking the parliamentary majority and the cabinet. The chapter presents the first comparative analysis of the relationship between these mechanisms. Based on principal‐agent theory, it argues that both serve the same purpose of ensuring successful delegation from the parliamentary majority to the cabinet. As such, both rules can be seen as substitutes. This substitutability thesis is contrasted with a complementarity view based on the classic separation of powers notion according to which strong parliaments should be powerful in both dimensions. Systematic analysis of the institutional powers of twenty-five European parliaments with regard to cabinet selection and removal provides strong empirical support for the substitutability thesis as investiture and removal powers are negatively related.

  • Bartley, Tim; Koos, Sebastian; Samel, Hiram; Setrini, Gustavo; Summers, Nik (2015): Looking behind the Label : global industries and the conscientious consumer

    Looking behind the Label : global industries and the conscientious consumer


    What does it mean when consumers "shop with a conscience" and choose products labeled as fair or sustainable? Does this translate into meaningful changes in global production processes? To what extent are voluntary standards implemented and enforced, and can they really govern global industries? Looking behind the Label presents an informative introduction to global production and ethical consumption, tracing the links between consumers' choices and the practices of multinational producers and retailers. Case studies of several types of products wood and paper, food, apparel and footwear, and electronics are used to reveal what lies behind voluntary rules and to critique predominant assumptions about ethical consumption as a form of political expression.

  • Protest dynamics in autocracies



  • Sieberer, Ulrich (2015): Die Politik des Ressortzuschnitts zwischen Koalitionsartithmetik und thematischer Profilierung : Eine koalitionspolitische Erklärung für Kompetenzveränderungen der Bundesministerien, 1957-2013 Politische Vierteljahresschrift : PVS. 2015, 56(1), pp. 77-103. ISSN 0032-3470. eISSN 1862-2860. Available under: doi: 10.5771/0032-3470-2015-1-77

    Die Politik des Ressortzuschnitts zwischen Koalitionsartithmetik und thematischer Profilierung : Eine koalitionspolitische Erklärung für Kompetenzveränderungen der Bundesministerien, 1957-2013


    Wer profitiert von Reformen des Zuschnitts von Bundesministerien? Dieser Artikel erklärt Veränderungen im Ressortzuschnitt als Ergebnis eines Verteilungskonflikts bei der Koalitionsbildung, der von der Koalitionsarithmetik und den thematischen Schwerpunkten der Koalitionspartner dominiert wird. Statistische Analysen sämtlicher Kompetenzverschiebungen seit 1957 zeigen, dass Ministerien von quantitativ unterrepräsentierten Koalitionspartnern sowie Ministerien mit hoher elektoraler Salienz eher Kompetenzen hinzugewinnen. Die Kompensation unterrepräsentierter Partner erfolgt über die Stärkung wenig salienter Ministerien. Die Politik des Ressortzuschnitts hat weitreichende Implikationen für die Koalitionsforschung, die Policyforschung und die Analyse institutioneller Reformen in der Exekutive.

    Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

  • Garritzmann, Julian L. (2015): Attitudes towards student support : How positive feedback-effects prevent change in the Four Worlds of Student Finance Journal of European Social Policy. 2015, 25(2), pp. 139-158. ISSN 0958-9287. eISSN 1461-7269. Available under: doi: 10.1177/0958928715573478

    Attitudes towards student support : How positive feedback-effects prevent change in the Four Worlds of Student Finance


    This article provides a detailed analysis of individual preferences towards public financial aid to students from low-income families. Who favours/opposes such aid? What are the determinants of the respective preferences? I argue that three sets of factors jointly shape these preferences: materialistic self-interests, political attitudes, and the status quo of the higher education subsidy systems by generating positive feedback-effects. Results of multilevel ordered logit models utilizing the International Social Survey Program (ISSP) data for up to 22 countries over two decades indicate that self-interest matters: students strongly favour subsidies as do their parents, while those paying for the spending and those not expecting to benefit oppose such aid. Moreover, political attitudes are important: Supporters of redistribution and of increased public education spending in general, as well as leftwing voters, are much more likely to support students. On the macro-level, the findings suggest that positive feedback-effects exist: in countries with generous subsidy systems, public support for subsidies is higher. This article is the first to systematically analyse preferences towards higher education subsidies across countries and time and demonstrates how positive feedback-effects increasingly lock-in countries’ tuition-subsidy paths, making the systems resistant to (radical) change. As such, it speaks to the literature on the political economy of skill formation, the welfare state, public opinion and the public opinion–policy link.

  • Reinwald, Max; Hüttermann, Hendrik; Kröll, Julia; Boerner, Sabine (2015): Gender Diversity in Leadership Teams and Organizational Performance : A Meta-Analysis Respectful and effective leadership : Managing people and organizations in turbulent times; The 17th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, Oslo, Norway 20-23 May, 2015. 2015

    Gender Diversity in Leadership Teams and Organizational Performance : A Meta-Analysis


    Purpose: The share of women in leadership positions is increasing in Western societies. However, theoretical and empirical findings on the performance consequences of gender diversity in leadership teams are inconsistent. By reviewing extant research, the purpose of this paper is to investigate how and depending on which contingency factors gender diversity in leadership teams is related to organizational performance.

    Design/Methodology: Using data from 10,664 leadership teams across 38 studies, we meta-analyze the relationship between gender diversity in leadership teams and organizational performance. Moreover, sub-group analyses are conducted to examine whether contextual factors (team size, industry, cultural context, performance measure) moderate the relationship.

    Results: No significant association can be identified between gender diversity and organizational performance. Moreover, none of the investigated moderators turns out to be significant.

    Limitations: Restrictions in data availability limited our ability to analyze additional contextual factors and mediating processes.

    Research/Practical Implications: An agenda for future research is provided, including a call for moderator and mediator testing, as well as the examination of faultlines and deep-level differences in gender diverse leadership teams. For practitioners, the results have two major implications: First, the notion that gender diversity in leadership teams promotes organizational performance cannot be unequivocally supported by extant research. Second, too little is known yet about the relevance of contextual factors to formulate evidence-based recommendations on how to leverage the positive potential of gender diversity in leadership teams.

    Originality/Value: This study is the first to meta-analytically examine the association between gender diversity in leadership teams and organizational performance.

  • Endres, Fabian; Mader, Matthias; Schoen, Harald (2015): On the relationship between strategic cultures and support for European defence : A comment on Irondelle, Mérand and Foucault European Journal of Political Research. Wiley-Blackwell. 2015, 54(4), pp. 848-859. ISSN 0304-4130. eISSN 1475-6765. Available under: doi: 10.1111/1475-6765.12109

    On the relationship between strategic cultures and support for European defence : A comment on Irondelle, Mérand and Foucault


    Recent developments at its borders have reasserted the question whether and how the European Union (EU) should further its integration in the domain of foreign and security policy. Especially, the unfolding of the Ukraine crisis has led many observers, politicians and pundits alike, to put the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), as well as its major sub‐component, the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP), back onto the agenda.1 The EU's (foreign policy) decision to offer and encourage an Association Agreement was a decisive element in triggering the internal turmoil in Ukraine; as events were unfolding, the degree and kind of involvement of the EU in the crisis was subjected to political debate; and the behaviour of Russia, which elicited concern in many Eastern European countries for their own security, posed security and defence questions the EU had not been confronted with since the rise of international terrorism, if ever. As the issue of European defence gains salience politically, the European public's preferences regarding this issue gains relevance as well. What are the determinants of public support for European defence, and what do citizens want it to look like, specifically?

  • Kraft, Anna; Sparr, Jennifer L.; Peus, Claudia (2015): The Critical Role of Moderators in Leader Sensegiving : A Literature Review Journal of Change Management. 2015, 15(4), pp. 308-331. ISSN 1469-7017. eISSN 1479-1811. Available under: doi: 10.1080/14697017.2015.1091372

    The Critical Role of Moderators in Leader Sensegiving : A Literature Review


    Change initiatives entail a high risk of failure if leaders cannot convey the underlying sense to employees. However, the effectiveness of leader sensegiving depends on external as well as internal factors. Moderators of the leader sensegiving process represent a critical but underexplored factor of sensegiving during organizational change. We derive a theoretical model of contextual factors by reviewing existing sensegiving literature. Drawing on information-processing theory, we highlight the influence of crucial moderators at the organizational and individual levels during two phases of the sensegiving process: in the first phase, moderators affect how leaders set up sensegiving; in the second phase, moderators affect how employees engage in sensemaking. The moderators in the first phase are (a) schema consistency at the organizational level and (b) legitimate power at the individual level. During the second phase, the moderating effect of (c) schema consistency at the organizational level and (d) employee emotions at the individual level is explored. We contribute to literature by demonstrating how moderators affect sensegiving during organizational change at two phases of the process and providing a multi-level perspective by distinguishing between moderators at the organizational and individual levels.

  • Bardon, Aurélia; Birnbaum, Maria; Lee, Lois; Stoeckl, Kristina (2015): Introduction : pluralism and plurality BARDON, Aurélia, ed., Maria BIRNBAUM, ed., Lois LEE, ed., Kristina STOECKL, ed.. Religious pluralism : a resource book. Florence: European University Institute, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, 2015, pp. 1-9. ISBN 978-92-9084-356-6. Available under: doi: 10.2870/860588

    Introduction : pluralism and plurality



    dc.contributor.author: Birnbaum, Maria; Lee, Lois; Stoeckl, Kristina

  • Filote, Andra; Kocharkov, Georgi; Mellert, Jan (2015): Teenage Childbearing and the Welfare State Beiträge zur Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik 2015 : Ökonomische Entwicklung - Theorie und Politik ; Session: Children 2 F07-V3. ZBW, 2015

    Teenage Childbearing and the Welfare State


    Teenage birth rates differ significantly across developed countries. They are higher in countries with high income inequality and low intergenerational income mobility. We develop an economic theory of parental investments and risky sexual behavior of teenagers. The model is calibrated to match the stylized facts about income inequality, intergenerational mobility, and sexual behavior of teenagers in the United States. We then impose Norwegian taxes and education spendings on the baseline model. The Norwegian welfare state institutions go a long way in explaining the differences in teenage birth rates between the United States and Norway.

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