Kim Naomi Bucher, MA

Research Assistant, PhD Student

Kim Naomi Bucher will be a research assistant and doctoral candidate at the Chair of Organizational Behavior of Prof. Boerner from May 2024.

Previously, she completed her Bachelor's and Master's degree in Political and Administrative Science with a focus on Management and Administration here at the University of Konstanz and spent an Erasmus semester at the University of Antwerp. Since 2023, she has been employed as an student assistant researcher with Prof. Boerner and, among other things, has been working on the topic of mental load, which she further investigated in her master's thesis in connection with motivation to lead.

During her studies, she was an elected member of the student council. She has held various positions there, such as the position of advisor for university policy and most recently the position of chairperson.

In her dissertation, she is focussing on the topic of inclusive leadership in general. In particular, she will focus on the topic of neurodiversity and analyse how these are related. In addition to her dissertation topic, Kim Bucher is interested in work and leadership motivation theories as well as qualitative research methods in the field of organizational behaviour.


Summer term 2024

  •  Under pressure: Stress, strain, and mental load in the work context (Advanced Level Seminar)
  •  "Yes, I do!" - Basics of motivation research in the work context (Introductory Seminar)