About Us

The AK SEDS is a newly founded Arbeitskreis (working group) created to enhance the experience of all SEDS students, both inside and outside the classroom. The AK SEDS focuses on different aspects of our SEDS experience here at the University of Konstanz. The focus ranges from social events to committee work or building a stronger alumni network. We are in close contact with the Fachschaft Politik and Verwaltung with whom we are associated. We hope to increase the visibility of SEDS students’ interests in the university’s student representation. We are incredibly pleased with the initial progress our group has made. We believe that the formalization of an official SEDS Arbeitskreis gives students the power to help shape the direction and future of the SEDS program while bringing cohorts from both the present and the past together.


The AK SEDS has different teams focusing on different aspects of our SEDS experience. It ranges from those dedicated to social events to others focused on committee work or building a stronger alumni network.