News and Events

Over the last year, we have initialized an alumni talk series in which we invited former SEDS students to share their experiences after SEDS as well as answer all our career questions. We had the pleasure to invite alumni from research as well as industry, working in areas such as consulting, start-ups or data for good. We are hoping to continue this series. So, if you are SEDS alumni and would like to share your experiences after SEDS, please reach out to us!

To strengthen the bonds between and within cohorts, we are organizing various social events. Such events included organizing a running dinner, barbecuing, a bar crawl or a Christmas gathering.

As we aim to improve every student's experience in the SEDS program, we are actively in contact with our fellow students, the administration, and the respective chairs on how our program can be improved.

Upcomming Events

Orientation Week 23/24

Past Events

Networking Events "Pathways into Data Science"

This event series is open for any SEDS student that wishes to attend. The main idea behind the event sereis is that our career options as Data Scientists aren’t necessarily as obvious as the career options in other disciplines. Of course we hope our degrees provide us with bountiful options, but in this emerging and growing field it can be difficult to figure out exactly what those options are and in which direction we should go.