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Launch der Hürdenspringer-Website

Auf der neuen Homepage Hürdenspringer des Digital Governance Lab werden Forschungsergebnisse und Projekte vorgestellt, die Digitalisierung und neue Arbeitsmethoden in der öffentlichen Verwaltung thematisieren. Ziel ist es, eine Schnittstelle zwischen wissenschaftlichen Erkentnissen und der Verwaltungspraxis zu bieten. Die Website richtet sich an die interessierte Fachöffentlichkeit und die Wissenschaft. 

Almire Brahimi interviewed in German newspaper ZEIT on working conditions in academia

Almire Brahimi, PhD student at the chair of Prof. Dr. Mergel, has reported about perspectives of female scientists of color in the ZEIT as part of the campaign #IchBinHanna:

"I come from a working-class family with a refugee background and am the first in my family to have studied at all. (...) You can only afford to work in such precarious conditions for years if you have reserves or a scholarship, or if your family can step in financially in an emergency. For many with family histories…

Almire Brahimi as speaker at an OECD workshop

Almire Brahimi, doctoral researcher at the Digital Governance Lab, as speaker at the OECD, Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), workshop. She presented early insights into a joint research project and focused on drivers for agile and adaptive innovation in the public sector.