How can the government be more agile? A article in progress by Professor Dr. Ines Mergel, Professor Andrew B. Whitford and Professor Dr. Sukumar Ganapati
Agile: a new way of governing A article in progress by Professor Dr. Ines Mergel, Professor Andrew B. Whitford and Professor Dr. Sukumar Ganapati
Making Cities Smarter: Which work practices are needed to drive smart city transformation? A article by Professor Dr. Ali Guenduez, Professor Dr. Ines Mergel and Professor Dr. Kuno Schedler
Making Cities Smarter: Capabilities for successful transformation A article by Professor Dr. Ali Guenduez and Professor Dr. Ines Mergel
Competences for the application of work practices and methods of the OZG digital laboratories A article by Professor Dr. Ines Mergel, M. A. Almire Brahimi and M. Sc. Stefanie Hecht
The use of living labs in public administration An article by M. A. Nathalie Haug and Professor Dr. Ines Mergel