Current news



HybOrg project organizes panel at conference of the nationwide "Welcome Democracy" joint project

On June 18 and 19, 2020, the online conference "Fünf Jahre nach dem Sommer der Willkommenskultur. Umkämpfte Solidaritäten, fragile Teilhabe und transformative Potentiale zivilgesellschaftlichen Engagements" of the "Welcome Democracy" cooperative project of the Universities of Kassel, Osnabrück and Tübingen took place. Within the framework of the HybOrg project, the chair of politics and public administration of the University of Konstanz and the Center for Security Studies of the ETH Zurich…

Thomas Malang receives Emmy Noether Group on the topic "Parliamentary External Relations" from the DFG

In Thomas Malang, the department has another Emmy Noether group leader. The political scientist can draw on around 1.1 million euros for his research, which the Emmy Noether Programme will make available to him for the next six years. This will finance a junior research group he chairs under the title "The Foreign Relations of National Legislators. Structures, Explanations, Effects", which also includes two doctoral students. The central topic of the group is the role of national parliaments in…

"Life with Corona" - Study by Anke Hoeffler receives great international attention

The worldwide study "Life with Corona" under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Anke Hoeffler examines the global behaviour in times of the Covid-19 pandemic. A first interim report received great international attention and was the subject of several media reports. The study is now going into the next round and is again looking for numerous survey participants.

Blog post by Tim Wegenast published by African Arguments

A blog post by Tim Wegenast was published on the pan-African news platform African Arguments. The blog post presents the results of the recently published study by Tim Wegenast, Arpita Khanna and Gerald Schneider on the impact of extractive industries on the local economic situation in sub-Saharan Africa. Both the blog post and the study offer exciting insights into the effects of the political economy of the raw materials industry.

SWR reports on the study by Marius Busemeyer

The SWR published an article on the study by Prof. Dr. Marius Busemeyer. The recent study examines the public's trust in the health care system and the competence of the German government in times of the Covid-19 pandemic and is part of the Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of Inequality".

Dirk Leuffen guest at WDR 5

Prof. Dr. Dirk Leuffen was interviewed in the WDR 5 show "Politikum" on the importance and consequences of the European corona aid. The enlightening program can be listened to on the WDR website.