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Registration for the Konstanz Methods Excellence Workshops (komex) is officially open!

We're excited to announce that registration is officially open for the Konstanz Methods Excellence Workshops (komex), brought to you by the University of Konstanz in collaboration with the Methods Excellence Network (MethodsNET). You can explore our course offerings and secure your spot by visiting our registration page here.

The Workshop stars on February 22, 2024 (short courses) and February 26, 2024 (main courses) at the University of Konstanz, Germany (for in-person courses) and online.


Prof. Florian Kunze was interviewed by SWR Aktuell about the beliefs of young employees

In a survey, the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) Hochrhein-Bodensee found out that for young people leisure time plays a major role in their lives while professional career is rather less important for many. Prof. Florian Kunze puts these results into context in SWR Aktuell and notes that older generations would also emphasise the importance of work-life balance in current surveys. You can find the entire article in German here.

Essay in the Süddeutsche Zeitung on the perception of inequality

In an essay by Nils Wischmeyer, the Süddeutsche Zeitung reports on the results of the Inequality Barometer by Marius R. Busemeyer, Nanna Lauritz Schönhage, Sharon Baute, Luna Bellani and Guido Schwerdt of the Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of Inequality". It shows that most people consider themselves to be part of the middle class even though they do not belong to it. It also explains why rich people underestimate how well off they are. You can read the essay in German here.

Prof. Dr. David Garcia was interviewed by the Science Magazine for the article "Does social media polarize voters? Unprecedented experiments on Facebook users reveal surprises"

The article "Should social media polarise voters? Unprecedented experiments with Facebook users reveal surprises" looks at new research approaches to study the impact of social media on society and mentions concerns about Meta’s role in the unusual collaboration between industry and academia. In this context, Prof. Dr. David Garcia was interviewed. You can read the article by Kai Kupferschmidt here.

Abena Yalley receives research funding from the Fritz Thyssen Foundation!

The Department of Political and Administrative Sciences congratulates Ms. Abena Yalley on receiving a research grant from the Fritz Thyssen Foundation for the project "Body Politics: Gender, Healthcare and Obstetric Violence in Nigeria". The project aims to examine the gendered dynamics of obstetric violence in Nigeria. In particular, it will explore how gender inequality in health systems and in societies as a whole contributes to women's experiences of obstetric violence. The project will run…