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New study by Prof. Dr. Marius Busemeyer shows the ignorance about the inequality of the commuter allowance!

A new study by Adrian Rinscheid and Marius Busemeyer shows that the commuter allowance is unsocial and harmful to the environment. But the knowledge about it is very small in the population. Every fourth person considers the commuter allowance to be social, reports the newspaper "Die Zeit" in an article about the study. Public information could change the debate about it and strengthen climate protection, the authors state in their study.

Dr. rer. soc. Nona Bledow receives the Südwestmetall Promotion Award 2023 for her outstanding dissertation.

Nona Bledow, a graduate of the PhD program at the Department of Political Science and Public Administration, is awarded the Südwestmetall-Förderpreis 2023 for her outstanding dissertation at the University of Konstanz in 2022. Ms. Bledow receives the honor for her work on "Labor Unions in the Contemporary Welfare State: Preferences, Salience, Positions." The award ceremony will take place on April 19, 2023, and the prize is endowed with €5,000.

Prof. Marius Busemeyer publishes his first column in the new Konstanz city magazine karla on the "System Crisis as a Permanent Condition?"

In the new investigative Konstanz online magazine karla, Prof. Marius Busemeyer publishes his first column entitled the "System Crisis as a Permanent Condition?". In it, Prof. Marius Busemeyer explains why politics should not neglect investments in the future, especially now. In the following editions of the city magazine karla, he will repeatedly comment on selected topics in "Busemeyer's Perspective".