Prof. Dr. Florian Kunze and the Konstanz home office study in the media: The obligation to return from the home office has only been introduced by a fifth of companies and has a negative impact on employee stress levels

In contrast to the prevailing public debate of recent months, which suggests that many companies have introduced a stronger obligation for employees to be present, data from the Konstanz home office study by Prof. Dr. Florin Kunze and his team show that this is only the case in a minority of 22 percent of companies. It is clear that stress and exhaustion are almost twice as high among employees who are subject to a greater presence obligation (21 per cent without presence obligation and 38 per cent with presence obligation) than among employees without presence obligation. This makes it clear that the health and stress of employees in particular should be taken into account when deciding in favour of compulsory attendance.

Broad coverage of the latest results of the Konstanz home office study by German media can be found here:

Deutschlandfunk - Wirtschaftsgespräch: Home office - come to stay

Tagesschau - Konstanz study: Working from home is healthier than working in the office

DasDing - Newszone: Is it healthier to work from home?

MDR - Mandatory presence at the workplace puts a strain on employees

Deutschlandfunk Nova - Office vs. home office