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Prof. Eva Thomann spoke on the topic of "Corruption Risks in Measures to Address the Corona Crisis" in the podcast "Durchblick, der Podcast gegen Korruption" by Transparency International Germany

On 04.03.2023 Prof. Eva Thomann spoke in the 12th episode of the podcast "Durchblick, der Podcast gegen Korruption" of Transparency International Germany about the topic "Corruption risks in measures to cope with the corona crisis".

On 04.03.2023 Prof. Eva Thomann spoke in the 12th episode of the podcast "Durchblick, der Podcast gegen Korruption" of Transparency International Germany about the topic "Corruption risks in measures to cope with the corona crisis".

After the COVID pandemic had passed its peak, numerous scandals in the procurement of supplies and services necessary for it became known. The mask affair outraged citizens.
Prof. Dr. Eva Thomann and her team of international researchers have investigated how the COVID crisis and the adjustments made to regulations to facilitate rapid crisis management have affected corruption in public procurement.
In doing so, she makes a comparison between Germany and Italy. It examines the question: Did measures taken to manage the Corona crisis contribute to corruption in public procurement?

To listen to the corresponding episode and all other episodes of the podcast in German, click here.

In the podcast "Durchblick, der Podcast gegen Korruption" Sanders Schier and Rainer Pillmann-Wesche talk to experts and activists about the forms and effects of corruption and what we can do about it. The podcast is produced on a voluntary basis and published by Transparency International Deutschland e.V., the coalition against corruption.