Fabian Bergmann

Fabian Bergmann is a PhD candidate at the Chair of International Politics. His dissertation project is based on his research conducted as part of the project '"Ethnic Policies" - Remedy for Between- Group Inequalities?' at the Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of Inequality".

Ares of Interest

  • Indigenous politics and policies
  • Policy feedback
  • Inequality & status perceptions
  • Public opinion research 


My dissertation project focuses on the Indigenous Sámi populations of Norway and Sweden and the different policies with which the two countries address Indigenous issues. I am interested in the potential ramifications of these policies in terms of horizontal inequality between the Sámi and ethnic majority populations.

My main research question is whether the cross-country policy differences are reflected in differences in the Sámi's positions in the countries' social hierarchies. Furthermore, I investigate satisfaction with democracy and preferences toward Sámi policies, both by the Sámi themselves as well as by the ethnic majority population.

Curriculum Vitae

2019 – present

Doctoral researcher
Chair of International Politics & Cluster of Excellence “The Politics of Inequality”, University of Konstanz

2018 – 2019

Open Source Analyst
EXOP GmbH, Konstanz

2015 – 2018

Master of Arts in Politics and Public Administration
University of Konstanz
Thesis title: “Official Durability Assistance”: Can foreign aid bust economic sanctions?


Exchange student
School of Government & Public Policy
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK

2012 – 2015

Bachelor of Arts in Politics and Public Administration
University of Konstanz
Thesis title: The effects of the Millennium Development Goals on civil wars in developing countries

Publication list

  • Article
  • Book
  • Dissertation
  • Thesis
  • Proceedings
  • Other
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