Erasmus Coordinators Network

21-24 May 2025 - Next Meeting in Granada/Spain

The Erasmus Coordinators Network was founded in the 1980s, when student exchange in Europe started to expand. We are a loose network of professionals (scholars and administrators) who deal with practical issues of student and teaching staff exchange, working in the scientific fields of politics, public administration and management.

Our network organizes an annual meeting, hosted by one of the participating institutions. That meeting offers an excellent opportunity for professionals to get to know colleagues from other institutions and to share experiences. Many bilateral cooperation agreements and innovative joint programmes, such as double degree MA programmes or intensive learning programmes, had their starting point at these meetings.

The network also aims to provide support and information for its members. We regularly try to catch up on new tendencies in the area of Erasmus student exchange, keep contact with the relevant national agencies, and spread information e.g. about summer schools and job vacancies.

Membership in the network is free of charge and not linked to any obligations to a member.