staircase University of Constance

Starting your SEDS career

What fascinates me is how Social Data Science is a challenge to traditional barriers between disciplines. This is the way that I think science and technology moves faster, in a way that breaks silos and connects disciplines.
David García, Professor for Social and Behavioral Data Science – University of Konstanz, January 2024

Competences and skills of a Data Scientist

Deriving workable hypotheses

  • Understanding business requirements and translating them into technical roadmaps
  • Figuring out what data are needed and what story one can tell based on the results
  • Designing practical approaches of data collection, model training and selection, as well as result communication

Organizing iterative and collaborative modelling

  • Breaking down complicated data science operations with smaller goals: Proof-of-concepts based on small samples, plans for model training and selection, minimal viable products (MVP), productionalization of scalable applications
  • Measuring the required resources and prerequisites for a task: Navigation through complicated data systems, integration of external data, possibilities and constraints of model choices
  • Distributing tasks smartly to other colleagues, code reviews, and enabling

Output communication (Data visualization, storytelling)

  • How to be concise, how to deep-dive in the evidence? How to design intuitive user experiences for even non-technical clients?
  • How to increase the data literacy of your colleagues and clients?
  • How to communicate the results?

Knowing and designing solution architecture

  • Crafting orchestration for data and machine learning / statistical model life cycle: Extracting, Transforming, and Loading (ETL), as well as model training, tuning, selection, and serving
  • Gaining proficiencies in advanced data engineering and machine learning engineering tools / frameworks
  • Collaborating with other developers (backend, frontend, infrastructure, security etc.) with good practices in DevOps

SEDS specific profile

Within the interdisciplinary framework of the SEDS program, students have the unique opportunity to shape their individual competence profile, fully based on their interests and future perspectives.

graph SEDS competences

Career Prospects & Individual Career Paths

The job profile "Data Analysts and Scientists" is listed as number 1 of the Top 10 emerging jobs with a growing job demand for the year 2025. Source: Future of Jobs Report of the World Economic Forum.

Our students and alumni are pursuing very individual career paths. They are expected to assume multiple roles in an organization. For example, they work as data scientists, data engineers, machine learning engineers, data analysts, BI specialists, etc.

What is cyberLAGO?

cyberLAGO is the network of digital experts in the international Lake Constance region and the central point of contact for all questions relating to digitization, digital transformation and IT.

We are continuously working on fostering the cooperation with the network in order to offer our students best conditions for an easy career start in the region.