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MSc SEDS Curriculum

An overview of your classes

More detailed information on the curriculum

First and second semester

During the first semester every MSc SEDS student takes the introductory module Introduction to Computational Methods for the Social Sciences (9 ECTS).

During your first and second semester you will also take introductory (bachelor) classes in the module Foundations of Data Science. Depending on the study focus in your Bachelor's program, you select classes totalling at least 18 ECTS. After the second semester every MSc SEDS student will have covered the following focus areas with at least one course (including the recognized courses from the admission requirements).

Focus Area Computer Science

Department of Computer and Information Science

  • Data visualization: basic concepts (English, summer semester)
  • Konzepte der Informatik in combination with Programmierkurs I (German/English, winter and summer semester)

Focus Area Mathematics

Department of Mathematics and Statistics or Computer and Information Science

  • Diskrete Mathematik und Logik (German, winter semester)
  • Lineare Algebra I (German, winter semester)
  • Analysis und Lineare Algebra (German, summer semester)
  • Datenmathematik (German, winter semester)
  • Mathematics for Political Science (English, winter semester)

Focus Area Statistics

Various departments

  • Statistics (English, summer semester, Politics and Public Administration)
  • Statistics 1 (English, winter semester, Psychology)
  • Statistics I (English, winter semester, Economics)
  • Statistik (German, summer semester, Sociology)

Focus Area Social-scientific Methods

Various departments

  • Econometrics (English, summer semester, Economics)
  • Introduction to Survey Methodology (English, winter semester, Politics and Public Administration)
  • Research Design I: Research Design and Causal Inference (English, winter semester, Politics and Public Administration)
  • Empirie: Quantitative Methoden (German, winter semester, Sociology)
  • Methoden & Geschichte der Psychologie (German, winter semester, Psychology)
  • Research Methods 2 (German/English, summer semester, Psychology)

Second and third semester

You continue your programme with advanced courses from 4 modules:

1.     Module Advanced Methods: Computer Science (18 ECTS)
Example classes: Big Data Management and Analysis (English), Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen & Programmierkurs II (German), Datenbanksysteme (German)

2.     Module Advanced Methods: Statistics (18 ECTS)
Example classes: Statistical Learning (English), Advanced Econometrics (English), Applied Microeconometrics (English), Research Design II: Statistical Modelling and Inference (English)

3.     Module Programming and Scripting (12 ECTS)
Example classes: Data Analysis with R (English), Programmierkurs I, II and III (German/English)

4.     Module Social Science Applications (18 ECTS)
Example classes/projects: Social Media Data Analysis, Computational Modeling of Social Systems, Data Science Project (DSP) from the participating departments, Internship

Further information regarding the DSP and internship can be found here.

Fourth semester

You will complete a colloquium (3 ECTS) and your Master’s thesis (24 ECTS, writing time: 4 months).

Further information can be found here.

Supplementary program "ADILT Certificate"

Advanced Data and Information Literacy (ADILT)

All students at the University of Konstanz can supplement their studies either with courses on the basics of computer science and data processing methods or with courses on their legal foundations and reflection on their social relevance. If at least 30 ECTS are earned according to certain rules, participants receive the ADILT certificate. The ADILT certificate documents comprehensive skills and wide-ranging competencies in the field of data and information literacy.

The SEDS master's degree program covers all required credits in the fundamentals and application of data processing methods and can be supplemented with courses from the Centre of Transferable Skills, such as Digitization and Law, Privacy/GDPR, Data Philosophy, Critical Media Literacy, and many others. The only mandatory course for the certificate is the ADILT Lecture Series, which features a variety of presentations on research, practical applications, and career opportunities.

The ADILT Lecture Series is recommended as an introduction, but all courses can be taken in any order during the course of studies. Creditable courses from previous bachelor studies at the University of Konstanz can be counted towards the certificate, for students with undergraduate studies at other universities there are special credit offers.

Comprehensive information is available here.
For detailed consultation, please do not hesitate to contact the ADILT coordinatior Veronika Pöhnl.