Formal requirements for seminar papers
- Font: Times New Roman or Calibri (consistent)
- Font size: 12 pt, spacing at least 1,5 lines
- The title page must specify: first and last name, student number, e-mail address, title of the paper, name of the professor and the course
- Consistent citation style
- Full justification
- Maximum number of words as stated in the syllabus (excluding title page, references and appendix).
- The pages are to be numbered. The cover page and not numbered and counted as page 0.
- Tables and graphs must be numbered and referenced in the body text with title and legend where appropriate.
- The term paper should be submitted in PDF format via Ilias by the deadline.
- Do not forget the "Declaration Non-Plagiarism"
You can find a template for Microsoft Word here.
The department offers an overview with further information on academic working.