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Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

  • Artikel
  • Buch
  • Dissertation
  • Studien- / Abschlussarbeit
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  •   31.07.25  
    Lenz, Alexa; Eckhard, Steffen (2023): Conceptualizing and explaining flexibility in administrative crisis management : a cross-district analysis in Germany Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. Oxford University Press (OUP). 2023, 33(3), pp. 485-497. ISSN 1053-1858. eISSN 1477-9803. Available under: doi: 10.1093/jopart/muac038

    Conceptualizing and explaining flexibility in administrative crisis management : a cross-district analysis in Germany


    Flexibility in administrative crisis management is a frequently reported determinant for a successful crisis response. But there is little agreement about how to conceptualize, measure and explain flexibility. We use a three-dimensional measure of administrative flexibility, capturing employees’ decision leeway, staff mobility, and organizational innovation in a crisis response. We then develop and test an explanation of variation in flexibility, focusing on the refugee crisis of 2015/16 in Germany and analyzing survey and socio-economic data from 235 districts using linear regression analysis. The main finding is that differences in flexibility cannot be explained by the scope of the crisis in a district, but by organizational factors: Agencies with politically unconstrained leadership, with higher financial resources and more crisis-related experience, respond more flexible. These findings contribute to theorizing and explaining administrative flexibility in and beyond crisis management and have practical implications for crisis learning and preparation.

  • Die heilige Kuh des deutschen Steuerrechts : Wie sich das verzerrte Bild von der Entfernungspauschale korrigieren ließe


    Die Entfernungspauschale ist beliebt als Instrument zur Senkung

    der eigenen Steuerlast. Dabei ist sie doppelt problematisch: Sie

    verstärkt die Verteilungsungleichheit und wirkt sich negativ auf

    Umwelt und Klima aus. In diesem Policy Paper zeigen wir, dass

    diese Zusammenhänge häufig nicht richtig wahrgenommen

    werden. Erhalten Bürger*innen jedoch objektive Informationen

    über die Verteilungs- und Umweltwirkungen, so erhöht dies ihre

    Zustimmung zu Vorschlägen für eine Reform der Pauschale. Eine

    solche Wahrnehmungskorrektur könnte ein Hebel sein, um die

    Unterstützung für eine Reform zu erhöhen und die Entfernungspauschale

    sozial wie ökologisch nachhaltiger zu gestalten.

  • Binder, Nicolas (2023): Wirtschafts- und sozialpolitische Einstellungen und Populismus : Vertikale Konfliktachsen statt ideologischer Konsistenz Politische Vierteljahresschrift. Springer. ISSN 0720-7182. eISSN 1862-2860. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s11615-023-00513-y

    Wirtschafts- und sozialpolitische Einstellungen und Populismus : Vertikale Konfliktachsen statt ideologischer Konsistenz


    Aktuelle Forschung verbindet populistische Einstellungen von BürgerInnen mit ökonomischen Sorgen, Gefühlen fehlender Anerkennung oder politischer Unzufriedenheit. Dieser Artikel untersucht, welche konkreten wirtschafts- und sozialpolitischen Einstellungen BürgerInnen mit Populismus verknüpfen. Argumentiert wird, dass die Bewertung konflikthafter vertikaler gesellschaftlicher Relationen die Zusammenhänge strukturiert: Als ökonomische Oben-Unten-Relationen werden das Verhältnis von Staat zu WirtschaftsakteurInnen und von ressourcenreich zu ressourcenarm begriffen. Populismus definiert sich über die politische Oben-Unten-Relation zwischen Elite und Volk. Wird das „Oben“ jeweils als Problem bewertet, kann diese vertikale Konfliktachse beide Einstellungsdimensionen verbinden. Regressionsanalysen auf Basis der ALLBUS 2018 zeigen, wie erwartet, dass die Ablehnung staatlicher Eingriffe in die Wirtschaft, aber auch die Befürwortung von Umverteilung und eine Skepsis im Bereich Außenwirtschaft mit populistischen Einstellungen verbunden sind. Wahrnehmungen ökonomischer Missstände beeinflussen die Stärke der Zusammenhänge kaum statistisch signifikant. Parteipräferenzen schwächen nur die Assoziationen bezüglich der Außenwirtschaft ab. Mit der Bewertung konflikthafter Oben-Unten-Relationen bietet der Artikel eine Erklärung für die ideologisch inkonsistenten Zusammenhänge an. Um deren Mobilisierung nicht rechtspopulistischen Parteien zu überlassen, sollten auch andere Parteien die vertikalen Konflikte adressieren, ohne dabei Grundpfeiler der westlichen Demokratie zu gefährden.

  •   15.03.25  
    Eckhard, Steffen (2023): Internationale Polizeimissionen im Konfliktkontext : Akteure, Methoden und Entwicklungen WEHE, Dieter, ed., Helmut SILLER, ed.. Handbuch Polizeimanagement : Polizeipolitik - Polizeiwissenschaft - Polizeipraxis. 2., vollständig überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler, 2023, pp. 1655-1676. ISBN 978-3-658-34387-3. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-34388-0_96

    Internationale Polizeimissionen im Konfliktkontext : Akteure, Methoden und Entwicklungen


    Seit den ersten Einsätzen im Kontext der Vereinten Nationen in Namibia in den 1990er-Jahren hat sich das Szenario für die deutsche Beteiligung an internationalen Polizeimissionen drastisch gewandelt. Operative Aufgaben der Sicherheitsherstellung stehen in den allermeisten Polizeimissionen heute nur an zweiter Stelle. Stattdessen sind deutsche Polizisten in Krisenländern primär beratend tätig und leisten Hilfe bei der Aus- und Weiterbildung lokaler Sicherheitskräfte. Das Kapitel stellt die wesentlichen Akteure und Methoden im Bereich der internationalen Unterstützung bei der Polizeireform vor und verortet das klassische Aufgabenszenario (deutscher) Polizeikräfte in diesem Kontext. Das Kapitel zeigt zudem zentrale Herausforderungen auf, da die internationalen Ziele der Mandatsgeber oftmals von den Erwartungen und Interessen lokaler Eliten abweichen. Zuletzt diskutiert das Kapitel aktuelle Entwicklungen beim deutschen Beitrag zu internationalen Polizeimissionen, sowie wichtige organisatorische Bausteine zur erfolgreichen Weiterentwicklung.

  • Wagner, Patrick; Raess, Damian (2023): South to north investment linkages and decent work in Brazil Labour. Wiley. 2023, 37(1), pp. 122-159. ISSN 1121-7081. eISSN 1467-9914. Available under: doi: 10.1111/labr.12239

    South to north investment linkages and decent work in Brazil


    Over the last 25 years, the BRICs asserted themselves as drivers of globalization. But what does their new-found prominence mean for working conditions at home? Using a novel sub-national database covering outward investment linkages and working conditions in Brazilian municipalities, this study tests whether a direct investment in Europe leads to the introduction of decent working conditions in Brazil. The empirical results provide strong support for the investing-up effect using a mixture of panel data analysis and text analysis. The results suggest that economic integration with high-standard developed countries can act as a powerful mechanism for labor standard improvements in developing countries.

  • Vogler, Jan P. (2023): The Complex Imprint of Foreign Rule : Tracking Differential Legacies along the Administrative Hierarchy Studies in Comparative International Development. Springer. 2023, 58(2), pp. 129-194. ISSN 0039-3606. eISSN 1936-6167. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s12116-022-09363-y

    The Complex Imprint of Foreign Rule : Tracking Differential Legacies along the Administrative Hierarchy


    Could imperial rule affect state institutions at the national, regional, and local level differently? No systematic theory to answer this question exists, which is surprising given the importance that is attributed to foreign rule for political-administrative organization around the world. The effectiveness of imperial rule may differ along the administrative hierarchy because empires are often subject to financial constraints, limits on organizational capabilities, and informational asymmetries. Therefore, a commonly used approach—aggregation at the national level—may yield erroneous findings about colonial legacies by ignoring vital nuances. To address this gap, I develop a novel theory of imperial pervasiveness and test it through a number of statistical analyses. Leveraging an original dataset of citizen perceptions of state institutions in Romania, this study reveals vastly different long-term effects of historical Habsburg rule at the regional and local levels. The results indicate that we need to rethink the study of colonial origins.

  • Makhortykh, Mykola; Urman, Aleksandra; Ulloa, Roberto; Kulshrestha, Juhi (2023): Can an algorithm remember the Holocaust? : Comparative algorithm audit of Holocaust-related information on search engines GROSCHEK, Iris, ed., Habbo KNOCH, ed.. Digital Memory : Neue Perspektiven für die Erinnerungsarbeit. Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag, 2023, pp. 79-93. Beiträge zur Geschichte der nationalsozialistischen Verfolgung. 4. ISBN 978-3-8353-5365-7. Available under: doi: 10.5771/9783835384477-79

    Can an algorithm remember the Holocaust? : Comparative algorithm audit of Holocaust-related information on search engines



    dc.contributor.author: Makhortykh, Mykola; Urman, Aleksandra

  • Jankauskas, Vytautas; Eckhard, Steffen; Ege, Jörn (2023): Structured, Focused Comparison BADACHE, Fanny, ed., Leah KIMBER, ed., Lucile MAERTENS, ed.. International organizations and research methods : an introduction. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Press, 2023, pp. 301-307. ISBN 978-0-472-07622-2. Available under: doi: 10.3998/mpub.11685289

    Structured, Focused Comparison


    Structured, focused comparison (SFC) allows a structured comparison of several cases (e.g., six international organizations), whereby the researcher conducts in-depth analysis within each case based on a standardized set of variables and general questions. The design not only increases the external validity of findings but also allows for cross-case comparison and a fine-grained theoretical analysis. Typical applications are research questions focused on processes or mechanisms and those that allow for the interplay of several interdependent conditions (causal complexity).

  • Satoh, Keiichi; Gronow, Antti; Ylä-Anttila, Tuomas (2023): The Advocacy Coalition Index : A new approach for identifying advocacy coalitions Policy Studies Journal. Wiley. 2023, 51(1), pp. 187-207. ISSN 0190-292X. eISSN 1541-0072. Available under: doi: 10.1111/psj.12450

    The Advocacy Coalition Index : A new approach for identifying advocacy coalitions


    Policy scholars have increasingly focused on collaborative and competitive relationships between stakeholder coalitions. The Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF) in particular has directed scholarly attention toward such relationships. The ACF defines advocacy coalitions as groups of actors who share beliefs and coordinate their action. However, previous research has been inconsistent in defining and measuring coalitions, which has hampered comparative research and theory building. We present a method called the Advocacy Coalition Index, which measures belief similarity and the coordination of action in a manner that makes it possible to assess the extent to which advocacy coalitions are found in policy subsystems, whether subgroups resemble coalitions, and how individual actors contribute to coalition formation. The index provides a standardized method for identifying coalitions that can be applied to comparative research. To illustrate the effectiveness of the index, we analyze two climate change policy subsystems, namely Finland and Sweden, which have been shown to differ in terms of the association of belief similarity with coordination. We demonstrate that the index performs well in identifying the different types of subsystems, coalitions, and actors that contribute the most to coalition formation, as well as those involved in cross-coalition brokerage.

  • Administrative Crisis Management & Public Perceptions


    This dissertation delineates two fundamental tensions that public administrations face in the crisis environment: the tension between bureaucratic vs adaptive crisis management practices and the tension between internal effectiveness and external legitimacy. During a crisis response, public administrations must decide whether to adhere to bureaucratic procedures or to move away from routine managerial activity and instead switch to riskier but promising courses of action, such as adaptation and flexibility. The first empirical paper of the dissertation conceptualizes and operationalizes organizational flexibility in crisis management and theorizes on explanatory factors for the variation in flexibility between agencies. However, while bureaucratic routines and procedures may impair the effectiveness of crisis management, they are also associated with critical features of legitimacy. Consequently, changes in administrative routines during the crisis response likely affect how legitimate the public perceives the crisis management process. Paper two and three examine the effects of crisis management practices on external perceptions. Paper two scrutinizes three prominent crisis management dilemmas regarding flexibility, inclusion, and resource redistribution and how citizens evaluate the different management alternatives regarding their legitimacy. In Paper three, the focus is moved to the legitimacy perceptions of volunteers, who interacted with local administrations during the crisis management process and have gained direct insight into the practices.

  • Gloomy prospects : The Konstanz Inequality Barometer shows that inequality is perceived to have increased


    Data from the new wave of the Konstanz Inequality Barometer shows that people in Germany perceive a widespread increase of inequality in income and wealth and barely distinguish between income and wealth inequality. This is despite the fact that wealth inequality is significantly larger than income inequality. At the same time, the actual level of inequality is still underestimated in some respects. Concerning the prospects of the younger generation, many people, especially supporters of the right-wing populist AfD, are rather negative. Less pessimism is found among supporters of the center-right parties, CDU/CSU and FDP.

  • Ulloa, Roberto; Kacperski, Celina (2023): Search engine effects on news consumption : Ranking and representativeness outweigh familiarity in news selection New Media & Society. Sage. ISSN 1461-4448. eISSN 1461-7315. Available under: doi: 10.1177/14614448231154926

    Search engine effects on news consumption : Ranking and representativeness outweigh familiarity in news selection


    While individuals’ trust in search engine results is well-supported, little is known about their preferences when selecting news. We use web-tracked behavioral data across a 2-month period (280 participants) and we analyze three competing factors, two algorithmic (ranking and representativeness) and one psychological (familiarity), that could influence the selection of search results. We use news engagement as a proxy for familiarity and investigate news articles presented on Google search pages (n = 1221). We find a significant effect of algorithmic factors but not of familiarity. We find that ranking plays a lesser role for news compared to non-news, suggesting a more careful decision-making process. We confirm that Google Search drives individuals to unfamiliar sources, and find that it increases the diversity of the political audience of news sources. We tackle the challenge of measuring social science theories in contexts shaped by algorithms, demonstrating their leverage over the behaviors of individuals.

  • Nguyen, Quynh; Spilker, Gabriele (2023): What Lies Beneath : Mediators of Public Support for International Economic Cooperation Political Studies Review. Sage. 2023, 21(4), pp. 697-718. ISSN 1478-9299. eISSN 1478-9302. Available under: doi: 10.1177/14789299221113188

    What Lies Beneath : Mediators of Public Support for International Economic Cooperation


    The current public backlash against several trade agreements has triggered a vivid discourse about the impact of top-down communication of such initiatives on public opinion. Findings from previous work on the impact of issue frames provide distinct expectations about the influence of different types of messages on people’s opinion. However, little is known about the mechanisms underlying the impact of message cues on opinion formation. In this article, we shed light on one potential mechanism that mediates issue framing effects: individuals’ emotional reaction. By means of a survey-embedded experiment conducted in the United States and Germany, we expose respondents to different frames about the benefits and risks of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership agreement. The results show that frames have a significant effect on public opinion, but frames that emphasize losses seem more persuasive than frames promoting the gains from the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. Complementing our empirical investigation, with a causal mediation analysis we find that framing effects are indeed mediated by people’s emotional responses to the frames.

  • Eckhard, Steffen; Jankauskas, Vytautas (2023): The Politics of Evaluation in International Organizations KNILL, Christoph, ed., Yves STEINEBACH, ed.. International public administrations in global public policy : sources and effects of bureaucratic influence. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2023, pp. 183-198. ISBN 978-1-03-234673-1. Available under: doi: 10.4324/9781003323297-13

    The Politics of Evaluation in International Organizations


    The evaluation has been generally perceived as an output of a value-free technocratic process and has been used for years in decision-making both at domestic and international level. Both evaluation practitioners and policy-makers have usually conceived of evaluation as a functional tool that provides quasi-scientific information about what went wrong with regard to the evaluand. However, research on the politics of evaluation is growing. In general, this strand of literature has argued that despite rigorous methods applied in evaluation reports, evaluation does not exist in a vacuum, but is subject to political stakeholder interests and influence. Future research should further scrutinize the introduced mechanisms, especially whether revealed politics translate into evaluation reports themselves. Nevertheless, this study proves to be the first systematic comparative analysis of evaluation politics at the international level, and we hope that further research can benefit from our findings.

  • The politics of evaluation in international organizations



  • Appiah, Seth Christopher Yaw; Yalley, Abena Asefuaba; Ahlin, Ekoutiame Ahlonkor; Hoeffler, Anke (2023): Obstetric violence among HIV positive and negative women in Ghana : A cross sectional study in two regions BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. BioMed Central. eISSN 1471-2393. Available under: doi: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-2729087/v1

    Obstetric violence among HIV positive and negative women in Ghana : A cross sectional study in two regions


    Background: Although the problem of obstetric violence (OV) is receiving increasing attention among academics and policy makers, the prevalence and associated factors of OV are still poorly understood. The fear of OV prevents women from giving birth in health facilities, which is crucial for the effectiveness of HIV prevention programs, such as the Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) program.

    Objective: The aim of this paper is to determine the prevalence of OV, the comparative burden and associated predictors between HIV positive and negative women in Ghana.

    Methods: The present study is a facility-based cross-sectional study enrolling 2,142 women, of which 310 were HIV positive and 1,832 HIV negative with a birth history of 0-24 months. The women were enrolled consecutively using a two stage sampling technique from eight hospitals with antiretroviral clinics across two regions in Ghana. The primary outcome variable was the experience of OV and its various forms. Descriptive data is presented in tables and reported in frequencies. The inferential analysis has been performed by estimating the Adjusted Odds Ratios (AOR) using multivariate logistic regression.

    Results: Prevalence of OV was slightly lower among HIV positive women (61.0%) compared to HIV negative women (65.1%), though this was not statistically significant (χ2=1.99; p=0.158). The most common sub-category of OV experienced by all women was non-confidential care (35.2%). HIV positive women experienced more abandoned care (32.6%) with non-consented care being the least prevalent form of OV. Experience of discrimination was higher among HIV positive women (13.5%) than HIV negative women (10.8%). The multivariate regression analysis of the predictors of OV suggests that HIV positive women are not more likely to experience OV. Instead, we find evidence that HIV positive women are less likely to be subjected to physical violence (AOR=0.512; CI: 0.369-0.710), non-consented care (AOR=0.457; CI: 0.244-0.859) and non-dignified care (AOR= 0.688; CI: 0.513-0.923).

    Conclusions: The study shows high rates of OV among all women. However, we found no evidence that HIV positive women were at higher risk to experience OV than HIV negative women. Evidence based interventions are required to address OV due to its threat to facility-based childbirth and the PMTCT cascade of care.

  • Satoh, Keiichi; Nagel, Melanie; Schneider, Volker (2023): Organizational roles and network effects on ideational influence in science-policy interface : Climate policy networks in Germany and Japan Social Networks. Elsevier. 2023, 75, pp. 88-106. ISSN 0378-8733. eISSN 1879-2111. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.socnet.2022.01.014

    Organizational roles and network effects on ideational influence in science-policy interface : Climate policy networks in Germany and Japan


    We examined how scientific information influences policy beliefs among organizations in climate change policy networks in Germany and Japan. Different combinations of information types, policy beliefs, and organizational roles were found to play instrumental roles. Ideational influence can occur when (1) the sender is a credible information source, (2) the receiver can understand the “message,” and (3) the receiver depends on the sender’s information. Organizational roles involved in this ideational influence are different in technical and political information exchange. The leverage of influence depends on the organizational ecology of different roles in each country.

  • Herrmann, Michael; Döring, Holger (2023): Party Positions from Wikipedia Classifications of Party Ideology Political Analysis. Cambridge University Press. 2023, 31(1), pp. 22-41. ISSN 1047-1987. eISSN 1476-4989. Available under: doi: 10.1017/pan.2021.28

    Party Positions from Wikipedia Classifications of Party Ideology


    We develop a new measure of party position based on a scaling of ideology tags supplied in infoboxes on political parties’ Wikipedia pages. Assuming a simple model of tag assignment, we estimate the locations of parties and ideologies in a common space. We find that the recovered scale can be interpreted in familiar terms of “left versus right.” Estimated party positions correlate well with ratings of parties’ positions from extant large-scale expert surveys, most strongly with ratings of general left–right ideology. Party position estimates also show high stability in a test–retest scenario. Our results demonstrate that a Wikipedia-based approach yields valid and reliable left–right scores comparable to scores obtained via conventional expert coding methods. It thus provides a measure with potentially unlimited party coverage. Our measurement strategy is also applicable beyond Wikipedia.

  •   31.12.24  
    Horn, Alexander; Jensen, Carsten (2023): Policy signals in party communication : explaining positional concreteness in parties’ Facebook posts West European Politics. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 2023, 46(5), pp. 971-994. ISSN 0140-2382. eISSN 1743-9655. Available under: doi: 10.1080/01402382.2022.2085952

    Policy signals in party communication : explaining positional concreteness in parties’ Facebook posts


    Policy signals are often conceived of as positions on an ideological scale. However, apart from the position – considered here as the policy objective – the policy instrument and the concreteness of the instrument must also be taken into consideration. In the article, a new conceptualisation of policy signals is developed, which integrates policy objectives, policy instruments and how concrete these are. Drawing on issue competition research, a set of expectations is advanced about the importance of actors’ control over outcomes for positional concreteness. Then, policy signals are looked at in the unmediated context of Danish parties’ Facebook posts ahead of the 2019 national election. Based on all textual and audio-visual posts in the year before the election, it is found that the levels of positional concreteness are generally high. Yet – in line with expectations – positional concreteness depends on parties’ incumbency status and the policy field.

  • Mayer, Jana; Schneider, Gerald (2023): Asylpolitik SCHARRER, Tabea, ed. and others. Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung : Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Studium. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2023, pp. 481-488. Nomos Handbuch. ISBN 978-3-8487-7785-3. Available under: doi: 10.5771/9783748921905-481




    dc.contributor.author: Mayer, Jana

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