Aktuelle Publikationen

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Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

  • Artikel
  • Buch
  • Dissertation
  • Studien- / Abschlussarbeit
  • Tagungsbericht
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  • Berriochoa, Kattalina (2022): The Effect of Ethnic and Racial Diversity on School Funding across the Urban-Rural Divide Journal of Education Finance. University of Illinois Press. 2022, 47(3), pp. 275-295. ISSN 0098-9495. eISSN 1944-6470

    The Effect of Ethnic and Racial Diversity on School Funding across the Urban-Rural Divide



  • Resistance is Not Futile : Factors predicting Nonviolent Activism in the Nepalese Civil War


    This PhD thesis investigates patterns of nonviolent activism in civil war contexts with the example of the Nepalese Civil War. The thesis is divided into three major parts. The first part offers a broad theoretical classification of nonviolent action research, while introducing the motivation and research contribution of the thesis. In the second part the three different contributions (papers) of this thesis are presented. In the third part, a summary and discussion of the findings concludes the thesis. The thesis contributes to civil war research by focusing on civilian actors and investigates how they can resist their civil war environment, being more than refugees or recruitment pools for armed factions. The thesis advances the study of nonviolent resistance in civil wars by introducing a novel dataset of nonviolent activism. The thesis further presents results of an empirical field research project which deals with questions regarding organization of nonviolent activism and third-party support of activists also prior to their nonviolent action events. In doing so the thesis combines different state of the art quantitative and qualitative methods and statistical tools to investigate novel research questions. For the first and second project of the thesis a new and unique disaggregated dataset on nonviolent activism on the event level was constructed to investigate patterns of nonviolent activism during the Nepalese Civil War in unprecedented detail. Utilizing this dataset, the first paper investigates a link between direct civil war violence as grievances and nonviolent activism in a spatial panel regression analysis. In the second quantitative contribution, a multilevel model tests different forms and kinds of nonviolent activism and activist group patterns during the civil war to predict a violent state reaction during the nonviolent event. An additional geographically weighted regression outlines spatial variation of the tested variables throughout the country and substantiates the results from the multilevel model. The third contribution uses qualitative expert interviews to investigate the involvement of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to support and train activist groups during the Nepalese Civil War. This contribution utilizes data from an own field research study conducted in Nepal in 2018. The first paper presents a robust, significant relationship between civil war violence and nonviolent action across the Nepalese districts in the spatial panel regression on a yearly as well as monthly basis during the civil war. The paper therefore strongly argues for a linkage between direct civil war violence as grievances with subsequent nonviolent action by civilians. This relationship was already found for battle related violence between conflict factions, but according to this paper now also seems to true for direct violence against civilians. It might explain why we regularly find nonviolent action also far away from the current battlefields in civil wars. The findings of the second contribution show that a high likelihood of disturbance of the public order by nonviolent action events predicts a violent state reaction. Political orientation of activists or number of activist groups during an event also significantly predicted the likelihood of a violent state reaction, but to a lesser extent. The presence of journalists for example to document violence was not related to the likelihood of a violent state reaction. Results of the expert interviews in the third contribution showed in seven examples how nongovernmental organizations supported activist groups, which received counseling in goal formation and selection, and illuminate how conflict-affected parts of the population were supported to become activists step by step, using nonviolent tactics to receive compensation for war crimes and/or demand an end of the war. The findings of this thesis contribute fundamentally to theoretical motivations for nonviolent action during civil wars (direct civil war violence as grievances), and subsequent possible violent state reaction towards nonviolent action events. It extends our understanding of how the decision towards nonviolence and nonviolent action is made, what obstacles are to overcome, but it also outlines in examples how activist groups can receive a helping hand from third parties. In doing so the thesis greatly enhances our understanding of how nonviolent action is facilitated during civil wars, what motivates civilians to do it, what state reaction is to be expected, and what kind of support channels may exist.

  • Ruhe, Constantin; Schneider, Gerald; Spilker, Gabriele (2022): Quantitative Methoden in den Internationalen Beziehungen SAUER, Frank, ed., Luba VON HAUFF, ed., Carlo MASALA, ed.. Handbuch Internationale Beziehungen. 3. Auflage, living reference work. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2022. ISBN 978-3-658-33952-4. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-531-19954-2_25-2

    Quantitative Methoden in den Internationalen Beziehungen


    Dieses Kapitel gibt einen Überblick über die Verwendung quantitativer Methoden in den Internationalen Beziehungen. Nach einer kurzen Diskussion der verschiedenen Probleme, die sich in einer quantitativen Untersuchung ergeben können, präsentieren wir im zweiten Teil die mannigfachen Herausforderungen, die beim ersten Schritt jeglicher empirischer Untersuchung – dem Messen der theoretischen Konstrukte – entstehen können. Danach beschreiben wir, wie sich zwei unterschiedliche Datentypen – Experimental- und Beobachtungsdaten – analysieren lassen. In diesem Zusammenhang diskutieren wir ausführlich anhand einiger prominenter Beispiele zentrale Schwierigkeiten bei der Durchführung einer Regressionsanalyse: die Wahl eines passenden Modellierungsverfahrens, die Drittvariablenkontrolle sowie das Problem der Stichprobenverzerrung. Der Aufsatz endet mit einer Schlussbetrachtung und einem Überblick über einige neuere Trends in der Verwendung von quantitativen Methoden in den Internationalen Beziehungen.

  • Social Legacies of Civil War : Gendered Consequences of Conflict


    What are the social legacies of civil war and how do they differ for men and women? Despite a growing body of research on civil war consequences, the social legacies of conflict remain among the least understood impacts of war. Furthermore, empirical evidence on the distinct effects wartime violence has on men and women is scarce. Quantitative research mostly overlooks the gendered experiences, consequences, and potential benefits of conflict. The aim of my dissertation is to contribute to research on gendered civil war legacies by combining observational and experimental micro-level evidence in different post-conflict settings. The overarching question of my dissertation is addressed in three self-contained essays which test theories of the gendered impacts of war.

    Chapter 2 asks whether civil war (dis)empowers women and explores the causal relationship between civil war and women’s labor force participation by leveraging the arbitrary Côte d'Ivoire--Burkina Faso border as setting for a natural experiment. Using a regression discontinuity design, I find that Ivoirian women are 25 percentage points less likely to work outside the home post-war. I investigate three potential mechanisms and argue that the decline in female labor force participation might be explained by a shift towards more traditional gender norms and a reduction in women's bargaining power.

    Chapter 3 investigates social (dis)trust in post-war Sri Lanka and analyzes a list experiment to explore the causal relationship between war-related sexual violence and intra- and inter-ethnic group trust. Combining the list experiment with survey data of the Tamil population, I find evidence that war-related sexual violence affects trust decisions of men and women differently. Although both Tamil men and women lose trust in fellow Tamils, female victims are more trusting towards their ethnic out-group. Possible explanations might be that both context of sexual violence and coping strategies differ by gender.

    Chapter 4 focuses on social (dis)integration in the Democratic Republic of Congo and explores how forced recruitment shapes male ex-combatants' violent behavior. Based on survey data, I present evidence that former forced recruits commit significantly more violence against their intimate partners and their children compared to voluntary recruits. Using structural equation modeling, I scrutinize the combatant socialization mechanism to show that more intense exposure to violence as part of armed groups and ensuing mental health problems mediate this relationship.

    Taken together, my dissertation highlights the importance of systematic micro-level evidence as well as the significance of applying a gender perspective to conflict research. I argue that it is necessary to account for gendered war experiences and consequences, both in theory-building and methodology, as well as in policy-making. This thesis contributes to different literatures on the consequences of armed conflict, the social implications of violence for individuals, and the risks of recurring violence. In chapter 5, I derive several implications and suggest avenues forward for academic research and policy-making.

  •   31.05.24  
    Seibel, Wolfgang (2022): Resilienz, Integrität und Führungsverantwortung bei Regelverstößen und Straftaten im Polizeidienst BARTHEL, Christian, ed. and others. Sexualität und Macht in der Polizei. Wiesbaden: Springer, 2022, pp. 33-56. ISBN 978-3-658-35986-7. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-35987-4_3

    Resilienz, Integrität und Führungsverantwortung bei Regelverstößen und Straftaten im Polizeidienst


    Dieses Kapitel widmet sich dem Thema Sexualität und Polizei aus der grundlegenden Perspektive von Standardpathologien öffentlicher Verwaltung. Im Mittelpunkt steht das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Resilienz und Integrität unter den besonderen Bedingungen des rechtsstaatlichen Gewaltmonopols. Das heute populäre Stichwort der Resilienz verweist darauf, dass Behörden sich um ihrer Leistungsfähigkeit willen in erheblichem Umfang mit sich selbst beschäftigen müssen. Ohne alltägliche Rücksichtnahme des Personals untereinander kann die Funktionsfähigkeit arbeitsteiliger Zusammenhänge nicht sichergestellt werden. Diese verlässliche Funktionsfähigkeit auf der Basis internen Zusammenhalts steht in einem latenten Spannungsverhältnis zur professionellen Integrität. Im Polizeidienst kann Gruppensolidarität mit rechtsstaatlichen Kernfunktionen in Konflikt geraten. Sexuelle Grenzüberschreitungen und deren Vertuschung sind hierfür exemplarisch. Zum einen, weil ungesetzliches Handeln mit dem Kernauftrag der Polizei von vornherein unvereinbar ist. Zum anderen durch die Fehlinterpretation von Resilienzerfordernissen durch das Führungspersonal der Polizei. Kurzfristige und kurzsichtige Prioritätensetzungen durch das administrative und politische Führungspersonal der Polizei begünstigen die Verschleierung sexueller Grenzüberschreitungen in der Polizei und damit die Fortschreibung einer Missachtung rechtsstaatlicher Grundsätze in einer Kerninstitution des Rechtsstaats selbst. Illustriert wird dies anhand eines Falles aus Niedersachsen, zu dessen Schlüsselakteuren höhere und hohe Polizeibeamte ebenso gehörten wie der verantwortliche Innenminister.

  • Niederkrotenthaler, Thomas; Laido, Zrinka; Kirchner, Stefanie; Braun, Marlies; Metzler, Hannah; Waldhör, Thomas J.; Strauss, Markus J.; Garcia, David; Till, Benedikt (2022): Mental health over nine months during the SARS-CoV2 pandemic : Representative cross-sectional survey in twelve waves between April and December 2020 in Austria Journal of Affective Disorders. Elsevier. 2022, 296, pp. 49-58. ISSN 0165-0327. eISSN 1573-2517. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2021.08.153

    Mental health over nine months during the SARS-CoV2 pandemic : Representative cross-sectional survey in twelve waves between April and December 2020 in Austria


    Background: There is accumulating evidence about detrimental impacts of the pandemic on population mental health, but knowledge on risk of groups specifically affected by the pandemic and variations across time is still limited.
    Methods: We surveyed approximately n=1,000 Austrian residents in 12 waves between April and December 2020 (n=12,029). Outcomes were suicidal ideation (Beck Suicidal Ideation Scale), depressive symptoms (Patient Health Questionnaire-9), anxiety (Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale), and domestic violence. We also assessed the perceived burden from the pandemic. Demographic and Covid-19 specific occupational and morbidity-related variables were used to explain outcomes in multivariable regression analyses, controlling for well-established risk factors of mental ill-health, and variations over time were analyzed.
    Results: Young age, working in healthcare or from home, and own Covid-19 illness were consistent risk factors controlling for a wide range of known mental health risk factors. Time patterns in the perceived burden from Covid-19-related measures were consistent with the time sequence of restrictions and relaxations of governmental measures. Depressive and anxiety symptoms were relatively stable over time, with some increase of depression during the second phase of lockdowns. Domestic violence increased immediately after both hard lockdowns. Suicidal ideation decreased slightly over time, with a low during the second hard lockdown. Mental health indicators for women and young people showed some deterioration over time, whereas those reporting own Covid-19 illness improved.
    Limitations: Data from before the pandemic were not available.
    Conclusions: Among mental health outcomes, increases in domestic violence and, to some smaller extent, depressive symptoms, appeared most closely related to the timing of hard lockdowns. Healthcare staff, individuals working from home, those with Covid-19, as well as young people and women are non-traditional risk groups who warrant heightened attention in prevention during and in the aftermath of the pandemic.

  • Urman, Aleksandra; Ionescu, Stefania; Garcia, David; Hannák, Anikó (2022): The politicization of medical preprints on Twitter during the early stages of COVID-19 pandemic Journal of Quantitative Description : Digital Media. University of Zurich. 2022, 2. eISSN 2673-8813. Available under: doi: 10.51685/jqd.2022.003

    The politicization of medical preprints on Twitter during the early stages of COVID-19 pandemic


    We examine the patterns of medical preprint sharing on Twitter during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our analysis demonstrates a stark increase in attention to medical preprints among the general public since the beginning of the pandemic. We also observe a political divide in medical preprint sharing patterns - a finding in line with previous observations regarding the politicisation of COVID-19-related discussions. In addition, we find that the increase in attention to preprints from the members of the general public coincided with the change in the social media-based discourse around preprints.

  • Behnke, Nathalie; Eckhard, Steffen (2022): A systemic perspective on crisis management and resilience in Germany Der Moderne Staat (dms). Verlag Barbara Budrich. 2022, 15(1), pp. 3-19. ISSN 1865-7192. eISSN 2196-1395. Available under: doi: 10.3224/dms.v15i1.11

    A systemic perspective on crisis management and resilience in Germany


    In the past decades, Germany was hit – in equal measure to other countries in Europe and beyond – by multiple transboundary and societal crises. We take stock of the ability of the German state to cope with the ensuing complexity in managing these exceptional situations. Conceptually, we apply a systemic perspective that asks about the resilience of the German state in the subsystems of policymaking in crises, implementation of administrative crisis management, as well as societal responses to crises. The paper draws on findings from a range of empirical studies assembled in this special issue, that focus either on the so-called refugee crisis of 2015/16 or the Covid-19 pandemic since 2020. Strikingly, the overall impression emerging from this research is generally favorable of the ability of the German politico-administrative system to master challenging crises – its resilience. But there are also areas for improvement.

  • Kemmerling, Achim; Marx, Paul; van Kersbergen, Kees (Hrsg.) (2022): Digitalization and the Welfare State

    Digitalization and the Welfare State



    dc.contributor.editor: Kemmerling, Achim; Marx, Paul; van Kersbergen, Kees

  • New Normal, but Good Normal? : Three Studies on Employees' Adaption to the Digitalization, the COVID-19 Pandemic, and Mobile Work



  • Tillmann, Sebastian; Hüttermann, Hendrik; Boerner, Sabine (2022): Trau, schau, wem: Entstehung und Auswirkungen von Vertrauen in Führungskräfte SCHWEER, Martin K. W., ed.. Facetten des Vertrauens und Misstrauens : Herausforderungen für das soziale Miteinander. Wiesbaden: Springer VS Wiesbaden, 2022, pp. 203-220. ISBN 978-3-658-29046-7. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-29047-4_11

    Trau, schau, wem: Entstehung und Auswirkungen von Vertrauen in Führungskräfte


    Vertrauen in die Führungskraft ist eine wesentliche Voraussetzung für die Motivation und Leistung von Mitarbeitenden und damit auch für den Erfolg von Organisationen. Im Rahmen des Beitrags werden zentrale Befunde der organisationswissenschaftlichen Forschung zu Führung und Vertrauen resümiert und kritisch beleuchtet. Dabei zeigt sich, dass hohes Vertrauen in die Führungskraft die Zufriedenheit mit dem Vorgesetzten steigert, die Loyalität gegenüber der Führungskraft stärkt und insbesondere auch die Arbeitsleistung der Mitarbeitenden fördert. Die Entstehung von Vertrauen wird sowohl von den Führungskräften als auch von den Mitarbeitenden selbst beeinflusst. So spielen auf Seiten der Führungskräfte beispielsweise deren Integrität, Berechenbarkeit und Kompetenz eine Rolle. Gleichzeitig schafft ein aktiver und mitarbeiterorientierter Führungsstil Voraussetzungen für die Entstehung von Vertrauen. Auf Seiten der Mitarbeitenden zeigt sich beispielsweise, dass ihre Vertrauensneigung und Toleranz für Unsicherheit sowie ihre Bereitschaft, organisationalen Wandel mitzutragen, bedeutenden Einfluss auf die Bildung von Vertrauen ausüben. Der Beitrag schließt mit einem Ausblick auf Implikationen für Forschung und Praxis.

  •   31.05.24  
    Seibel, Wolfgang (2022): Successful Failure : Functions and Dysfunctions of Civil Society Organizations HOELSCHER, Michael, ed. and others. Civil Society : Concepts, Challenges, Contexts. Cham: Springer, 2022, pp. 69-81. Nonprofit and Civil Society Studies. ISBN 978-3-030-98007-8. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-98008-5_5

    Successful Failure : Functions and Dysfunctions of Civil Society Organizations


    Although the crucial role of civil society in both the enrichment of political culture and the enhancement of societal participation is undisputed, normative perspectives on civil society organizations (CSOs) tend to neglect their ambivalence. The very fact that CSOs are operating on a nonprofit basis implies vulnerable resource dependencies, which, in turn, translate into differentiated stakeholder action orientations. Although the ideational action orientation—the commitment to a common purpose—unites the constituent groups, utilitarian action orientations may differ. Board members may be interested in gains in terms of reputation and power as well as in networking as an end in itself rather than strengthening the organization’s autonomy through managerial performance. Accordingly, the utilitarian orientation of board members may be incompatible with the action orientation of CSO managers. All this makes CSOs likely candidates for the phenomena of successful failure. Relative failure in the form of underperformance may be tolerated as long as the main stakeholders continue to mobilize resources sufficient for organizational survival. This may be a comparative advantage relative to both private businesses and governmental agencies when it comes to serious societal and political problems that, for various reasons, turn out to be unsolvable but nonetheless need to be addressed somehow without undermining the stability and legitimacy of the institutional core of a democratic polity.

  • Strauch, Rebecca; Weidmann, Nils B. (2022): Protest and digital adaptation Research & Politics. Sage Publications. 2022, 9(2). ISSN 2053-1680. eISSN 2053-1680. Available under: doi: 10.1177/20531680221100440

    Protest and digital adaptation


    Autocratic governments routinely interfere in digital communication technology for political purposes. However, citizens can use different technologies to bypass government interference. This article examines how political protest influences the use of anonymity-preserving digital services in autocracies. Citizens should be more likely to use these tools during high political tension because they fear governmental surveillance or censorship. The analysis combining data on the Tor anonymization network with protest event data demonstrates noticeable increases in Tor usage after days with many protest events but not days with single protest events.

  • Busemeyer, Marius R.; Glassmann, Ulrich (2022): The value and future of work in the digital economy BUSEMEYER, Marius R., ed., Achim KEMMERLING, ed., Paul MARX, ed., Kees VAN KERSBERGEN, ed.. Digitalization and the Welfare State. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022, pp. 83-98. ISBN 978-0-19-284836-9. Available under: doi: 10.1093/oso/9780192848369.001.0001

    The value and future of work in the digital economy



  • Campbell, Susanna P.; Spilker, Gabriele (2022): Aiding War or Peace? : the Insiders’ View on Aid to Postconflict Transitions The Journal of Politics. University of Chicago Press. 2022, 84(3), pp. 1370-1383. ISSN 0022-3816. eISSN 1468-2508. Available under: doi: 10.1086/718353

    Aiding War or Peace? : the Insiders’ View on Aid to Postconflict Transitions


    International aid donors now allocate the majority of development assistance to conflict-affected countries. Aid scholarship largely classifies this subset of recipients as poorly governed countries where donors bypass the government in favor or third-party implementers. We argue that further disaggregation shows how donors use different aid types—humanitarian, transitional, development, and budgetary aid—to support postconflict transitions. We expect that when a postconflict country signals progression toward peace, donors will give development and budgetary aid to the government and withdraw humanitarian and transitional aid; when the country signals regression toward violence, donors will do the inverse. To test our expectations, we use an original survey-embedded experiment completed by 1,130 aid experts around the globe. Our findings generally support our expectations, although they reveal important nuances. In particular, they show that experts are more certain of how donors aid countries that are progressing toward peace than those that are returning to war.

  • Gallego, Aina; Kurer, Thomas; Scholl, Nikolas Bahati (2022): Neither Left-Behind nor Superstar : Ordinary Winners of Digitalization at the Ballot Box The Journal of Politics. University of Chicago Press. 2022, 84(1), pp. 418-436. ISSN 0022-3816. eISSN 1468-2508. Available under: doi: 10.1086/714920

    Neither Left-Behind nor Superstar : Ordinary Winners of Digitalization at the Ballot Box


    The nascent literature on the political consequences of technological change studies either left-behind voters or successful technology entrepreneurs ("superstars"). However, it neglects the large share of skilled workers who bene t from limited but steady economic improvements in the knowledge economy. This paper examines how workplace digitalization a ects political preferences among the entire active labor force by combining individual-level panel data from the United Kingdom with industry-level data on ICT capital stocks between 1997-2017. We rst demonstrate that digitalization was economically bene cial for workers with middle and high levels of education. We then show that growth in digitalization increased support for the Conservative Party, the incumbent party, and voter turnout among bene ciaries of economic change. Our results hold in an instrumental variable analysis and multiple robustness checks. While digitalization undoubtedly produces losers (along with some superstars), ordinary winners of digitalization are an important stabilizing force content with the political status quo.

  • Biased Machines in the Realm of Politics


    This dissertation addresses one of the most serious risks associated with automated decision-making: bias. This is not a new phenomenon, and decisions have always been biased, but automated decision-making multiplies the risks in many ways. The main challenges are: How can we detect biases? Who should be held accountable for biased predictions? And how can biases be mitigated or corrected? The three studies within this dissertation help answer these questions by emphasizing the importance of monitoring our own machine learning (ML) pipelines, auditing third party prediction systems, and exposing the potential abuse of predictive algorithms when given sensitive data.

    The first paper (section 2) addresses the question of how to direct ML users to high-performing, robust, and fair models. ML systems have been shown to harm human lives via discrimination, distortion, exploitation, or misjudgment. Although bias is often associated with malicious behavior, this is not always the case. Inductive biases, for example, such as knowledge about parameter ranges or priors can help to stabilize a model optimization process. Furthermore, decomposing into statistical bias and variance, allows for model selection with minimum future risk. Since "all models are wrong, but some are useful", we should analyze as many biases in ML as feasible before putting faith in our predictions.

    The second paper (section 3) addresses the question about how to audit recommender bias on social media. The goal of this experiment is to quantify the causes of algorithmic filter bubbles by analyzing amplification bias in the recommender system of Twitter. Using simulation of human behavior with bots we can show that 'filter bubbles' exist and that they add an additional layer of bias to 'echo chambers'. More precisely, the algorithm responded far more strongly to bots that actually engage with content than to bots that just follow human accounts. This demonstrates that the Twitter algorithm significantly depends on human interactions to adapt to preferences of its users. This has serious consequences since users may be unaware of the large personalization bias that happens when they like or share content.

    The third paper (section 4) addresses the question whether online communication is predictive of offline political behavior. We can predict the party affiliation and turnout likelihood of a person with fair accuracy using a unique dataset consisting of thousands of ordinary citizens, including their Twitter statuses, integrated with public US voter registration files. Our results show social media communication is sufficiently biased to provide information about attitudes and political behavior of an average person in the real world. We demonstrate how, in addition to us, political, commercial, or bad faith actors may acquire this sensitive data to build prediction models, for example, to influence a customers retail journey or perhaps worse discourage them from voting on scale.

    Biases can limit the potential of ML for business and society by cultivating distrust and delivering distorting or discriminating results. However, if our societies can (1) implement effective data privacy regulations (2) require internal debaising steps and encourage external independent auditing (3) educate the broader public of biases and ways to report them (4) and invest in training interdisciplinary computational scientists, we may be better prepared for negative consequences of the next industrial revolution.

  • Döhne, Malte (2022): Incentive structures : quality competition and the production of fine Californian wines The Journal of Mathematical Sociology. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 2022, 46(2), pp. 148-172. ISSN 0022-250X. eISSN 1545-5874. Available under: doi: 10.1080/0022250X.2020.1835895

    Incentive structures : quality competition and the production of fine Californian wines


    When and for whom does it pay to make high-quality products? In this paper, I address this question through the lens of Harrison White’s socioeconomic models of production. The socioeconomic models relate economist incentives of cost-efficiency to sociological insights into the construction of quality on markets. Differences in firm size and quality sustain distinct market niches whose appeal to producers vary. The ordering of niches by quality and associated implications for profitability establish the incentive structure of the market. As illustration, I trace the evolution of the Californian wine industry from its nadir under prohibition to today. The account motivates a productive reading of the socio-economic models that tempers their analytical focus and broadens their scope of application.

  • Edelmann, Noella; Mergel, Ines (2022): The Implementation of a Digital Strategy in the Austrian Public Sector HAGEN, Loni, ed., Mihkel SOLVAK, ed., Sungsoo HWANG, ed.. The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (DGO2022) : Intelligent Technologies, Governments and Citizens. New York, NY: ACM, 2022, pp. 391-399. ISBN 978-1-4503-9750-6. Available under: doi: 10.1145/3543434.3543640

    The Implementation of a Digital Strategy in the Austrian Public Sector


    The European Commission's eGovernment report states that “eGovernment in Europe is characterized by a “virtuous circle”: public administrations develop better and better digital services because user demand is high; and more and more users access government services online because these services are available and easy to use” [1]. In this report, Austria ranks among the top five in the delivery of public services, high on indicators such as transparency and the key enablers that facilitate digital interactions between governments and users, help to standardize process flows and thus help both citizens and businesses in their dealings with the government. Yet in the most current Digital European Society Index Austria ranks only 10th and is described as being slow in improving the use of digital services, connectivity and integration of digital technology. In this study, we aim to investigate the strategies implemented for the digitalization of services and processes in Austrian public administrations in order to explain such incongruous scores.

  • Seibel, Wolfgang; Eckardt, Christine; Huffert, Friedrich; Mende, Lisa; Wiese, Lorenz (2022): Verwaltungsresilienz unter Stressbedingungen dms – der moderne staat. Verlag Barbara Budrich. 2022, 15(1), pp. 109-129. ISSN 1865-7192. eISSN 2196-1395. Available under: doi: 10.3224/dms.v15i1.12

    Verwaltungsresilienz unter Stressbedingungen


    Der Beitrag bezieht sich kritisch auf stereotype Charakterisierungen der bürokratischen Organisationsform öffentlicher Verwaltung als unflexibel und innovationsfeindlich und entwickelt auf der Grundlage einer empirischen Untersuchung zu Ausmaß und Gestalt flexibler und partizipativer Handlungsformen der Verwaltung in der sogenannten Flüchtlingskrise von 2015 und 2016 ein Kategorienschema für Varianten adaptiver Entscheidungsstile und Entscheidungsstrukturen lokaler Verwaltungen – Landkreise und kreisfreie Städte – unter Stressbedingungen. Zentrales Argument der Abhandlung ist, dass Verwaltungen in Phasen intensivierter Problemlösungsanforderungen unterschiedliche Formen von adaptiver Flexibilität und der Partizipation von zivilgesellschaftlichen Akteur_innen als Resilienzreserven mobilisieren. Dies geschieht, so das Argument, allerdings nur, wenn der Problemdruck auch in seiner Dynamik berechenbar bleibt und die institutionellen und politischen Rahmenbedingungen ansonsten konstant gehalten werden können.

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