Aktuelle Publikationen

Auf dieser Seite finden Sie die chronologisch geordneten Veröffentlichungen unserer Wissenschaftler*innen aus den vergangenen Jahren.

Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

  • Artikel
  • Buch
  • Dissertation
  • Studien- / Abschlussarbeit
  • Tagungsbericht
  • Andere
  • Rudolph, Lukas; Däubler, Thomas; Menzner, Jan (2022): Das Potenzial offener Listen für die Wahl von Frauen zum Bundestag : Ergebnisse eines Survey-Experiments Politische Vierteljahresschrift. Springer. 2022, 63(3), pp. 441-468. ISSN 0032-3470. eISSN 1862-2860. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s11615-022-00412-8

    Das Potenzial offener Listen für die Wahl von Frauen zum Bundestag : Ergebnisse eines Survey-Experiments


    Frauen sind im Bundestag unterrepräsentiert, insbesondere unter Parteien in und rechts der Mitte. Quotenregeln als vieldiskutierte Lösung greifen jedoch stark in die Freiheiten von Parteien, Kandidat*innen und Wähler*innen ein. Die Option offener Wahllisten hingegen findet wenig Aufmerksamkeit, obwohl sie verfassungsrechtliche Grundsatzprobleme vermeiden würde. Wir untersuchen daher, wie viele Wählerinnen und wie viele Wähler – insgesamt und nach Partei – in Deutschland auf offenen Listen für Kandidatinnen stimmen würden. Theoretisch erwarten wir, dass insbesondere Wählerinnen, Wähler*innen linker Parteien und Wähler*innen mit hoher Themensalienz bezüglich Geschlechtergerechtigkeit Präferenzen für Kandidatinnen ausdrücken. Zudem erwarten wir, dass Wähler*innen ungleich besetzte Listen tendenziell in Richtung Parität ausgleichen. Unser Forschungsdesign basiert auf einem Online-Umfrageexperiment (N=2640) mit einer quotenrepräsentativen Stichprobe der deutschen Wahlbevölkerung. Befragte wählten zwischen Listen der im Bundestag vertretenen Parteien, mit je vier fiktiven Kandidat*innen. Der Frauenanteil auf jeder Liste variierte zufällig zwischen 25 und 75 %, ebenso ob Listen geschlossen oder offen präsentiert wurden. Wir zeigen, dass Wähler wie Wählerinnen das Kandidat*innengeschlecht gemäß oben genannter theoretischer Erwartungen in ihre Wahlentscheidung einfließen lassen. Unsere Ergebnisse lassen damit vermuten, dass Kandidatinnen aufgrund ihres Geschlechts wohl insgesamt kaum benachteiligt würden, es aber Subgruppen in der Bevölkerung gibt, die sich bewusst für männliche Politiker entscheiden (Wähler der FDP, Wählerinnen der AfD). Insgesamt zeigt unser Beitrag, dass offene Listenwahlsysteme es Wähler*innen nicht nur ermöglichen, ihre Präferenzstimme im Sinne von Geschlechterrepräsentation einzusetzen, sondern dass Wähler*innen diese Möglichkeit auch nutzen. Hervorzuheben ist dabei auch die Tendenz, dass Wähler*innen über Parteielektorate hinweg ungleiche Listenvorschläge der Selektorate ausbalancieren. Die Debatte zur Reform des Wahlrechts sollte einer Einführung offener Listen deshalb mehr Beachtung schenken.

  • Human Centricity in Digital Delivery : Enhancing Agile Governance



  • Tober, Tobias (2022): European Institutional Integration, Trade Unions, and Income Inequality Socio-Economic Review. Oxford University Press. 2022, 20(1), pp. 351-371. ISSN 1475-1461. eISSN 1475-147X. Available under: doi: 10.1093/ser/mwz053

    European Institutional Integration, Trade Unions, and Income Inequality


    What are the distributional implications of European institutional integration? This article argues that European institutional integration exerts a moderating effect on the relationship between trade union strength and income inequality—particularly inequality at the top—within countries of the European Union (EU). I contend that European institutional integration reduces the bargaining power of trade unions due to rising market competition and decreasing union control over the supply of labor. Thus, the effectiveness of trade unions in reducing inequality should decline with progressing European institutional integration. On the basis of a long-term within-country analysis of the EU15, I will show that the effect of trade unions on inequality varies strongly with European institutional integration. Consistent with the theoretical argument, the inequality-reducing effect of trade unions becomes substantially lower the more a country integrates in the EU.

  • Leadership, Community Ties, and Participation of the Poor : Evidence from Kenya, Malawi, and Zambia


    Research on public goods provision in Africa suggests that local leaders’ ability to mobilize the poor varies with the nature of the community. Yet there remains uncertainty about why local leaders are better in mobilizing the poor in some communities than others. In this paper, we address this question. We examine the relationship between the social density of local communities, the social proximity of authority figures to these communities (local or distant leadership), and leaders’ ability to mobilize the poor to contribute to educational and burial funds, or vote for an endorsed candidate. To do so, we employ a conjoint experiment and utilize observational data from an original survey fielded in Kenya, Malawi and Zambia. We find that the poor respond more to neighbors and local leaders than to distant leaders, and that the social density of communities moderates this relationship. Moreover, examining the mechanisms, we find that the fear of sanctions or expected rewards, and the desire to bandwagon with others in the community appear to drive mobilization. These findings extend our understanding of how leadership and social ties facilitate mobilization, particularly among the poor.

  • Collapsing Structures and Public Mismanagement



  • Das Neun-Euro-Ticket als Startschuss für ein dauerhaftes Deutschland-Ticket : Ein zweistufiges Modell zur Umsetzung


    Das 9-Euro-Ticket soll den ÖPNV in Deutschland für drei Monate stark vergünstigen. Hier wird ein Konzept vorgeschlagen, um innerhalb des politisch gesetzten Aktionszeitraums sowohl zu einer effektiven und kostengünstigen Umsetzung zu gelangen, als auch Strukturen einzurichten, die eine langfristige Fortsetzung des Programms ermöglichen. Dazu gehört ein zentraler Vertrieb des Tickets auf Bundesebene, die Nutzung der bundeseigenen CovPass- und CovPassCheck-App für Ticketing und Kontrolle, sowie einfach strukturierte Gültigkeitsgebiete. So lässt sich der organisatorische Aufwand gering halten und das Ticket benutzerfreundlich gestalten.

  • Vogler, Jan P. (2022): Empires, State Building, and Long-Term Legacies in Bureaucratic Organization : The Case of Poland ABLEIDINGER, Clemens, ed., Peter BECKER, ed., Marion DOTTER, ed. and others. Im Büro des Herrschers : Neue Perspektiven der historischen Politikfeldanalyse. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2022, pp. 239-258. Veröffentlichungen des Collegium Carolinum. 145. ISBN 978-3-525-33613-7

    Empires, State Building, and Long-Term Legacies in Bureaucratic Organization : The Case of Poland



  • Heinkelmann-Wild, Tim; Jankauskas, Vytautas (2022): To Yield or Shield? : Comparing International Public Administrations' Responses to Member States' Policy Contestation Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 2022, 24(3), pp. 296-312. ISSN 1387-6988. eISSN 1572-5448. Available under: doi: 10.1080/13876988.2020.1822144

    To Yield or Shield? : Comparing International Public Administrations' Responses to Member States' Policy Contestation


    When member states contest policymaking in international organizations, some international public administrations (IPAs) react in a conciliatory way while others are adversarial. This article argues that IPAs’ dependence on contesting states, their policymaking authority, and affectedness from contestation shape communicative responses. A Qualitative Comparative Analysis of 32 cases of contestation by the Trump administration indicates that IPAs yield when they are constrained by dependence on the United States or have no incentive to defend themselves. IPAs fend off contestation when they are unconstrained and incentivized by attacks on an international organizations’s polity, the bureaucracy, or policies in whose making they were substantially involved.

  • Schvitz, Guy; Girardin, Luc; Rüegger, Seraina; Weidmann, Nils B.; Cederman, Lars-Erik; Gleditsch, Kristian Skrede (2022): Mapping the International System, 1886-2019 : The CShapes 2.0 Dataset Journal of Conflict Resolution. Sage Publications. 2022, 66(1), pp. 144-161. ISSN 0022-0027. eISSN 1552-8766. Available under: doi: 10.1177/00220027211013563

    Mapping the International System, 1886-2019 : The CShapes 2.0 Dataset


    This article introduces CShapes 2.0, a GIS dataset that maps the borders of states and dependent territories from 1886 through 2019. Our dataset builds on the previous CShapes dataset and improves it in two ways. First, it extends temporal coverage from 1946 back to the year 1886, which followed the Berlin Conference on the partition of Africa. Second, the new dataset is no longer limited to independent states, but also maps the borders of colonies and other dependencies, thereby providing near complete global coverage of political units throughout recent history. This article explains the coding procedure, provides a preview of the dataset and presents three illustrative applications.

  • Henningsen, Bernd; Jochem, Sven (2022): Kulturen der Solidarität in Nordeuropa RAMB, Martin W., ed., Holger ZABOROWSKI, ed.. Solidarität und Verantwortung : Oder: Was Europa zusammenhält. Göttingen: Wallstein, 2022, pp. 143-173. Koordinaten Europas. 1. ISBN 978-3-8353-3768-8

    Kulturen der Solidarität in Nordeuropa



    dc.contributor.author: Henningsen, Bernd

  • Bräuninger, Thomas; Däubler, Thomas; Huber, Robert; Rudolph, Lukas (2022): How Open Lists Undermine the Electoral Support of Cohesive Parties British Journal of Political Science. Cambridge University Press. 2022, 52(4), pp. 1931-1943. ISSN 0007-1234. eISSN 1469-2112. Available under: doi: 10.1017/s0007123421000417

    How Open Lists Undermine the Electoral Support of Cohesive Parties


    How does ballot structure affect party choice? We argue that open lists undermine the electoral support of cohesive parties, to the benefit of internally divided parties. We conduct a survey-embedded experiment in the aftermath of the European migrant crisis, presenting German voters with real parties but fictitious politicians. A crossover design varies ballot type and exposure to candidate positions on immigration. We find that the internally divided Christian Democrats gain votes at the expense of the cohesive Alternative for Germany when open lists are used and candidate positions are known. For individuals who are equally attracted to both parties, switching is most likely if their immigration preferences lie near the midpoint between the two parties. Overall, our analysis establishes conditions under which ballot structure can affect the electoral performance of parties in general, and that of the populist right in particular.

  • Mergel, Ines; Haug, Nathalie; Albrecht, Valerie; Brahimi, Almire; Edelmann, Noella; Hajinejad, Nassrin; Hölscher, Ines; Plomin, Jana (2022): Erfolgreiche Innovationsfellowships in der Verwaltung umsetzen

    Erfolgreiche Innovationsfellowships in der Verwaltung umsetzen



    dc.contributor.author: Albrecht, Valerie; Hajinejad, Nassrin; Hölscher, Ines; Plomin, Jana

  • Tober, Tobias; Busemeyer, Marius R. (2022): Breaking the link? : How European integration shapes social policy demand and supply Journal of European Public Policy. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 2022, 29(2), pp. 259-280. ISSN 1350-1763. eISSN 1466-4429. Available under: doi: 10.1080/13501763.2020.1824010

    Breaking the link? : How European integration shapes social policy demand and supply


    How does European integration affect the welfare state? This paper argues that European integration has non-complementary consequences for the political economy of welfare spending: European economic integration increases popular demand for social spending, whereas European political integration decreases the supply of social spending. Thus, the conflicting implications of European integration essentially break the link between social policy preferences and social policy. Using statistical models that deal with the multilevel structure of the theoretical argument, we find a positive relationship between economic integration and support for social policy. In the second part of the empirical analysis, dynamic model specifications at the country level show that higher levels of political integration are associated with lower levels of social spending. Furthermore, we provide evidence that social policy responsiveness declines as political integration increases.

  • Garritzmann, Julian L.; Häusermann, Silja; Kurer, Thomas; Palier, Bruno; Pinggera, Michael (2022): The Emergence of Knowledge Economies : Educational Expansion, Labor Market Changes, and the Politics of Social Investment GARRITZMANN, Julian L., ed., Silja HÄUSERMANN, ed., Bruno PALIER, ed.. The World Politics of Social Investment. Volume I: Welfare States in the Knowledge Economy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022, pp. 251-282. ISBN 978-0-19-758524-5. Available under: doi: 10.1093/oso/9780197585245.003.0008

    The Emergence of Knowledge Economies : Educational Expansion, Labor Market Changes, and the Politics of Social Investment


    This chapter traces the development of regional varieties of knowledge economies over the past two centuries from a global perspective. First, it shows massive educational expansion across all world regions, with a specific shift toward tertiary education and cognitive skills in the most advanced capitalist democracies. Second, focusing on the latter countries, it traces the relationship between educational expansion and labor market changes, showing that the trend toward advanced knowledge economies has coincided with a trend toward a “polarized upgrading” and feminization but underlines that occupational transformation varies across contexts (i.e., by welfare legacies). The chapter ends by discussing the implications of these changes for popular and economic demand for social investment policies and for the politics of social investment more generally. Increasing economic as well as societal demands for high-skilled labor shape the politics of social investment, by affecting the degree and kind of politicization of social investment as well as potential reform coalitions.

  • Bettecken, Julia; Kelle, Friederike Luise; Schneider, Gerald (2022): Les effets de confiance et de désaveu sur les acteurs politiques MAGNI-BERTON, Raul, ed., Laurence MOREL, ed.. Démocraties Directes. 1re édition. Bruxelles: Bruylant, 2022, pp. 301-311. ISBN 978-2-8027-7215-6

    Les effets de confiance et de désaveu sur les acteurs politiques


    This chapter introduces two concepts – brinkmanship and backsliding – to explain why integration referendums are frequently successful and why the unsuccessful ones have seldom had consequences for the incumbent leader. We argue that governments typically engage strongly in referendum campaigns, profiting from institutional advantages and the possibility to link their political fate to the outcome of the vote (brinkmanship). What is more, a bad economic situation seems to lower the chances of a positive vote, that is a vote in favor of the government stance or further integration steps. The EU’s growing influence over economic policy could account for this relationship. If the responsibility for the economic distress was attributed to the EU, this shift in responsibility from the national to the supranational level would also explain why governments who lose referendums do not systematically resign or perform badly at the next election. Finally, those governments who are defeated at the ballot box, often engage into diversionary strategy by distancing themselves from their campaign (backsliding). The chapter offers some anecdotal and statistical evidence in support of these behavioral patterns

  • Weber, Patrick M.; Schneider, Gerald (2022): Post-Cold War sanctioning by the EU, the UN, and the US : Introducing the EUSANCT Dataset Conflict Management and Peace Science. Sage Publications. 2022, 39(1), pp. 97-114. ISSN 0738-8942. eISSN 2577-9141. Available under: doi: 10.1177/0738894220948729

    Post-Cold War sanctioning by the EU, the UN, and the US : Introducing the EUSANCT Dataset


    The European Union, the United Nations, and the United States frequently use economic sanctions. This article introduces the EUSANCT Dataset—which amends, merges, and updates some of the most widely used sanctions databases—to trace the evolution of sanctions after the Cold War. The dataset contains case-level and dyadic information on 326 threatened and imposed sanctions by the EU, the UN, and the US. We show that the usage and overall success of sanctions have not grown from 1989 to 2015 and that while the US is the most active sanctioner, the EU and the UN appear more successful.

  • Traber, Denise; Hänni, Miriam; Giger, Nathalie; Breunig, Christian (2022): Social status, political priorities and unequal representation European Journal of Political Research. Wiley. 2022, 61(2), pp. 351-373. ISSN 0304-4130. eISSN 1475-6765. Available under: doi: 10.1111/1475-6765.12456

    Social status, political priorities and unequal representation


    Researchers on inequalities in representation debate about whether governments represent the preferences of the rich better than those of less affluent citizens. We argue that problems of high‐ and low‐status citizens are treated differently already at the agenda‐setting stage. If affluent and less affluent citizens have different priorities about which issues should be tackled by government, then these divergent group priorities explain why government favors high‐ over low‐status citizens. Due to different levels of visibility, resources and social ties, governments pay more attention to what high‐status citizens consider important in their legislative agenda and pay less attention to the issues of low‐status citizens. We combined three types of data for our research design. First, we extracted the policy priorities (most important issues) for all status groups from Eurobarometer data between 2002 and 2016 for 10 European countries and match this information with data on policy outcomes from the Comparative Agendas Project. We then strengthen our results using a focused comparison of three single country studies over longer time series. We show that a priority gap exists and has representational consequences. Our analysis has important implications for the understanding of the unequal representation of status groups as it sheds light on an important, yet so far unexplored, aspect of the political process. Since the misrepresentation of political agendas occurs at the very beginning of the policy‐making process, the consequences are potentially even more severe than for the unequal treatment of preferences.

  • Sumaktoyo, Nathanael Gratias; Muhtadi, Burhanuddin (2022): Can Religion Save Corrupt Politicians? : Evidence from Indonesia International Journal of Public Opinion Research. Oxford University Press (OUP). 2022, 34(1), edab029. ISSN 0954-2892. eISSN 1471-6909. Available under: doi: 10.1093/ijpor/edab029

    Can Religion Save Corrupt Politicians? : Evidence from Indonesia


    Does endorsing an Islamist agenda protect a candidate involved in corruption from negative voter evaluations? The corruption literature suggests that voter reactions to corruption are not unbiased and as such Islamist agendas could potentially mitigate the negative effects of a corruption scandal, especially in religious societies. The political Islam literature suggests that endorsing an Islamist agenda would not shield corrupt politicians from negative reactions of the voters. We directly answer this question through 2 nationally representative survey experiments in the world’s most populous Muslim democracy Indonesia. Our findings are 2-fold. First, Islamist agendas, in general, have only little effects on voter support for a candidate. Second, voters punish corrupt candidates equally, regardless whether or not they endorse an Islamist agenda.

  • Die Transformation zu einer hybriden Arbeitswelt : Ergebnisbericht zur Konstanzer Homeoffice Studie 2020-2022


    Die Corona-Pandemie führt zu einer tiefgreifenden Transformation der Arbeitswelt in Deutschland. Von jetzt auf gleich wurde für Millionen von Beschäftigten das mobile Arbeiten im Homeoffice zur Realität. Nach Zahlen des Deutschen Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW) arbeiteten im Mai 2020 etwa 35 Prozent der Beschäftigten von zu Hause aus (DIW, 2020). Das ist ein deutlicher Anstieg im Vergleich zu einer Studie von 2016, nach der nur 12,5 Prozent der deutschen Beschäftigten regelmäßig im Homeoffice gearbeitet haben und Deutschland damit im OECD Vergleich im unteren Drittel rangierte (DIW, 2016).

    In unserem Future of Work Lab an der Universität Konstanz begleiten wir diese Entwicklung seit Beginn des ersten gesellschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen Lockdowns im März 2020. Unsere Befragung wurde fortlaufend durch das DFG Exzellencluster „The Politics of Inequality“ (EXC 2035) unterstützt. Inhaltlich haben wir uns mit den Implikationen von mobiler Arbeit für einzelne Mitarbeitende, Human Resource (HR) Management und Führung sowie mit gesellschaftlichen Implikationen beschäftigt. In diesem Beitrag möchten wir diese vielfältigen Erkenntnisse aus der Konstanzer Homeoffice Studie nach zwei Jahren Forschung zusammenfassen und einordnen.

  • Mergel, Ines (2022): Innovationsfellowships als Sprungbrett für Veränderungen Innovative Verwaltung. Gabler. 2022, 44(10), pp. 9. ISSN 1618-9876. eISSN 2192-9068

    Innovationsfellowships als Sprungbrett für Veränderungen



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